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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. about the only thing worse then a plop offence is MBs offence.
  2. I wouldnt if i was jones. But i hate that media logic of he wont talk about it / deny it. IT must be true!
  3. Agreed. Chapdelaine has way too many similarities to Marcel IMO. I dont think most of the good offense we saw out of the riders while marcel was there had any thing to do with him. I think it was danny barret. Post db i think marcel has been the worst oc in pro football. Id take almost any current OC over him. Doesnt mean that just any one should be the goal though. PLop is way down on that list too. We all want a top notch guy, like maas. But we are only gonna get a guy like that if we offer a slight promotion, like asst head coach and a ton of money.
  4. This guy disagrees with you Miami of ohio putting out stud cfl wrs. If the all time record gets broken again instantly sign the guy.
  5. agree with both points. If mos keeps ST cor role id like to see him get either an asst hc or asc ST cor
  6. we dont even know if MoS will be back next year. So why wouldnt they start poking around? But If mos is back, he doesnt seem the type to do this sort of thing in the season. Doesnt hurt to have some one do it for him. If he isnt making the decisions him self. In years past i can remember teams like edm and mtl doing coaching changes like this right after the season in which theyve clearly been talking to people mid season. I remember MTL changing coaching staff and announcing it mid grey cup week once.
  7. with the state of apathy around the current team, i am scared to see what a poor start to next year would bring. Possibly the worst time to be a bomber fan since the the dark ages of the rinebold days.
  8. TC officially starts next game, hope to see some players off the PR that have not played get a chance to show their stuff. Also let Davis play at least one Q. Hope its true.
  9. Good gawd, what a load! no kidding. Cant question his talent thats for sure.
  10. Hadnt really looked at what he was since the draft. Remembered him being big, and a back field play maker. First minute of this video he makes plays lining up as an end in 2/3pt stance, traditional DT, and from the nose in a 3-4 alignment. And a couple tackles where he just explodes into people. I can see why the guy has gotten such a long hard look in the nfl. That burst and versatility alone could keep him in the nfl for life. But man its nice to dream.
  11. have we cut these new guys yet? I kinda do think most of these guys will be brought back for TC. hope we arent going crazy with signing bonuses though.
  12. really gotta get cam marshall involved in the game. Maybe even in more then a up the gut dive play.
  13. I believe it falls under the "Dey tuk er jerbs!" laws. terk deerrr jeeerrrrbs!
  14. But its the RIDERS. thats like the YANKEES of the football world. Why WOULDNT he want to be there instead of some not head coach else where?
  15. Doesn't look like he's that fast, lucky the endzone arrived when it did or some of those D backs may have tracked him down. Remember hes running away from NFL dbs. Those guys are generally among the fastest on the team. hes reputed to have great football smarts, great athletic ability, and has awesome size. All that is not a surprise from an un drafted mediocre production college guy who stuck in the nfl with as many looks for as long as he did. Raw tools, check. Now lets see him in some game action and see if he can translate it. Allways fun to have guys with the big potential around. Never hurts to look.
  16. Good teams dont get beaten by the breaks of the game. If you arent good enough to out play luck, or the refs forget about out playing the other team. This team has the potential to be a play off team, But they dont have any of the execution or discipline to do so. Or the Oline. Some times a team is better or worse then their record. But with our play calling, commitment to brohm, Oline play, execution and discipline, we are our record. With out willy, we could easily be at 1 win.
  17. I dont think coming back to the ball is an issue when you dont throw deep balls several games in a row. Even intermediate routes where out the window. While i think our talent is good at wr, if there are upgrades available id take em. I dont think you limit your self to positions of need when scouting americans, take the best of whats familiar. I think you're wrong. Moore is a good receiver, Denmark can be but he's pretty invisible these days, Adams has been putting way way too many passes on the turf so what good is he? Veltung is a rookie who shows some promise but isn't at the level we need yet, the Canadians are OK but not really threats, more of the solid but unspectacular that you can't really lean on types. We need Moore to stay healthy and add at least one more big time consistent threat. Maybe this guy? Bombers add receiver Kevin Cone. >> http://ow.ly/Swze9 Gotta like his tangibles. Listed as 6'3 216 in the nfl. lots of rave reviews about how football smart he is, how fast and athletic he is and that he has sure hands. And for a guy with not great college production who went un drafted to stick in the nfl with as many teams as he did its gotta be an amazing skill set. Hope he can get in some games and show what hes got. Can never have enough explosive big targets around.
  18. I dont think coming back to the ball is an issue when you dont throw deep balls several games in a row. Even intermediate routes where out the window. While i think our talent is good at wr, if there are upgrades available id take em. I dont think you limit your self to positions of need when scouting americans, take the best of whats familiar.
  19. Cant ignore upgrades at other positions because of a hole in another area. Cut of our nose to spite our face. If there was a turn key OL that would make a strong impact for us and was available we'd a made that deal all ready. I also dont think wr is a problem at all. we have tons of talent, but the worst run pro offense ive ever seen in any league. (including AFL2 etc) I wonder if this will push us further to a 3-4. We are really stacked at LB now. If it does, id love to see a traditional 3-4 NT come in.
  20. Ill preface this by saying i love henoc as a player and he would imop be our best Lber, and a leader on D. That said our D is a strength and LB is probably the best strength there in. Henoc would make us a better team, no question. But henoc would be short term. He isnt going to sign a multi year deal. And I wouldnt want to get rid of a slightly lesser player that would be here long term, for half a year of him. As much as henoc would make our D better, he wouldnt make the difference between us being a play off team and not. And he would cost a ton of money for the portion of a year he would play. ] Ill really wont be disapointed at him going to another team. I hope he plays in the east, and is close to home if he does come back to the cfl. I really hope he goes back to an nfl team and makes a nice career for him self down there. I think the only thing that would really disappoint me now is if he A) signs with sask, or signs a long term deal in the cfl. After all that, id really like to see the CFL adapt a similar rule to MLB. If a team develops a players, say drafted them or an imp with 2 years on the team and no other cfl teams before that. When another team signs them either at the end of there first contract or coming back from nfl time, id like to see some form of compensation. Some amount of cash/neg list option, or even a draft pick. Some thing for a teams time spent developing a player. Nothing earth shaking, or that would seriously hold up the free agent process. But some thing would be good.
  21. Great move. I really dont see any needed moves on the D side of the ball this off season. Henoc or not, coaching staff or players. I think we have a great young core with strong depth. Some depth/prospect pass rushing dline would be good but over all we have a very good D.
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