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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. wbbfan


    wow the promo clip they are playing for gall vs punk. Punk says "hes been fighting soup cans and he thinks that makes him a pro..." just WOW.
  2. you dont need to have that guy, but it is a great tool to have. When your struggling like this, trying some different stuff and using some gimmicks can help. We have a package of stuff like that, i call it the smith package because we liked to run that stuff with him, and a few similar guys have taken the spot since hes been hurt. Id love to see the milt option toss some in the red zone. (the play he broke the td record on) Play action to harris, roll out, harris runs the shovel forward, a wr runs the option back and you have a wr cross the field maybe a fade on the play side. Ott under paopao used that stuff to great effect. would be a great position for davis. Both our depth qbs are more athletic versions of willy/nichols. You dont risk your starter/holder getting hurt and teams expect a qb keeper. that would of course be great. But in the cfl, it seems the only time you are at 100% is the preseason and maybe week 1.
  3. Its a little soon for that. I think frederick draws back in before long, he was our best db over the games he played. Loffler is gonna cost a good penny to keep around long term, if he doesnt get nfl interest which at this rate he will. I could see fogg getting interest as a returner alone. Over all our D line production hasnt been great for the guys we have there. The lbs and secondary are playing at a crazy level though. The future is certainly bright though. I do expect to see us come back down to earth a bit in terms of turn overs. But this D is really good with out the turn overs imop.
  4. they certainly do have a monster d. Its more of a front 7 d as opposed to ours which is lead by the back field and lbers. This has been an issue though through out the season and going back further then that. agree with that, you gotta throw it to the end zone in that range. Catches under neath coverage and before the end zone are what the D wants, unless you got nik lewis out there.
  5. wbbfan


    I dont mind punk wanting to switch to mma. But he shouldnt be starting at the top of the food chain. He shouldnt even be fighting in any of the low level pro circuits. ufc on fox 21 tnite, and its a good card for a fox event. lauzon miller, rawlings vanzant, olivera pettis, and maia condit. Really excited for maia condit. Im a big carlos condit fan, but maia is probably the hardest match up for him at WW.
  6. It seems like this has been a problem for a couple years. With multiple qbs, systems and play callers. We get, or start deep in enemy territory and end up settling for field goals. It made a first half against montreal much closer on the score board then it was on the field. But its been an especially troubling problem this year. All three of our qbs specialize in short-medium passes. Our wrs are banged up, but we still have seen impressive play out of the young guys. And we have fast guys, and kohlert who has great hands. Imop we could use a guy whose a psychical match up nightmare for fade routes in the red zone. Weve had success with that a hand full of years ago. We could run some shovel pass, play action roll out etc to create seams in the defence. Right now, with the level our special teams, and D are playing at we are knocking on the door of being an elite level cfl team. The ability to convert for majors and step on the throat of opponents is really the last big step for this team to make. We had a great late game drive to secure the game. It wasnt allways pretty but we made it work.
  7. probably when brandon dyson was here
  8. we easily got the worst of it for the penalties. Some awful PI calls. Doesnt help mos blew his 2nd challenge on a pointless play in the 2nd q.
  9. easy to forget with how he played when it counted. 70 rushing on 16 touches 61 receiving on 5 catchers. Dynamite for sure.
  10. great mix of catching and rushing, but the 2 fumbles lost really hurts. really border line between that and a star, but it was the 2 runs on that last drive that sealed it thats why i went HH. loffler made a real impact over the middle again. That hit was late and may well get him fined. But it seemed to get into the mtl wrs heads. Guys a real keeper.
  11. 1st star mo leggett. 2 picks a pick 6 and some really really good coverage again. 2nd star justin cole sack and a pick. Some good pressure tnite. 3rd star justin medlock. 5/5 and now 19 of his last 19 (iirc) HH andrew harris. Struggled early, came up huge when it counted. That td run was clutch.
  12. happens some times. arland bruce taking more money in TO comes to mind. Not allways flaling off the radar. Kinda rough when it happens.
  13. The challenge system has been really slowing down the games. Its a good change, though first half time outs arent treated with the importance 2nd half TOs. The real bog to the system is the time it takes for refs to make decisions. They need to be kept into the time line. If its taking that long there almost certainly isnt sufficient evidence to over turn. Thats an interesting idea. Id say any challenge after the first has the weight of a delay of game penalty.
  14. this game will be won and lost on the line, more then most games. Mtl tore us apart in the first meeting, and has a vicious front 7. If our OL can do half as good a job as they did last week we will be in a good position to win.
  15. there are actually 3 mongos in wpg. kenaston (the only one ive been too and it was really good) regent, and one on elice.' I cant believe foody goody is still open xD I remember blink taking the OL there after one of his early 100 yard games and them nearly eating the place out of business. I dont get why more cfl teams dont play 3-4 fronts. Not the american gap cancellation push the run side ways type. But some thing with a guy on each side who can cover. Itd allow soo much more flexibility in terms of zone, and deep cover help.
  16. hard act to follow for him. But the league has also seen some changes that are kinda controversial, I like the job hes done though.
  17. not just financially finding a back up thats willy or better isnt easy. This would be an awesome move if we can swing it.
  18. this i know a couple people who went projector and screen set up under 1500 and 2k and its magnificent.
  19. wbbfan


