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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. heard abit about that on OB post game show. Hope he is ok.
  2. yes we did. we had several games just like this in the 2003 win streak. Sask choked and gave up opportunity and we took some. But we made them count in the clutch. Ssk had all the momentum in the 2nd half in a loud home field and we still out executed them and took it. We also missed a fg, and kicked 7. excuses dont win games or over turn results. The refs were awful. Jones threw away his challenge on a horrible decision and that cost them the game. Good teams dont get beat by the breaks. They pressure the other team till they make a mistake and capitalize. Bearing down when the breaks dont go there way.
  3. yeah you dont score 1 td on offense and win many games. Rider pride better hide bomber blue coming through!
  4. Harris ran like a beast, drives me nuts we didnt get him the ball more. The OL is also very close to being 3rd star as a group.
  5. 1 medlock 7 fgs tnite, first miss but gaming winning fg from beyond 40 as the clock runs out. 2 mcduffie. 7-153 1 td 21.9 ypc. Could be the kind of guy weve been missing for a long while. 3 nichols 27/39 341 1 td. Protected the ball, 6 different wrs had a catch. 21 first downs, ended up nearly dead even in TOP. HH johnny adams. Had some bumps this week and the past few but had a huge clutch pick.
  6. Your right no D plays prevent for a game or a half. They will play soft cushion and come up and tackle the short under passes, which some people confuse as prevent. But our D does that a ton. Tor long played a match zone to a similar effect.
  7. i have a fear of him ending up here, so any thing that keeps him in ott is good by me.
  8. do you think hank would sit on the bench next year for harris? I have trouble seeing that, but maybe he holds out hope for a chance to get in at some point.
  9. Josh ranek was kind of a similar type of runner. Quicker then you would think and a ton of pop. The bus was a ton of fun to watch, the combo of him and chris fuamatu-ma'afala near the end of his run was great. Straight up, id take harris for basically every other team in the league. Better pass blocker, better catcher and multi purpose threat. Doesnt require a ton of carries to be effective. Very strong balanced back. For most team where the run is close to an after thought he keeps you handing the ball off some times and gives you the most on plays where you run. Which are the huge majority. Hes also a guy who can play teams if you need, or move out to sb. However, if your a heavy run team (even by modern cfl standards) a grinding back like messam who wears defenses down faster is more useful. The point where a defense gets worn down comes much faster with a back like messam. And he has the kind of run power to push the pile easily. Some thing harris doesnt do. he can push through a pile of second level guys, but he cant push the pile of lineman like messam can. To be fair, no one else in the league can. The mental questions around messam and slightly more advanced age is tough to quantify. But messam has only passed 1k combined yards twice in his previous 7 years. With around 1300-1400 both times. Harris, has only missed 1k combined yards on offense twice. First season he got no touches, 2nd year he just barely missed. While breaking 1800 yards in 2012. Harris has played 111 games only missing time once, for 2 teams. Messam has played 100 games over the same time. Only playing full seasons his first 2 years. He first year with no offensive use. That with 5 different teams. Not to mention 52 tds for harris, 21 for messam. In theory a back like messam could be better for a team like ours. In reality, the consistency, reliability, and durability plus the intangibles harris brings put him out in front. Now if we could have picked up messam in the off season and played a 2 back set with messam and harris, thunder and lightning we could be in an amazing position.
  10. ah i see. i dont follow the nfl much any more wasnt sure if it was time spent on the PR or what. Either way i could still see him catching on and playing teams, or waiting for an nfl offer for the next few weeks seeing if any team has an injury rash.
  11. Id take him. Wouldnt pay him a ton, but his blocking, and being un tackle able sure has a place. Especially with banged up bodies all over the place. Ive often wondered why teams have used him in the back field on goal line offense. Fridge style. He doesnt take the place of smith dressler or denmark when healthy. Or kohlerts pass port, but he could challenge the young imps for that last spot when every one is healthy and fill in well when not. He would also fit into our system brilliantly. Hes a strong possession guy taking the short passes under coverage the D gives then turning up and hitting people.
