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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. I dont think any excuse will save mos if we miss the play offs this year. I dont think he gets canned before LD.
  2. really liked what hubbard has brought, especially on teams. Mayo has looked good in limited action but understand that move. Getting awful tired of JFG being run out there to do nothing. The secondary is beat up. Atleast we get a look at loffler.
  3. edm let go of damon allen, matt dunigan and more, do you think they regretted it through all those championships? Calgary didnt retain flutie, garcia and hank and kept it going. That was in pre cap era. Teams cant afford to keep a premiere back up qb any more. should tell that to chicago cubs fans.
  4. he left as a fa after narrowly missing out on leading the league in rushing last year. The problem isnt with harris. How durp does one have to be to see a rb getting hit in the back field every other play to say hey that rb isnt good enough?
  5. later in the years it was average or worse. But not in the first hand full of his best years. When dave mudge was the best ol in the league the ol was a strength of the team. Your missing the point. If willy threw 3 tds and 2 picks every game we'd only win with a much better team around him. 2:1 was the gold standard 1:1 has never been a good way to keep your job.
  6. He did, but he didnt do that alone. He did it with the best OL this team has fielded in some 25 years, the best rb and wr in history. 29 pics isnt ok. Thats pretty much guaranteeing you average 2 turn overs a game. During his prime years he averaged over 2 pics per 3 tds. For his career almost 3/4 of a pick per td. Henry burris has a considerably better td/int ratio. You only win with a great team around you when your tossin that many balls to the D.
  7. thats true. All though harris cant play that style. We keep trying to chip block with tiny wr's and run junk that wouldnt work with any one less then messam, nik lewis and a couple others in the league.
  8. QFT. half the tsn group is just awful. When jock strap is in the middle to top half you know things are bad.
  9. mcduffies hands havent proven to be nearly secure enough to trust in the back field as of yet. Running dressler out of the back field with an injury isnt a great idea either. Ottawa is a successful offense. people know this, they have tons of wrs. Teams will respect what they show till its shown that you dont need to. We are not in the at situation. What we use has to work and work well and it will still take teams a while to respect it if it does. Putting another man in the back field and one that cant block will just mean another defender spying or rushing the back field.
  10. generalities and proof less anecdotes dont prove any thing. Willy has had more game winning single plays / drives then losing. Willy has been good at protecting the ball he and the offense has been ineffective through out games and failed to consistently put up drives and points through out the game. Glenn had a mixed bag. he won some games and lost some games. People just have an easier time remembering the bad from an era. Khari gets this great rose colored glasses treatment despite throwing a TON of pics every year.
  11. we dont have a legit 2nd threat at rb or a strong blocker on the roster to make that work. We cant dress flanders as we are allready spread thin with injuries.
  12. pretty much. All though we did see some flashes of better adjustments and planning against hammer, over all the offense doesnt do any thing to keep the D honest. If we mixed in pump and goes, play action boots, did runs more then up the gut, some shovel itd go a long long ways. Nichols is certainly more the type that will take shots but is also more prone to turn overs. And a qb working against the system seldom works.
  13. no not really. Thats old henry burris. Neither is great at coming up with the game winning score, but they arent the guy that tosses the game away in one play.
  14. Thats a part of it. We should be running more of the counters, counter traps, sweeps, quick toss, veer, off tackle etc. Just not the same up the middle and draw plays. Some Shovel pass with harris would be great too. I think its more then that though. Plenty of other teams in the league get better production out of their OLs with out strong and consistent running game.
  15. Bloated trying to do too many things at once. Misses the point of batman and the BvS fight in dark knight returns 2. Kills more innocent people then any of the bad guys in recent dc movies. Terrible choices in casting and story line. If the DCCU doesnt correct course quickly the over loaded fast paced production schedule will be crushed under its own weight.
  16. and why is he getting 2 yards per carry? Willy has the tool to succeed but he doesnt? You under rate other teams OL. A good ol that works as a unit can bring a guy off the bench they know who knows the system and make it work. A poor OL that isnt playing as a unit is never 1 piece away from fixing things. And the OL is performing the worst of any in the league.
  17. If he reaches the the end here another team will pick him up. A lot worse see recycling in the cfl.
  18. how do you explain andrew harris?
  19. a great motivator too. A poor judge of talent and at most every thing else. Hes a great guy to have as a Cord under a tough vet coach to off set the heavy handiness.
  20. Yep, and brought in 90% of the turn around talent put in the system etc and got fired after 1 season. still pisses me off.
  21. show up despite how poor they play and cheer our hearts out. dont just become toxic and dont just disappear. Blue and gold till im dead and cold. Not till the team turns around like a toronto fan.
  22. His win rate yeah not far off but this team despite him is drastically better then reinbolds. I might take any HC in the league over mos. And a good hand full of co's. His team had prolly the least talent of any ive lived to see. He was soo out of his depth and wearing all the hats.
  23. badum tss. Some good zingers in this post though. Words cant express how much better i feel about this team then the dark ages with reinbold.
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