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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Dont agree with that. Its easily his best team, but this team should be better then its record. Mos has been underwhelming and not gotten the most out of any one. Not to mention MB at OC then going to plop. Both sides play too conservative. If he makes the play offs, he goes into next year as our HC. If not hes done. Same situation it was going into the season.
  2. was hoping we'd see more healthy bodies coming into the line up. Cant see foketi making our OL worse. Hope he shows some thing. And hope we get healthy in a hurry.
  3. "Easily controlled at the point of attack by a single blocker. Marginal pass rushing skills " westerman had 26 sacks and 45 tackles for a loss before coming here. he was a natural pass rusher and had been developing as one since he started college. Pass rushing is technique and skill more then size and athleticism. One need look no further then Hubbard for that.
  4. http://www.draftinsider.net/reports/2013/ILB/Andy-Mulumba "Expected to transition to linebacker at the next level. Fluid moving about the field, easily gets outside the numbers to chase the action, and shows ability in pursuit." " Easily controlled at the point of attack by a single blocker. Marginal pass rushing skills." 1 sack in 22 nfl games, 4.5 in 2 years of college. thats 5.5 sacks in 46 games. Has any one watched him play in college or in the nfl? He went to the nfl as a very raw guy with great natural ability. His skill set is similar to henoc muamba but better. Hes big for a mlb, but he easily has the quickness for it.
  5. He played both ends and both OLB spots, moved spots but played a rover position for the most part. He was not by any means a typical DE. Hes not though, he has the raw tools of a pass rusher but that hasnt been his game in college or in the nfl. Most DEs up here and college DEs that were too small to play the position in the NFL. not olbs. Olbs are not the main pass rushers unless the team plays a 4-3 over or an agressive pass rush 3-4. In the ladder case teams in the nfl tend to have a package LB thats used like lawerence taylor. Lining up from many positions and pass rushing, delay blitz, spy etc.
  6. if thats the case we should all cut off the bolt from our old gear and sacrifice it before LD/banjo bowl.
  7. He is big and he does roll at 260. Physically he's well suited to DE. but his tool set and what hes shown at LB though is imense. Hes not a natural pass rusher, and hasnt been developing that skill down south as much as if he was playing end. Lber to end is far from the hardest transition in football. But he has mostly been the olb in a 3-4. Not lining up over blockers much, ranging to make tackles, covering some TEs, etc. He has the up side of a better version of henoc muamba / soloman eleminian at mlb or even playing in a similar roll to bass. Hes the scrape to the ball, funnel the line to him kinda guy. Either way would be a great problem to have. But I think he's too useful down there to end up here any time soon.
  8. Imop aside from the digital camo those were the worst of our uni's all time. But i did like the streaking W logo.
  9. most likely, but mulumba has show a lot as a LBer and easily has the speed to play mlb in the cfl. Its a much better fit for his skill set.
  10. The couple times ive been to TO driving through the GTA was like driving down r90 from polo to past ikea on the day before christmas. never again.
  11. Wouldnt even know what to do with my self if one, little on both of these guys fell into our lap. Talk about an embarrassment of riches. Maybe a trade, ideally for an OL. With Mulumba idk how we bench any of our LBers. Or take loffler out. Maybe if he came up itd be time to take a long hard look at a 3-4? Cant see that change happening mid season though. His value would be hurt if henoc gets cut again too. Perhaps we could move him to DE? he lists like 260 which would have to be among the biggest LBers in the cfl. Bilukidi lists as a DE, but in a 3-4 system and at 310+lbs. Hes really athletic for such a big man, similar to when ron warner came back. Up here he could probably even play the nose. I could see him coming in and rotating quickly. We have 2 vets at DT but the production up the middle hasnt been great. He also is behind one of the better 3-4 D lines in the nfl. I dont expect mulumba here, maybe ever. Hes polished enough and young enough that plenty of teams would carry him on the roster in the nfl. Hes a viable back up LBer and good on teams. Bilukidi has shown some flashes with bull rushing and is still young enough for teams to want to keep around as a developmental guy. Being as big and strong with such impressive burst could keep him around a while. But at the same time having not shown as much as mulumba along with new freak prospects coming in every year makes it more important for him to show flashes early and often in TC. Looking at the fan forum and through some of the early reports down there, bilukidi seems way down the depth chart. Like an after thought or TCF. Some thing to keep an eye on and see how it pans out. http://forums.jetnation.com/forum/5-new-york-jets-message-board/
  12. i wonder how man seasons of every variation of star trek there has been. Ill bet its more then the simpsons has seasons. I wonder what more they could do? Im rewatching some of the kinda old stuff atm. Grew up on it pretty good stuff. Never watched the new movies or the last series with the guy from quantum leap/major league back to the minors.
