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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Still waiting MB. Still waitin. When he gets canned its probably going to be a top 3 moment for the season for me.
  2. Buck is one of my all time least favorite bomber qbs. But these commercials are pretty funny, and that hit still makes me cringe.
  3. Oh god purolator pat barnes. Soo many people where biting nails while he did nfl TCs. Man what a bust that guy was.
  4. Better. He's Kliff Kingsburyesque. Id say his bust potential would be brad banks. the typical NFL knocks on a qb with the cfl tool set. Never figured it out though. As for not having had a developmental qb, id say marve has been that. He hasnt quickly blossomed into what we would hope, but qbs arent often quick to develop in the cfl. If he can stay healthy and is reasonably priced id love to see him boyd, nichols, and willy in TC next year. That level of talent at the qb position is enough to make me drool.
  5. I dont think any one can be THAT good. This guy has some legit tools. Tee was strong and could run hard, and had a gun for an arm. But he couldnt hit the broad side of a barn, never understood the 3 downs thing, and was the ultimate systems guy in tenn. The hype imop was not warranted. I can see why this guy didnt last long in the nfl. That throwing motion is real interesting. Some times he drops it down as low as side arm some times gets as high as 3/4. But my god does he get the ball out of his hands in a hurry. Great release. Doesnt have that rocket laser arm but his zip is very impressive. Doesnt have break away speed but great scramble and option speed. Plays a lot of shot gun which is good, and is used to many multi faceted offensive targets which is also good. The big thing is as allways, how does he adapt to the canadian game. If he picks up the motion and urgency quickly he could be a real star. Allways like to see us picking up development QBs with huge up side. will make for some interesting practises and TC.
  6. in pro sports, especially the cfl you only get soo many chances. I hope they get it done, i think its a great combo of pres/gm/hc
  7. I think they'd keep Hurl around for the rest of the season if we get Muamba. Id say it depends on how much hurl makes, and if we have another canadian LB who can step in if needed. But then there seem to be a good few guys shaking loose from the nfl right now. That money could go to several guys.
  8. Its true. IN general in drafts teams tend to fall in love with guys with high up side. Especially at OL where deviant skills are a great rarity. Id say its the hardest position next to QB to project college guys to pro at. I dont think you can ever under value a lineman who has technical skill and who does the base things right. stay low, use his hands well with good punch move etc.
  9. ^ said it. this is a massive steal. Id be thrilled if we had gotten either the pick or capers.
  10. I keep checking here and my FB feed to see if the news has come down. still waiting...
  11. dear god muamba would be glorious. if he can chase MB out of town on the way in he could sleep with my wife, kick my dog and have all the kids.
  12. Im just glad we didnt bring back michael bishop...
  13. I have this awful, crushing feeling going into sundays game. Its like deja vue all over again. Brb gonna get sick.
  14. actually id take him as a cfl scout or a us talent scout. Similar to danny mac's role. Taman was awful with scouting canadian talent, and trading (pics) but he did bring up some good american talent. That said i dont think itll happen. I think he will be out of the cfl for the rest of the year and maybe next waiting for another GM job to open up. Maybe ott brings him in since they have little use of him that seems to be how they work.
  15. Why would you think we have no one capable of playing Nose? Id have to double check to be 100% sure, but i am as certain as i can be with out doing that, that all our DTs have been DTs in 4-3 defense and not a NT in a 3-4 D. Its not only a different position entirely then 4-3 dt, its the key stone of a 3-4. I think bryant turner would be pretty good at playing a 3-4 DE.
  16. Rain of frogs is the last sign that the riders catch and pass us in the standings this year.
  17. Why would we make a whole sale change to our D like this when its been improving and leave the offense alone? I Dont think we have a nose tackle, and between that and the alignment it could take our one good pass rusher out of the back field.
  18. Vanilla vs vanilla flavored poop. I would rather see davis, or nichols start. What does it matter if you know the system when you cant execute it at the most basic level? Id bring back portis if hes just sittin around rather then put brohm back in there. Hell Id throw buck pierce in and i thought he was awful here xD
  19. I wonder where taman goes. Im not sure i see a spot as a GM for him in the cfl next year.
  20. I love his talent, and would have taken him at that point. But with the issues hes had in the locker room i cant blame any one for passing on him.
  21. i was soo excited when i read the thread title >.>
  22. a couple studs on the DL could transform this defense from decent to great... a pass rusher to play opposite of Westerman and a solid interior lineman... And that wont matter when we struggle to score 8 points. Weve got badily broken schemes all over the place. Especially on offense though. As i said, pieces to impove would be nice. At any spot of need. But a couple nfl cuts arent going to fix whats going wrong here.
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