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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. wbbfan


    Not when youve been ripped your whole adult life. Lots and lots of guys are natty and ripped at that age when they start early in adult hood or teens. He also didnt test positive for a PED, he tested for some thing that limits estrogen in the system. Its a counter some guys go to that use micro doses of steroids, or drugs that cause the body to produce more T. If he had been cycling that too, he would have tested positive at some point in that test period for elevated testosterone. Steroids have a lasting effect, Muscles commonly shows advanced recovery for 6-8 monthes after the end of the last cycle on a micro dose. To be honest, the testing system needs tweaks but ufc fighters need tested and proven clean sources of supplements. The amount of contaminated and out right dishonest ingredients in over the counter stuff is crazy.
  2. thats about the only other way to use it. Your not likely at all to get through. If you watch fighters corners yell and see how seldom fighters are able to take any of it in its the same thing. Its a white noise effect. Few people hear or take in much in those kinds of circumstances. Thats also assuming our oc/spotters can see it right away and re act with some thing comprehensible quick enough to leave time for the qb to look and throw it that way. personally i dont think willy has the cerebral nature to make use of any in play advice. Especially the half rattled knock around guy he seems when things arent going well.
  3. Often times old school coaches with go back to basics like this with an under achieving group. Not to mention 3 of our ol are pretty wet behind the ears in the cfl.
  4. when thing get rough, it gets toxic in here. Lots of people wanted dave ritchie fired too. Fans here are quick to drink the hatorade. I dont think there is any chance any one gets fired, cut, or benched of impact before LD.
  5. Could be. The flashes theyve shown though especially in the one win gives me hope. Maybe long term goosen is a guard not a centre. I think a healthy keeping would make a big impact for us.
  6. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/wylie-trying-to-work-his-magic-387662101.html A great read. I think it points to a few things. The problems on offense arent 1 dimensional. Every one is sucking a bit. Save for maybe andrew harris. I think he's right and that personnel isnt our biggest issue. Makes me wonder if some of our guerrillas on the line just arent picking it up quick enough. Chung has had some bad plays, as they all have. But he and bryant have also had the most big plays for OL. As goossen matures and gets better with communication and switches i think we will see a great improvement on the line. Dave ritchie used to talk about new guys and changes needing time to gel, even though he was the most vet friendly coach in eons around here. Time and experience together may be what this team needs. Or maybe a shake up. Either way great read and a flicker of hope remains for improvement moving forward.
  7. terrible idea to try and talk through the play. Ever have a boss that hovered over your shoulder and micro managed to the greatest degree? Doesnt work well. Even worse when your getting chased by 250-300lbs guys with vicous intent.
  8. wbbfan


    also of interest hunt is demanding half brocks salary or hes gonna quit the ufc.
  9. wbbfan


    thats what i imagine will happen.
  10. wbbfan


    very much so, but since it was pre event testing it was probably only a single test or he tested for some thing borderline/masking. Other wise he would have been pulled ala jon jones lyoto etc.
  11. Yeah. When the D over load blitzes as long as they clog the middle and force em to run around the end thats fine. But when the D gets pressure with 3 and 4 man fronts week in and week out its a bad sign.
  12. how are all these people calling for willys job and not for harris job?If the OL isnt the problem and willy is that wont fix the running game. But then that wont fix the softest secondary in the league either. Or 0 ability to get any pass rush with out blitzing.
  13. QFT and khari before him. Its amazing how many people think the way to create a winning team is to have a mad carousel at QB till you strike gold. There is a reason why willy is struggling to do more then complete more then quick passes, and why harris is having his worst stretch running the ball too. It aint qb. Willy is no HOFer, and i doubt he ever develops into one. but he isnt whats stopping us from winning.
  14. any one gonna watch the new ghost busters? Ive had no desire or interest but the reviews and hype/hate around it alone is pretty entertaining.
  15. A great deal longer then the patience or attention span of the average bomber fan.
  16. I dont mean for an impact on D. I mean for corney progressing. Agree with a corney at 100% greene ends up on the PR in a few weeks.
  17. i bet this is right. Sts and used moderately on D to ease him into game action. Maybe a week or two of this. this x1000. Rotating guys is huge. I wish it was corney as the 3rd man though. I reaaaaallllyyyy like what hubard brings. I really hope it isnt MO returning kicks. When we have dressler and smith and harris just doesnt make sense. Wish mayo was coming onto the roster too. That guy needs some more play time.
  18. < wow nerd. Never played pokeman seems like the biggest thing in a long time though. Any thing that gets kids out side and movin is a great thing in my books.
  19. yep. Blitz is such a miss understood word in the fandom.
  20. wbbfan


