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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. I think we are all holding our breath that macho isnt this years kuale.
  2. Glenn is a short scrambler who moves the pocket and cant see over the OL, needs passing lanes, has to rely on zip and release timing. He is prone to turn overs in the clutch. Nichols stands tall in the pocket, doesnt look to scramble or roll or move the pocket. Doesnt get happy feet. he has arm strength to make any of the throws. Glenn is a scramble to throw guy, which creates turn overs if you dont set your feet and have great body control. Glenn is also prone to fumbling. nichols is not. Glenn was also a league MVP. the nichols trade was considered high way robbery and still is. Nichols was also statistically better last year then glenn.
  3. And he was playing in edmonton before that... He certainly doesnt throw up multiple gift balls a game. Its also hard to be consistent with in consistent play time and then coming here to play on a terrible offense. In games where he made 20 completions or more his production is actually very good. Only one bad game for him in that stretch but when your down and having to try and get a major every series because the game is half in the bag soo quickly it ruins any chance of getting first downs and putting a drive together. Glenn is a terrible comparison to nichols style and tool set. Jason maas early days AC etc. He isnt the guy whose going to move the pocket, or has to rely on release time to compensate for arm strength, and hes been pretty healthy.
  4. didnt say they are khari and glenn. said this is the strongest 1,2 weve had at qb since then. Though keep in mind when we had both glenn and khari, jones was allready done. Like i Said out defence is crazy deep. So when our team 2 off in on the field and team 2 def, the d has a huge advantage. TC isnt a big evaluation tool for qbs. Especially for veteran qbs. Its for shaking the rust off and learning a new system. Weve had plenty of guys who look great in practise and tc and cant turn that into good game production. Nichols threw for 3245/19/60% with a banged up OL, little running game, and the worst offensive play calling / system this team has seen in a decade. That production is a good bit more then both crompton and cato combined. Not to mention crompton looked awful last year. Sure they got more potential, but in a no2 qb you wan a vet who can step in and run the offense in a pinch. And thats what we have.
  5. I dont think weve had a top 2 this strong since khari and glenn.
  6. doesnt seem like any qb behind willy has separated them self. even willy hasnt been lights out this camp. Though i attribute that to how deep our DB and Lbers are.
  7. yep and game 2 for us is on tsn2
  8. thats a million dollar question. The fans and media were sure he would make the active roster at the least. They picked up a younger wr when they took him off the pr. Idk why you even sign a guy if he can tear it up like he did in that pre season and you still cut him.
  9. they just added him. cut vernon kearny and duron singleton. Cant wait to see what williams does in camp.
  10. Yeah we have certainly been aggressive with roster moves in tc. Robinson looks interesting, playing making rush end. I mean 3 blocks in one year is pretty crazy. Fred williams too, another small school dominant guy, but led the chiefs in receiving last pre season, and looks like he was really good in the afl too. These arent just your average air lift imports.
  11. more roster shuffling. http://www.bluebombers.com/2016/06/05/197092/ added imp wr Fred Williams, imp de Andrew Robinson, and imp dl Emmanuel Dieke. cut Imp lber Duron Singleton, and Imp db Vernon Kearney.
  12. Macho was brutal as a LBer last year on the worst team in the league. Judgement should be reserved for the preseason imop. That said id like to see a rotation of canadians in the not too distant future.
  13. he had one in the nfl iirc. And yeah he was on the argos pr and then active and then cut.
  14. ha! Corney is still pretty raw, but he seems like he learns very quickly and is really hard working. Idk if he's gonna be gone in 3 years but I could see him getting an nfl shot some time after that.
  15. could be because it hasnt been really hot and has been over cast / cooler then normal for this time of year. I dont think ive seen 30c here yet. Pulled hammys often happen with not being properly hydrated. Which is really hard to keep up during 2 a days.
  16. thats true, but wasnt he healthy all off season? we are near the end of TC and he had rookie camp. I got a pit in my stomach that hes another waste of a pick. Roberts is a big play making db prospect im allways happy to see that kinda guy in camp.
  17. MoS was asked about him and was really tentative but settled on hoping he was just skill rusty from having been injured. Hasnt looked very good in camp.
  18. Man things are getting scary with addison richards. Hearing MoS make excuses for him not feeling optimistic about that pic.
  19. you clearly dont know how to indicate sarcasm on the internet /s /green etc
  20. post hoc ergo propter hoc. Can you quote where moore was mentioned? Or that dressler was done? Must have missed that part im sure you didnt just jump to some crazy conclusion and miss the point entirely...
  21. true in 99% of situations. Some guys are incredibly lacking in ability to learn systems. When tee martin was in his last days here i remember him saying he still wasnt used to the 3 down thing. That said the true worth of a teacher isnt how well they teach their best students, its how well they are able to teach the ones that struggle the most.
  22. Mmmm thats very interesting indeed. Wylies credentials as an OL coach are as good as they come. Not to mention im all in favor of blaming marcel lol. Makes me think about our coaching staff and front office though. Every one who follows the cfl knew he was running an awful offense. Im sure MoS and the front office knew that as well, and would have known that he was not on the same page as every one else. Why did it take soo long to get rid of him? Are we now going to keep any one hired till the end of their contract like the steelers?
  23. to be fair, he butchered us a couple times so it skews things a bit. If he would have stayed healthy and gotten heavy reps in those couple years early on im sure he would have been a 1500+ yards double digit TDs and a sky high YPC. To me, camp is huge for guys still adjusting to the cfl game or who dont stay in game shape in the off season. Also young guys still working on improving their craft. To a lot of established veterans I think its more psychological. Some guys dont need camp as much as others. henoc might be one of those, but I hate to see a guy sitting and waiting rather then going out and making it happen for him self. Hes trying to rest on the laurels of what he did here before going to the nfl and his physical tools. But that was a long time ago now and his tools arent getting sharper.
  24. xD that would be funny. If some one is top notch and excels in any area physically they are worth a look. Lets go sign one of the nbadl guys thats been kicking around a few years. 6'8 220 lbs wr lol. But then most of those guys struggle to put up 1 rep of 185 at their combine.
  25. He was a high potential guy but never stayed healthy or came close to living up to expectations. He was a bust, showed flashes in 07 and 08 but over 6 years had dismal production. Henoc on the other hand is a ratio breaker and a big time play maker. One of the better lbers in the cfl and still young.
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