    2 years is kinda excessive. Considering it wasnt performance enhancing, and in brocks case the testing he popped on wouldnt have made any sense if he was using an un caught PED. 1 year is still pretty hefty. For jones who has substance abuse violations in the past makes a bit more sense. Though honestly i wanna see him defending his belt more then i want to see more lay and pray by brock. The ufc is putting out this doc on cm punk in pieces. I saw clips from his sparring sessions linked from one, and wow his stand up is some kind of horrible. Idk who has worse technical stand up skill brock or punk. Punk how ever doesnt have any of the extreme physical attributes brock does. Might have to bet to farm against on that one. Mickey gall is no joke.
  20. could be. Could be good for him. Cant say really. IIRC ricky ray was a strong starter and jason maas had to close games. Or it was the other way around. Usually, coming off the bench is easier as you dont have any of the pressure on you. But we wont know how he is till/if it happens.
  21. wasnt that also in the chris brazzel era? xD Thats a tough group to choose between. Gordon back then was burried deep under milt gordon and aj. Gordon was an excellent possession wr, a real pro. But didnt have the raw tools of armstrong. To pick one to win a single game with I would prolly take gordon/aj/milt. For a season or going forward with id take milt/edwards/armstrong.
  22. The two certainly have not had similar opportunities. The ol play, the health of wrs, the play calling has clearly opened up etc. Its hard to compare all things considered. As a team we havent done well with deep shots this year. Despite the amount of runs, and short passes we havent yet used that to set up longer routes. Maybe some thing thats coming in the 2nd half. Idk how i feel about willy coming off the bench. On one hand, i cant see it happening short of more great struggles from the offense. Or a losing streak. Or an injury to nichols. None of which i really want to see. I would like to see what willy has left and if the benching has lite a denmark esq fire under his butt or if hes mentally checked out. The thought of him going to another team and danny macing us in the future is awful. he certainly has the most potential between he and nichols. He really had nice touch on his passes. Some times qbs fall into a tendency of trying to throw a 40 yard pass on a 20 yard out. Forcing the ball, not relaxing in their mechanics and really trying to whip it at max velocity. And that leads to a lot of misses in the general area of the target. The disappearing act of his touch especially on greater then short passes could be due to that. Trying to over arm toss a ball can also cause it to leave the hand late, which brings on passes at the knees and lower. All of which could be fixed with a hard reset of benching. Its really all gonna boil down to, if he gets the chance, and if he has re found confidence. Relaxing and getting back to what he knows is what would bring him to his best level of play.
  23. bad teams make bad personnel decisions. They may look at spots and players as more one dimensional, and less interchangeable. Other wise i cant say. Maybe one of the green guys on the forum can shed some light on it.
  24. by the same team that cut denmark. By the worst team in the league who also cut our no1 wr and let walk our no2.
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