    they can have her. tired of the DNB moonlighting as a fighter and getting soo emo for 1 loss. http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2016/7/11/12154004/ufc-200-and-tuf-23-finale-salaries-17-fighters-break-100k-mark Salarys including win bonuses. If the fertitdas didnt stay on in a small capacity dana wouldnt, if dana didnt joe rogan wouldnt. The new owners want a turnkey business to start paying down on some of that gajillion dollars they paid. Its gonna be interesting to see what new ownership does. Better rights and pay for fighters? end of reebok? less events with higher quality? More events with even less? Maybe finally push for a rule over haul, weigh in / weight cutting fix, or will they stay the course and milk the cow.
  21. wbbfan


    Yeah the bottom half of the event was decidedly better then the top half. Brock looks like he could still beat any of the one tool HWs. Jds, roy nelson, arlovski, or browne. Jds is on the up swing. Big country would be interesting. he does have strong wrestling and bjj skills but he never uses them in mma. Doesnt matter what you can do in the gym. If they wanted to throw him a warm up fight this would be a good match up. Arlovski also wouldnt be a bad choice. 2 former champs, very high chance of a finish either way. Frank mir could be a possibility. Trying to create a draw but i dont think itd be a good fight. Josh barnett would be interesting. A tough match up for brock for sure. Stefan struve may finally be healthy and good to go now too. Id put browne against struve for the re match. JJ is a favorite of mine. Shes incredible and a lot of fun to watch. Silva was bait for the crowd. It was sad. Though for a half second i saw a glimpse of the old confident and deadily silva. Then DC went LOLNO and took him down for the rest of the fight. I would have cancelled that fight and pushed it back to NY or some thing. 2 days is a joke. I was thinking the same. Aldo hasnt looked that lean and ripped maybe ever. Really looked like the aldo of old too. I was surprised how focused and balanced he was. Still plenty of time for his post test to come up dirty xD
  22. wbbfan


    Tate had to weigh in naked with people holding a towel around her to make weight, and still barely made it. Again. As soon as ufc 200 ended new weight cutting rules came into effect. Not 1 fc strict but its gonna be enough to push a couple people out of weight brackets. Hendricks and tate the least of which. Imop the ufc will have to create another womens division. Tate and cybro will fight for that strap. The next fight for nunes is either holm, or very likely julianna pena. Holm fights schevchenko july 23. So all three would line up. tate imop will be on medical leave and not be up in time for a rematch, and she shouldnt get an instant rematch any way. if she could make weight. IF she is able to make weight or the ufc drags their heels on forming a new womens division, then tate fights the winner of holm vs shevchenko. Nunes fights pena. Winner v winner loser v loser. Of course RR could still factor in. If she comes back I think the ufc throws her right into a title match. I wouldnt, id throw her into a warm up fight first. That combo would also mean cybro doesnt have a big match up for a while. If the ufc does form another division then tate goes up, rr could take her place vs holm.
  23. wbbfan


    yep bad judgement. now the fw division is all up in the air. But with how hard it was for tate to make weight and the new rules in place after 200 I think they will have to add a division.
  24. wbbfan


    i dont blame people for saying that. Not a lot of thrilling fights. Its nice to have such quality fighters and match ups top to bottom though. Brock crushed in r1/r3. Looked sloppy on his feet though, as allways. and r2 was a joke. Fight of the night might take place in the stands. Like when the event was hosted in wpg.
  25. yeah ive seen some of the old games like this. Mostly from what i recall in the eskes era.
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