  12. Yeah. I really like his blocking away from the play. Have to wonder if he suffered mostly due to the change in qbs. Different qbs develop rapports at a different pace and with different types of players. But then weve seen plenty of imp wr's you who come in play like gangbusters for a few weeks then disappear. He may be another one of those. Wouldnt be surprised at all to see him pop up else where though. Im guessing no market developed for castillo. Medlock shook off some early season flutters and is right in his groove now. No point in holding on to castillo may as well give him a chance else where. Wish him the best. He deserves to be in the league kicking some where.
  13. Not a ton over what most teams have sunk into QBs. Probably well under what most teams with viable cfl vet back ups are paying.
  14. Isnt there a rule limiting the amount of time a player can sit on the PR? he may have used it up. But then I dont think he sat a great deal of time on the PR. Im a bit surprised by the move, and a bit excited. I could still easily see him catching onto another teams ST unit though.
  15. starting ni to qb. Durant backs up on 5 teams in the league easy. Durants certainly better then nichols or willy. But a sub mid tier qb who cant stay healthy is a good back up or a worry some starter. Muamba has hardly played and mtl cut him dont forget for cap saving. He may have once been an elite LB but he'd have to prove that he still is. Plenty of guys have short flashes in the pan, he certainly did play elite in mtl. Willy/nichols would start on the same teams in the league as durant, unless they were on the same team as durant. In which case theyd be waiting for boos and or an injury.
  16. with the much larger film industry in wpg, much much larger amounts of farming, trucking and manufacturing, id say we still more economic diversity. We just have far worse, more turbulent industries where as oil, even when its bad is still pretty good. (especially compared to farming and manufacturing.)
  17. Fair comparison would be bob irving. However, his appearances on cfl.ca and media in other cities begs the differ. Is there some one in another city like pederson making a living off the same type of work? With the same lack of objectivity?
  18. qb>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ni starter in the cfl. Would you like to trade darian durant for rory kohlert?
  19. Love cow town. Really gets expensive to live there though. For that money id rather live in bc again. Edmonton seems like winnipeg x1.5 to me. I was once at the down town bus depot and could have sworn i was in wpg back at the old bus depot before it moved to the airport. Idk how you see that. Wpg has a massive Filipino community, an African community that has very quickly grown to good size. The largest urban reserve in canada. Large, and old russian/ukranian community. Filipinos have spread pretty heavily through out the larger none wpg cities and into the small towns around mb. Where we also have the largest portion of hudderites and mennonites in the world. Plus a ton of mexican and french people. As a youth sitting in coffee shops on the weekends with my parents it was common place to be surrounded by a din of 3+ languages at a time. In the south end of the city the none filipino asian community is pretty large too. Having lived all over western canada Id say we are actually pretty diverse. Compared to the above low lands bc area, and many parts of alberta especially. In mid and up bc you find a mix of asian, and natives with a ton of dutch people.
  20. I actually see us in the cross over narrowly. A home play off game sure would be great though.
  21. if you think cost is going to be the primary limiting factor for a team that is in the the back of the play off race with qb struggles or a starter with injury concerns and no viable back up you might be too. Also, as pointed out in this thread earlier, its more like iirc 170k for the rest of the season. Some thing like 90k less then mtl paid for half a season of henoc muamba.
  22. 2 against the riders 1 lions 1 redblacks. 2 of argos stamps esks and the 2nd games against leos redblacks. I think we take the 2nd game against the argos, and one of the rest. Probably the esks. I like how our O and D match up against theirs. my 2 c
  23. Mmm idk, dressler has been banged up a lot this year and smith hadnt found a chemistry. I wouldnt say this group of WRs is horrific by any stretch. neither willy or nichols could find kohlert this year to save their lives. Nichols hadnt looked at harris at all going into last game. Where he finally got decent use as a pass catcher. Denmark in his stretch has been our best wr this year. Mayo has been good too. Willy certainly had more star power at wr. Plops offensive play call has also been improving with the season. Last game and the first hammy win really stand out to me. id love to know how either guy would perform with 100% healthy and best talent on the field. Im hoping more for the rest of the team to be healthy and on the field more then which qb starts. And for plop to continue to refine his offense.
  24. wbbfan


    I wonder who is next for woodley. Before the fight i would have said it should be wonder boy. Now maia has made a heck of a claim. But woodley wants a huge money fight, and isnt that kind of draw him self. I wouldnt mind watchin maia and wonderboy fight each other while woodley fights GSP but I dont think that happens. I hate to think of both of them sitting waiting for a belt shot.
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