  13. http://www.thesnap.ca/riders-leaving-mark-enemy-territory/ rider pr/pub at it again.
  14. yes the refs were a real problem and they are supposed to get the ball up to the line quicker now. Reviews still take 3 years though.
  15. its hard to argue with the first half production. Especially in the first quarter. We had awesome field position aside from the first drive and capitalized. 40 times are a funny thing. Some guys, like blink are incredibly fast in their first step and 10 yard burst. But lack top end speed. Those fast twitch guys will clear 10 yards in a heart beat un impeded. Others like chris brazzel, take long strides and accelerate much slower. Not hitting full stride till much later. Often in football refereed to as gears. a 2 gear/speed runner like milt is in stride and then accelerates/explodes. And then there are slow twitch athletes who will run all day at a similar speed level, like robert gordon. Between that and different patterns, and showing dbs different looks (burst-coast burst out of their break. Coasting start then hard in and hard out of their break etc) and dbs different coverages (press vs cushion and zone vs man) its not a constant how fast any one covers a certain portion of yardage. 40 time is also ran with no equipment, and some guys are track athletes who know how maximize 40 time but dont translate as well to game speed. And other guys are "football fast" who dont run as well in a 40 yard dash. Yac has been a big deal for a long time. But yac wr's dont come a long every day. Milt in the early 2ks when he went from a Deep threat to a yac guy. Wrs wouldnt be chastised in most cases for running X yard depth on a play unless they purposely cut short despite coverage. Weve allways seen lots of wrs cut short on 2nd down. Thats when you often still see passes go to where a wr should be and go incomplete while the qb gets up set. Or you see a pass go for 8 yards on 2nd and 10. Often times those are routes designed to flex in 2nd down situations. Some times a wr short cuts their route when they shouldnt. Some times they have to due to coverage, or pass rush. Some times a QB just under throws or is under pressure or doesnt have great arm strength and the wr has to come back to the ball.
  16. met him shortly after he arrived in wpg. Never a fan of his though he had some flashes in the league.
  17. its not just about passing yards its passing yards vs combines yards. If the opposing QB puts up 300 yards and less then 20 points they are going to have the kind of crazy one sided time of possession we fell to early this year. Its not a recipe for winning a lot of games. Especially when our offense is a slow plodding grind out first downs with short passes and runs type.
  18. We signed him as a dual purpose player, i imagine we gave him more money in base. If he didnt, he sure does deserve it. But the glimpses hes shown can easily get him an NFL deal after the seasons over too. His db play has been good but not great and his size is similar.
  19. Wouldnt say a decent amount. Last year he caught 22 passes and had 20 rushes in 18 games. This year he has 13 catches and 1 carry. In 2014 he had 42 catches for 529 yards and 15 carries for 97 yards. Hes on track for less touches this year then last year. In 2014, he only played in 14 games too.
  20. I bet hes out of ottawa by the end of the season. Mtl, maybe hamm if collaros doesnt come back to 100% or gets hurt again, or here. I really hope it isnt here.
  21. no. did you see their come back from virtually the same score in edm? In the 2nd half they started driving the ball and def were not out of it. That doesnt mean luck at all. We have a kicker who has a good ability to hit the deep kick and that can be a close tight hard fought game up to that point with a masterful drive to win. Khari put one together years ago with westy kicking a fg to win and it wasnt luck. It was execution. Score doesnt mean a whooping. Look at the scores early this year we lost some one sided games and had a close score. a pick. not 6 turn overs, and a return for a td called back to the 10.
  22. cant say he never will be. hes hardly been given any looks on offense. Brandon banks doesnt get much for looks on offense should hamilton replace him? Fogg is a db and doesnt have any impact on offense.
  23. Thats how its allways been. 20 yards is the american game. The up rights being right on the goal line makes the difference in yardage. Its also the spot when you have a touch back, etc.
  24. Out teams best game under mos imop. Amazing kick coverage and excellent field position all game. Very good execution and decision making returning the ball. Fogg is more explosive. Which is saying some thing. Mcduffie is more of a steady consistent gainer. Imop mcduffie is good bet for a DI that can contribute on offense. We have only just begun to use him when he got hurt. Doesnt hurt to have both guys, and be able to throw both back to prevent kicking away from a return man from time to time. Or even using one to try and block a kick off the edge. Some thing we did deep in the past with blink after he stopped being a full time return man. And milt a couple times too.
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