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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. I think you pick it up from richard karikari's house. I hope they dont break the bank for the guy, but i think he has a chance to be one of the best WRs in the cfl if our offensive playing calling isnt the hot poop weve seen in the past.
  2. Good stuff. Can you imagine if walters is fired in 2016 though? I think he has some good pieces in play in the coaching staff and talent department. Hope he drafts well and makes some moves this off season and turns things around.
  3. Clearly wiley isnt the problem in winnipeg. People all over, both sides of the border know how good he is. Injuries, some guys who are done like picard, and some mediocore young guys isnt much to work with. Obviously a few guys like chung bryant etc have been good. But 1 or 2 holes is all it takes to sink an OL. I wonder how much he has to do with our drafting of young OL
  4. baah. i hope they draft all dline men.
  5. Cutting the dead weight like picard and Marcel is all well and good. But the real turn around comes when you replace negative pieces with positives.
  6. Its not news that great doers dont allways make great teachers. Michael jordan and the great one are proof of that. But that doesnt really effect the saying.
  7. Every rule has exceptions that doesnt mean the rule is invalid.
  8. They are working on a way to spin it in a negative light dont you worry its a coming.
  9. Good start, not to replace him.
  10. Yeah thats allways a great game to watch.
  11. Damn thats a big time school. Idk that its too hard to recruit for USC. But good for him.
  12. I havent followed has he been qb coach there or was he oc some place? He got out of football some what young with out a lot of pro wear and tear on him so he could have a good long career as a coach if hes doing well.
  13. Carried by his team. you cant compare the two even at ncaa. Im kinda surprised considering all the negative stuff that surrounded him after he left.
  14. thats a huge increase over 20 years ago when it would have been 1 +/- 1.
  15. I dont expect massive cuts or trades. I think well see lots of bodys brought in for camp especially vets.
  16. Imop 2 good olinemen, a big play wr/sb, one of our long awaited NI dlinement from the nfl, A consistent running game, and to do a better job of keeping our D off the field. I think Cam marshall is a guy who can be every thing we need in a rb. Its more play calling, and that keeps the D from being on the field too long.
  17. Imop pierce was awful with out those guys to carry him. Worse then kerwin bell the slack attack etc.
  18. Im guessing the coaches want the multi year deals. It isnt often a coaching spot goes to open market for a team thats in a great situation. Usually those teams have a dickenson in the system or a specific target. Coaches have the worst job security in the world, im ok with them getting a golden parachute. It's not that bad if they get paid the entirety of their contract regardless and can pretty much pack up and leave for another job at anytime. Yeah, though i wouldnt mind seeing the parachute cut if the fired coach takes the same job or better with another team in the league. But even if not, most of them deserve it. JJ as well to sask they are putting together a solid coaching staff. guess this means KJ is looking for work
  19. * insert cliche about the definition of insanity here * Hmm if he would be fired then by this regime, would that be a record? has any coach been hired and fired by the same team 3 times, each time a different group at the top?
  20. I imagine they did give consideration to guys like cortez and khari. But plop was probably top of the list, and i bet he jumped at the chance to get back to coaching and be the guy whose a couple losses in a row from being a head coach again.
  21. Im guessing the coaches want the multi year deals. It isnt often a coaching spot goes to open market for a team thats in a great situation. Usually those teams have a dickenson in the system or a specific target. Coaches have the worst job security in the world, im ok with them getting a golden parachute.
  22. When did we get an OL? he sucked it up with khari jones too...
  23. considering how bad the offence was the last year he had those guys im scared.
  24. Just an ignorant nfl color guy. No shock and not worth taking offence to tbh. Cfl is a cultural institution, and a legit pro league. It is more blue collar then most pro leagues but i think most fans enjoy that.
  25. he was also the oc the next year of a team with the exact same talent and mid to bottom half production.
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