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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. I dont think any DC is gonna make a massive difference with how long our D is left on the field. But It would certainly be a step in the right direction. Id much rather see him replace mos then plop.
  2. How do i figure? We have maybe the best OT in the cfl, 2 former 1k wrs with young guys shining brighter. We have one of the best rbs in the league. One of the best young Olmen in chung too. We have lots of guys who have been highly productive cflers. Neufield, for instance and hardick has been better. When willy isnt pressured like mad he tosses the ball around well. Weve had terrible qbs before guys who couldnt beat the prevent. Plenty of em. We have 2 proven high quality vets at each dt spot and one of the best rush ends. We have proven Lbers and proven dbs. The team is playing drastically under the sum of its pieces. What int ol do you think we are gonna get?
  3. with the dung comes the flies. feels bad man. Talent wise i feel like we arent far off at all.
  4. I imagine so, and hope soo. If in 3 weeks we arent getting it done that might change though. Im hope full tomorrow though.
  5. this offense is allready very different then last year. I think lapo has a good bit to say in what we do and how we do it.
  6. durant has 4 more completions then ray has attempts and the argos are rollin to a win. He sure isnt the ricky ray of old. But in the cfl you can never write off an old qb. Danny mac, damon allen, hank etc did too well in their last hand full of years.
  7. thats interesting. and oddly specific coaches dont usually out stuff like that. Id expect calgary is thinking to same of willy though. He hasnt been a guy to look off a wr and was pretty dead red on his primary read last week.
  8. yep he missed him and chances are strong that would have been a td. not 100% but pretty strong. That corner route went right between the hands of smith. Thats a drop. That and mcduffie deep over the middle, probably a score not as strong as smith but with his speed pretty good chance. The 2 to smith could have been thrown better and made it easier to catch for certain. Those are drops but not 100% on smith. And the one to mcduffie is not 100% his fault. Thats a ball he should have, but that wasnt a the quality of throw that should be expected of willy or any qb earning that money in the cfl.
  9. maybe your right and its this era in the cfl. The nhl first for sure. But the nfl and mlb for certain still release the specifics. Could be that the low/upper body injury and day to day till other wise is the future. But before this group running the bombers it wasnt like that. personally it doesnt bother me if they go upper/lower or if day to day is week to week. So long as it isnt out of the blue that persons gone for half the season. Course the path to recovery isnt allways clear, some times decisions have to be made second opinions gotten etc. That type of thing is understandable.
  10. the result isnt evident in the score. Especially in last weeks case. Was it willy who couldnt get any push on short yardage? Or dropping passes? Or getting no pass rush? Or getting beat in coverage constantly?
  11. This seems to be the way this administration deals with injury business. Every one is day to day and probable with an upper / lower body injury till they have surgery and are out long term.
  12. one pass in the end zone through the hands and one over the middle that may go for a score. That wouldnt make up a 50 point score. Lol your cherry picking willy. Thats mtl, this is calgary. If you think the exact same effort and better play by willy alone gets us a win your in for a rude awakening.
  13. really? cus the als should have had close to 50 points. Our D got lucky and not every game will randle save multiple touchdowns single handed. Bruce johnson had the worst game of any one in blue in week 1.
  14. I wanna say when MTL was perennial contenders for the grey cup they had a ridiculously high rate of scoring on the first drive. Its a big haul mark of successful offenses since they can script that drive soo much before the game. I could see us having a blink esq record when harris gets 100 yards rushing. Getting scores from places other then the O is a game changer. When you do that, like winning the turn over battle, you should expect to win.
  15. Whats your top 3 things the bombers need to do to beat calgary? (aside from score more points ) Mine: 1) Win the time of possession battle. Early and often touches for Harris. Coverting on 2nd down, and stringing together firsts downs. 2) Willy on his feet. No smacking around of our willy. A strong pocket, Willy to be confident and composed in the pocket. Having pressure release and using them. But not limiting the offense to dump passes short of the first down. 3) Aggression. Blitz, swarm and hit on D. Get pressure in the back field, Play aggressive cover and not just give up easy passes for first downs. Take shots down field. Pound the D with harris.
  16. thats all accountable and logical though. Not the stuff of starting kuale, hurl and others with better back ups. As stated attitude, missing team functions, late for practise/tape etc. Also acquiring a better player in that role. Can we improve and fix our problems in house? I fully believe so. Will we? I hope so. Thats the question though. If we do fix that stuff this management and coaching staff is gonna be here next year. If not I dont think any one short of wade miller will be. Or maybe thats narrower then wade...
  17. careful john madden might sue for using his line xD
  18. https://cfldb.ca/ off the top of my head the khari to arland bruce calgary game comes to mind. IIRC that was 3 tds and a fg.
  19. http://www.cfl.ca/2016/06/29/foster-hazel-sears-and-king-fined-following-week-1/ "The Canadian Football League (CFL) announced that it has imposed its maximum fine on Edmonton Eskimos defensive back, Neil King following a reckless and dangerous tackle on Ernest Jackson." “Tackles where the helmet is the leading and primary point of contact to an opposing player are dangerous and pose a serious health and safety risk to both players,” said Vice-President for Football Operations and Player Safety, Kevin McDonald." Too bad they skipped watching the hit on dressler, or that game all together.
  20. no such thing as a pure Ster in the cfl. Not enough roster spots. We have 2 back ups at OL with one starter whose highly injury prone. Carried 2 back up wrs and one went down in the first hand full of plays. BUT 4 of those guys have been cfl starters, burnett and waggoner project as high up side starters. Briggs and gauthier are sters as well but they are far from no up side guys. The number of starters who wont see action on STs are few and far between. Having guys just listed at that position to only play teams doesnt work with such small rosters.
  21. rather be cautious with any one coming off a concussion. hope hes better soon.
  22. idk how much lber depth we need. carrying 9 for 3 starters when the 3 starters are set in stone.
  23. Not a fan of shock horror. Jump scares are cheap and when they miss your left with nothing. Kodi is great. Ive got two streaming boxes and some good sites cut the cable 5+ years ago.
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