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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Toronto is a win now market. They are a team with out a ton of cap space, they would have had to let ricky ray go to keep one of those guys. Do you think they can hold that team together with half a season of collaros at best, or harris? Harris has looked like a shade of his early season self since coming back from injury too. teams often choose the vet qb over the young guy in the cfl. Its job security and the fear of losing a sure thing at qb for a guy whose flashes may not be the real deal. Dont forget how people felt about willy not soo long ago here. Or a laundry list of young qbs who had a flash but where all sizzle and no steak. Would you want to bet your job on the young guy? I dont blame them for holding on to ray for dear life. Kilgore and masoli before they played us too. Hank and DD behind jeff garcia. Casey printers getting yanked for DD. etc.
  2. wbbfan


    idk how you accurately gauge how many ppl bought a ppv to watch a certain fight. Considering 500k ppv sales at 60 bucks is 30,000,000 I dont see that being true. Last i heard it had around 650k sales. which is 39m total. I dont think theyve had a sub 300k draw in a long while. Id say at most half of that would probably be the case. Certainly bellator will give him a call now that he is reportedly done in the ufc. And im sure they can dig up a few legit soup cans for him to fight. I dont know if he will ever have that kind of mma draw again though, after the beating by gall. Especially if gall doesnt go any where him self.
  3. Thanks sammy great break down. I really hope we dont have frederick off the active roster again. All he does is perform when hes in there. Id hate for him to be a guy we let go. Would be nice to see what Flanders can do in regular season action. But with the ratio Idk if that happens. We are tight on the DI spot even right now. I dont think we have the players or depth to start 2 ni wrs even if harris doesnt play.
  4. would love to add lewis. I think he'd fit great with what we do on offense too. But id be some kind of shocked if any other deals of any level happen.
  5. wbbfan


    yeah. when a camp talks about how "tough" a guy is, that tends to mean hes getting beat on by every one and not stopping when he should. Charged in like he thought he was johnny hendricks on the juice too.
  6. wbbfan


    toney was also a world champion boxer who fought multiple divisions. He got fat going up, but was still gifted and experienced. Punk looked physically more sloppy then any WW in the ufc. Idk how much of those 2 years he trained with all the injuries, but he didnt seem to gain much from it.
  7. wbbfan


    not just that they put a boxer against a wrestler. If james toney had fought some one like chuck it would have been a better fight, though fat toney would still have gotten crushed.
  8. this, and hes a big body whose good at blocking and doing the little things. Some thing we dont have much of at wr. Id like denmark to be on the roster but i guess its a good problem to have.
  9. Wish him well just not against us. Weve got 2 better returners and an army of better dbs.
  10. Cant compare the nfl and cfl like that Though. That style hasnt won a title in idk how long in the cfl. If a wr dives, lays out and just touches the ball its not a drop. Its easy to say if a wr touches it they should catch it. But a qb throwing wide or behind or leading the target into dense traffic will allways lead to plays that should have been hooked up that are not. Weve had a lot of that. Sure weve had drops too. But every game nichols had one where the defender should have caught it even by defender standards and muffed it. Nichols said after the game he threw to the wrong route. Dressler clearly ran different pattern and was expecting the ball out side, which is where you would want to put it on that play where its caught or in complete. So no.
  11. This is the trade i thought the thread was gonna be about xD
  12. wbbfan


    He didnt have a chance on the feet either. Clearly not a dive.
  13. wbbfan


    no. The heavy weights allways bring a big draw, especially HW belt. And it wasnt a particularly special draw at that. The difference is punks face looked like a sloppy joe sandwich after his fight xD
  14. if he has to fill in for any length of time for wild, people are gonna fall in love with the guy. Freak athlete with great football instincts and a motor that never stops. Hes super versatile too. Stepped in and looked right at home.
  15. wbbfan


    iirc it sold 750k ppv sales. Which is good, but not RR/gsp/brock good by any means. And it also had 2 heavy weight fights with name brand fighters and the hw title bout. Which allways brings more sells then it should. The way the ufc has done bonuses in the past have been pretty crazy though. Very arbitrary, though a big performance often brings more money. Gall probably got a nice lil bonus.
  16. they could be back ups on any other team with the hope of getting in and taking over. He played like one, at times. He was even fairly consistent with awful talent around him on O, and awful systems. But this year with the best talent he's had he didnt play like a no1 on a good team. Though the talent was certainly thinner and less effective early in the season. Still when his job was on the line he performed his worst. he wasnt really given any great number of chances. considering how much any luke warm qb gets in this league. But now, he will. whats khari jones record? what about hank? oh wait qbs dont get w/l records to them self because its not baseball lol. Hanks record this year and last has to be pretty high, so we should want him over nichols right? right? http://www.cfl.ca/2016/09/12/milanovich-i-see-drew-as-a-bona-fide-starter/ From maybe the 2nd best scout/developer of qbs in the cfl today. (wally will probably hold that title till he retires)
  17. Its gonna be really hard for TO to win that deal. Like, willy has to become an MOP, or heath retires before playing a game and we some how use the draft pick on tyson pencer or jade etienne again.
  18. thats the nature of the cfl this year. Amazing parity even with such a big difference between the stamps and riders. The difference between teams execution is much closer, mistakes are more costly then ever.
  19. Interesting to hear that we have no qbs under contract for next season. Could be big turn over for us top to bottom, plus the league too. I could see glenn ray and hank retiring. I could see us only bringing back nichols and bennett next year. wow bent him over the barrel. I wonder why the argos didnt want glenn? Maybe only a one year stop gap, but they have some guys and have shown an ability to scout qbs very well. They gave up a ton for willy instead, and considering they are in the race for the last play off spot at worst seems odd. Even if willy pans out and becomes the best he can, theyve still given up a ton.
  20. wbbfan


    thats soo ridiculous with some legit fighters struggling to pay for camps. Just insulting, especially to the great fighters of the past who pretty much fought for a sandwich.
  21. thats a good way to continually accept under performance and end up like the riders. Yeah if a wr has to dive to touch a pass, it isnt a drop. Nichols over leads and throws behind his targets too often. Not only does it make for tough catches on plays that shouldnt be, it leaves wr's vulnerable to defenders.
  22. WOW. just wow. Him being under contract for next season makes it a real head scratcher. I though it was a rental with him for half of this year with him trying the nfl in the off season. Thats incredible. Yeah johnson has been picked on in several games this year. Im not sure if either johnson or adams are really healthy. I dont want to see either cut, but mainly i want to see the best players on the field.
  23. He didnt start that year thats true. But he is still a part of multiple championship teams, and probably the best modern stable of cfl qbs. Thats one more then khari, milt or blink got.
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