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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Sure they are, look at some of the bomber games the last hand full of years. Bad teams lose to luck, good teams win with luck great teams win no matter the breaks, and lose because of execution. That many turn overs, we have some play makers but that was the real turning point that kept us in good field position. That and teams. Teams was a lot more superior execution. We did a masterful job of maintaining the most dangerous return man in the league while getting great production our self on returns. But when you win a game with such a heavy split on scoring per half, with soo many points off turn overs, and with soo many chances to land a killing blow past up youve gotten lucky. Not often is that much of your offense going to come off turn overs. Does this team have the skill to step up and repeat that quality of performance and improve on it? yep. And a big part of that is going to be consistent execution on offense. Still no reason for any D to respect our run game or deep ball.
  2. wbbfan


    The pride entrances were awesome. 12-6 elbow rule, knees to grounded opponent, the cheesy hand on the ground to prevent knee/kick. Pokes to the eye. Most of jon jones arsenal basically. They are well on the way to fixing most of those problems and I imagine in the long run they will fix them all. I would be OK with soccer kick to the body, and what the sport really needs is a new scoring system. That and ref/judges that are MMA specialists. Still see some horrible scores and decisions. Oh, and a real solution to weight cutting. I like what ONE fc is doing but its a start not the finished product.
  3. Yes if you drive from deep in our end and kick a fg out side of the red zone thats good production. If you get the ball on the 30 and kick a fg that is not. The STs ability to execute and off set poor offensive play doesnt mean the offense played any better. That 2nd half challenges for the worst half we've had on offense this year.
  4. 35 yards is the cfl red zone. fan doenst mean you cant be objective and realistic. A couple things this thread lacks greatly. As long as we win it was all willy. When we lose the same people will be calling for nichols job quickly, and saying performances like this were a product of D. You think it was 0% luck that masoli did a better chance of giving the ball to us then to his own guys? Or that we had the ball on hammy side of field on almost all our scoring drives? Nope course not. We won qb did it. We lose? qb did it. I hear nichols cleared up the storm too.
  5. what? The tackle isnt allways the primary blocker in a tackle/off tackle run. In a zone blocking play the play side tackle may go to the 2nd level while the center and guard slide to that side. When you pull a guard as in a trap. trey or counter play thats your primary blocker. Or in those situations i poster its the FB/H-back who seals the end for the rb. In the cfl you dont see Lbers on a run blitz/blitz in running situations too often. Its usually a DE thats making a play like that in the back field. Drawing it up like that you need to seen a pull blocker or have a lead blocker as its too easy for the DT to slide and close a B gap. You cant control if the DT is going to line up in that gap, over the OL twist etc which would all nullify a tackle going to the second level with out the added blocker. What you see a lot in recent years on tackle/off tackle runs is the offense having a slot back in motion late and providing a pinch block to help the tackle seal the edge. Its easier to do that and have the opposite side guard hit the second level and seal the MLB>
  6. Its allways been a heavy advantage to run a hurry up offense. It how ever takes a great deal of co ordination and smooth fluid communication from all the players and the sideline. The best offenses in modern cfl history for the most part will use sub packages and set up plays (screen passes then hitch n go, pump n go etc) to get the defense to change personnel. Some D rotate players regularly. Like our DL. You get a favorable match up and go right into hurry up to force the D to stay in that favorable match up. It also gets you to the line fast enough that the QB can read coverage and change the play or tweak it. Or Do a run up. Where it seems like the offense is about to snap but doesnt. This forces the D to tip there hand and often times if they have any thing tricky called to return to a base form D. But like i started with, that is very hard to run. If you can execute a high up time hurry up offense you can do any thing you want on O. Some teams have done that for short yardage, or Under some previous coaches we'd go spread package no backs and try to thin out the defense. The idea being its 4 DL on 5 ol and a qb. Again you have to have an over power OL to pull that off. And if you can pull that off normally a traditional heavy set wont be any harder. Our offense with both qbs has looked its best in hurry up. But cant yet sustain it. But with the constant shuffle we have seen with offensive starters its hard to build the consistent communication and execution to pull it off.
