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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. He does have up side dont get me wrong. Hes a good athlete and he can lay an impressive hit. He sells out for hits 100% of the time though. This is why the riders wanted him at LB. I think if he played a none sam lb position that'd be a lot better then S. I can see why he'd be worse at sam then S. Clearly a guy worth having around based on ST play a lone. Hes kinda demond washington 2.0
  2. logic? here? now? no, this is the time for toxic sentiments, rash decisions, and a trigger finger!
  3. Oh yeah that was a mess too. Are we the only team he hasnt coached?
  4. Played in counts being a back up holding a cup of coffee. Banged up in 05, and in 06. Missed grey cup game in 07 due to injury. Back to riding the pine playing through injuries in 08 (was banged up and playing poorly through when dinwidiie "took" his job) later years back to riding the pine and banged up last year again. Thats the fun thing about stats, drew willy is 2nd in the league in passing yards and 3rd or 4th in tds. But most people in the city want his head. So Benc in sask, bench first year here. injured, injured, injured when it matters most, back to bench started a season and stayed healthy in hammer, then back and forth to the bench and starting before being a bench guy. And hurt again.
  5. Yep worman. Fired in preseason in 2014. Reading about the dicking around and quick changes that happened with offensive coaches is crazy. Worman, schonert, garcia, calvillo and dinwiddie. Shuffle shuffle shuffle.
  6. haha omg xD I could see him shambling down to that locker toom to tear a strip off these young whipper snappers. Thatd probably be about the best of whats out there yeah. I just wouldnt want to automatically saddle up to him in the off season. didnt they fire his oc in TC?
  7. Then you'd have 1 man uncovered the entire time, or no deep cover at all. Most cfl Ds use zone situationally. Match zone on blitzs, prevent etc. The same is in man coverage the fast majority of the time. Thats why its virtually allways a converted DB/S.
  8. Since when did he start playing OL? And coaching D?
  9. they are riders fans. of course they have nothing better to do.
  10. If mos is axed mid season, there isnt a good choice imop. Id rather us pull a mystery card and bring in some one retired for half the season or whose out of football atm. And leave every one else where they are.
  11. any time you can add 3 NIs and all of them are good sters its been a good day. At first i was like more lbers!? but both are pretty versatile. Especially Tuck. Tuck and player are really solid nabs.
  12. your safety leading the league in tackles is not a bright spot.
  13. as baseball and analytics their have shown raw numbers ba/hr/rbi. arent that valuable. How you get there obp/ops/babip is more effective.
  14. A db leading in tackles is usually a sign of a bad D actually. ala wes lysack. When that person is also the worst tackler your in real trouble. If we played the 2/3 qt like we do the 4th we'd be going 18-0. Some adjustments to the line, time to gel, a lil fire from mos, and the hurry up could turn things around here real quick. Not playing 10 yards off in coverage would help too.
  15. yeah but people who dont understand what quantify good/bad blocking, tackling vs alignment errors, and poor play calling have to blame some one. Dont you know losing is 100% qb and winning is who ever looked flashy?
  16. if we do i hear alex moran is available. lol yeah he would.
  17. thats nice. And what does willys 6k/30/9 stat line get us? 0-18? production can come from system, circumstance, support etc. And what does an injury prone qb get you? The same thing dunigan, and buck got us. Hall of tub fame doesnt win games or make you a contender.
  18. contacted 12 times in the first game career high. nuff said. and willy is on track for about 6000 yards 30/9 at risk of helming the worst offense in recent blue history. stats dont make mops. Steady team leading best in the league play for a year does.
  19. 3 guys who are all ice tub team. Some success with very good teams around them and still cant stay on the field. The only thing you can rely on them for is to not be healthy or ready when it counts.
  20. Have you ever played qb? ever been to a qb camp or run an offense at any level? The best players, have great players around them. And work as a unit. Go look at good passing games this year by any qb watch the time they get and compare.
  21. its 100% true. Production does not mean one qb is better or worse then the other. Right now willy is 2nd in the league in passing. But our off passing or other wise is worst in the league. Collaros was good last year. Not mvp good. Collaros has only dressed for 18 games once, and that was with being the back up at the start of 2013. Him and glenn are higher quality players, who cant stay healthy to save their life. Ability to be on the field is a major limiting factor. 2 guys you cant rely on as starters.
  22. No it isnt. If he was being indecisive and holding the ball too long youd soo low completion percents, double clutch and pumps, re reading and re checking both sides. No time for any of that. Hes been getting rocked 2.5 seconds and faster post snap. How much of a play do you think has developed in that time?
  23. Situational awareness is not the same thing as pocket presence. Pocket presence is the ability to step up in the pocket, feel the pressure, go through your read progression. Situational awareness is the ability to manage game clock, read pre snap and post snap D and spot tenancies. The line has looked awful. Do you know what to look for? do you have any idea how long it takes for a play to develop? or the plays we run to develop?
  24. Lets see a link. Calgary cut through our line with only 1 stunts. Mtl cut through with 3 man rushes at times. Is it willys fault harris gets no holes or help from the line either? When your getting 2.5 and less seconds and no established pocket you dont have time for progressions. That said if he was locked in on one guy, we wouldnt have virtually every wr catching a pass. Hot routes focus on your best players. You dont just throw out a play for every wr rotating every down. The only passes he's been missing is medium long to long. With rushers in his face and the pocket collapsing.
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