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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Thats true, but people said the exact same thing about jerome messam. Some previous bomber greats have been considered locker room cancer else where. Its seldom a case of one guy being the problem. More often it crops up when teams struggle. A bad situation stews long enough and eventually some one evolves into a problem. I would not write off a good player on a bad team too quickly. Any time a long time starter comes to a team to ride the bench you have that potential. He can, but his info on the offense probably wont be more effective then our own scouting, and rich stubblers defense isnt the type where seeing all the cards will win you the poker game. The possible advantage with him is how well he would know the wr's and their tendencies. Which is also a heavy scouting thing.
  2. plenty of teams have won grey cups with inferior qbs to the opposition too. Even more so in the nfl, and ncaa. Qbing isnt remotely close to the impact on a team that the pitcher has in baseball. A goalie in hockey has a larger impact as well, they are on the ice the whole game, at any point in time the play could flip and bring a short handed rush down to their end. 2 on 1 even great goalies are in trouble. You cant compare football and hockey because of that. They play both ways, same with basketball. And baseball has 0 contact. Football isnt comparable to any sport.
  3. Id have frekerick starting, but i think thats probably the best core for this year.
  4. cant say that, far worse qbs like marcus crandell won grey cups. Hank is far worse in the clutch and has rings.
  5. who wants to play the grade the deals game? Bombers A MFing plus. Maybe a plus plus. Legit all star db, first round pick that could be top half of the draft then a depth pick to boot the next year. argos C minus. Got the guy they needed, but really over paid. Bombers B+/A. If glenn can be content to be a back up and doesnt cause a distraction, or if he takes over the starting job at some point its an A. Other wise it a B+. als B- They needed to move on to playing a qb who could be qb of the future for them. They got some solid NI value in the pick. But looking at what we got for willy says they should have gotten some more value then that.
  6. remember how masoli looked before he played us? But yeah, short of an injury or major poopage of the bed we wont see willy. Not to mention he doesnt know the tor system yet. But the defense for the argos will have a huge huge advantage now. They will know that we arent gonna run harris when we should and that all passes will be 7 yards or shorter. what ever will we do?
  7. mike kelly and chris jones make good arguments to the contrary lol. But yeah no players contract is ever that bad in the cfl. None guaranteed for almost half the season.
  8. yeah sounds a lot more like the fans booing him got into his head. Not the media.
  9. Maybe because our offense is under performing and glenn has thrown for 5 tds in one game this year against one of the better teams. Where as nichols has never thrown more then 3, as a pro. Take your blinders off.
  10. you either live long enough to see your self become the villain or die a hero. Hes no wally buono, but every other front office / coaching "genius" has had the shine rubbed off at some point.
  11. just not when he plays us. Its a very good situation for him. I hope he doesnt come back to haunt us.
  12. It was a hard choice before hand, who the best peices were to get on the field at DB. now with heath its got to be The deepest secondary in the league. Maybe some injuries arent healing as well as we would hope? Johnny adams, kevin fogg, terrence frederick, bruce johnson, julian posey, chris randle, and cj roberts. Thats 7 guys who could start, plus heath. Of that pool Id take randle, frekerick and heath as the best 3. Though fogg has been a big play machine and seldom bad. With his split usage though, I could see using him as the extra DB to keep him fresh. Crazy, considering hes probably the run away favorite for DROTY. Johnny adams and bruce johnson were 2 of the strengths of our defensive back field going into the season and have been very good here for a while. I think the best out come would be to trade some one or more then one guy and get value else where.
  13. This trade has raises some questions for me. Mainly, can or will glenn take the starting job? Glenn has the Raw tools to excel in this kind of system. Quick release, strong ability to find his best receivers especially in the clutch, ability to win the game and produce in volume. Nichols is the small ball, game manager and has shown strong ability of late to drive the field late in games. He knows the system and fits very well, hes shown strong intangibles through out his time, that winning mentality and attitude. On the down side, glenn is a gambler. He may lead the way to several blow outs, but he will also throw away games. Mean while with nichols we play close games that should be blow outs. All in all its a great situation to be in, so long as it doesnt become a distraction to the team. Its certainly better then willy/nichols. Some one to push nichols for once could be a good thing too. Hes stepped in for injured and failing qbs. But we havent seen him be the no1 and have a qb behind him pushing him. I hope that when the win streak ends and equalizes a bit nichols wont be un fairly thrown under the bus if he continues to execute at the same level. At the same time I want to see the offense finally produce at a high level.