  7. wbbfan


    pride was great. Roidzin not soo much. Its like the ghostbusters remake of mma.
  8. kicking a field goal when you start in field goal range is not red zone conversion.
  9. if willy had done the exact same thing in nichols spot every one would be singing the praises of the D and Sts and wanting willy run out of town. The D and teams played great and we got lucky.
  10. whats better for the blue/league here? The league could use parity, have a season where all the teams are in the play off hunt in the last week would be great. On the other had F#$% the riders.
  11. weve won the turn over battle most of the season. But yes with that many, a pick 6 and a return for a td called back to the opponent 10 yard line and an average starting position of around center field you had better.
  12. Certainly. The schedule gets softer now if we can get healthy we can make a real run.
  13. Any thing you say before but, doesnt count. Hammy had the exact same kind of come back last week, it is some thing we should have worried about. The game is on the line till the whistle is blown. The red zone production was still poor despite the 2 early tds. Nichols gets way too much credit for a game the teams and D won.
  14. Nichols 2nd half was one of the worst offensively weve had this year. The D and teams won us the game. should tell that too how many coaches have been fired and qbs run out of town in the years post dave ritchie. fans stop showing up like they have and suddenly pressure is hot and heavy on management and thats put off on coaches. And then down on players. We Didnt really protect the ball in the 2nd half though, nichols toss a pick 6 that was flat out dropped.
  15. Thats the type of attitude that leads to long losing streaks. You dont often get that many turn overs and amazing returns on teams leaving you starting at center field all day/ NO game in the cfl is over at the half. One needs only look back to last week edm and ham to see that.
  16. do you think we will win more then we lose giving up more passing yards then our combined offensive yards?
  17. Im talking about the 2nd half and over all in terms of field position. How did we leave a ton on the field? We had amazing field position and put up little to nothing out of several opportunity as i listed. They didnt stack the line. When the D/teams gives you the ball in FG position and you put up a fb the offense doesnt get positive credit.
  18. your right. Which is just over half the length of the field. that 7 play drive was also our longest iirc. in every other game this year that would have had us in fg range. Our td drives came from there 10, our 43 and there 39. Mean while we punted after starting from our 55, kicked a fg after starting on the hamilton 17, and a fg after starting from the ham 37. punt after starting at our 41, fg after starting at our 54, Point is, nichols put up points but in situations he should have, and with gift wrapped field position left a ton of point on the field.
  19. nope. Those 2nd half numbers were as bad or worse then willys worst halfs. With a dropped pick 6 too. Never had a long drive or drove the lenth of the field. Barely half the length on his longest drive.
  20. nichols had 3 drives over 30 yards and none over 60 yards.
  21. http://www.cfl.ca/games/2300/hamilton-tiger-cats-vs-winnipeg-blue-bombers/#playbyplay 1. plays #84,85,86. 2 and out. First drive 3rd quarter. 2. plays #114,115,116. 2 and out. First drive 4th quarter. 3. plays #131,132,133. 2 and out. 3rd drive 4th quarter. 4. plays#151,152,153 2 and out. 5th drive 4th quarter. hes just mistaken. 1 isnt a huge difference, but 3 2 and outs when we badily needed to drive the field in the 4th. 1/4 15 yards in the 3rd quarter passing. 4/6 36 yards and took a Time count penalty. so 5/10 51 yards and a time count when we were deep in enemy territory for the 2nd half.
  22. yeah he did. But when teams are 2nd or 3rd and one and dive, thats I form. Or when they go goal line. MB loved to run draws and dives out of the gun/pistol in the red zone too. Never worked well for us.
  23. cant believe the dc fanboys are trying to get rotten tomatos shut down for all the negative suicide squad reviews.
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