  14. would you prefer hank or kg? For me, id much rather have kg. skill set wise 100%. Mentality is a gun slinger and likes to toss middle deep. Idk if his mind set can be over come. Very happy with our situation at qb though. Yeah hes the guy who wins or loses the game. Not like nichols who can manage a game.
  15. We won by a huge margin on both trades. getting heath thrown in is mind boggling. That pick could well be no 3-4 over all. Im glad it was glenn and not hank. But its a curious situation now. Glenn is a guy who can score a ton and win the game. Nichols is a game manager who fits the system. Glenn has the tools to execute the system at a higher level, much faster release, better middle + touch. But his mind set clashes with the system heavily
  16. xD atleast this should be the end of the toxicity around here... for now.
  17. Loffler was a product of a big d1 school but came to the cisu due to injuries. The massive impact fogg has had on returns + D maybe insurmountable. While loffler is less of a sexy stat guy and more of a hard hitting great timing football player. I can see fogg being gone and loffler here a long time. if we sign him to a long term deal in the off season i could see a lot of loffler jersys in the stands in the coming years.
  18. wbbfan


    Yeah i see a ton of that too. Gotta respect his heart, mma is all about respect, any one who doesnt like punk is a keyboard warrior etc etc etc. Im not sure if they are wrestling fan boys, or hype train hoppers or what. Punk was a punk leading up to the fight. Maybe he was trying to do the wwe promo thing, or be a diaz/mcG/sonnen/ etc but he missed terribly. And you gotta do some thing and have done some thing if you are gonna talk the talk. That was maybe the most one sided thrashing ive seen in the modern ufc. It looked like those early days fights where no one knew what to expect. And you had mcdojo instructors fighting brawlers and getting laid out. Im glad its over, and im sure its 100% over now in the ufc. If bellator wants to run him out idc. Sadly ufc events are getting thin now. With all the star power they crammed into a few cards it was bound to happen. Couple fights spread out im interested in. johnson poirier, cybro, lineker dodson, tybura lewis, bagautinov horiguchi, but the next couple monthes look thin.
  19. yes i made that same mistake in the half way point predictions. Fogg is considered a rookie. Itll be tough for any one to beat him out. We may have the 2 best rookies on D in the cfl this year though. Loffler has been dynamite. Fogg i could easily see going to the nfl next year, loffler I think we will have for a while.
  20. wbbfan


    Yep. I enjoyed it none the less. The utter lack of respect he showed gall, the ufc/mma and the WW division earned him that beat down. I expect this is the last we will see of punk in the ufc. Interestingly gall called out northcutt after wards. Smart move by him, its another big money fight and a guy at the right level with the right skill set to match up against. Miocic beat overoids in a thriller. werdum and browne went to a decision. And man wedum was throwing some silly stuff.
  21. go read the thread and break down on the actual salary nichols and willy will earn at this rate. Its simply not the case.
  22. both lochard and normand looked good. Id want fajardo too, but id love a deal around coombs.
  23. first star terrence frederick. A sack / tfl that forced a turn over when he was the only guy who could make the play. Ton of tackles, and some great coverage. second star kevin fogg, a huge strip, another td return called back. third star Dressler 7-135 with a few of our first downs. All round great play today. HH Was gonna go to jfg for that one deep catch, but im giving it to nichols for that clutch tackle on that missed fg return.
  24. Im not looking forward to the smith plays with him running sweeps and such 3+ times a game xD denmark has never been able to maintain that level of play out side of that season for any stretch of time. Smith is far more consistent with a better tool set. I like denmark, he should be on the active roster, but hes not better then smith or dressler.
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