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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. if we arent going to make good use of the 2 back system i wouldnt be against sitting one for a week. But it does make more sense to just start 7 nucks and 4 imp wrs. JFG has been very underwhelming thus far this year, and I like veltungs returning better. Stoudemire is the same as washington back there. He could break a big one at any time. But mostly theyll run 40 yards to get 5 and risk a loss, while not giving great ball security. I miss the days of returners running up and catching the ball in the air at any opportunity for the 15 yards. Seeing a ball hit the turf with in 5 yards on a returner flat on his heels pisses me off.
  2. I think this is mainly because a power back needs to bang away to continue getting yards and wear down a D. A scat back can make as good a play late and they can early. But a power back will get stronger with each carry. Didnt marcel design and call the plays on the offense sask had when they ran both corey holmes and kenton kieth? That offense was creative and dynamic and made great use of 2 talented backs.
  3. Some thing ive been thinking about since week 1, thought id throw it out there. It seems to me that cam marshalls' game is much more suited to being the no1 back for us. His ability to bang through contact and push the pile really needs more touches to be effective. A change of pace back is generally more of a quick/agile guy as its easier to come in and scoot around people in less touches then to try and establish physicality in few touches. The I think itd be better for the OL, getting to pound defenders instead of trying to keep and eye out and be ready to disengage to slide to a new guy/spot that needs blocking. We'd wear down defences more by hitting them instead of getting hit. Just a thought i wanted to see if any one had an opinion on. Its no knock on cotton, hes very talented. And id love to see more use of both guys in the back field at the same time as cotton is a much better reciever out of the back field. I know mike sellers and charles roberts wasnt run this way. But blink was head and shoulders more talented and dangerous then mike was, and i dont think cotton has near that kind of edge if any over marshall.
  4. I like wagoneer (sp) tbh id rather see him getting reps at MLB but i think he turns into a very good cfl player.
  5. same old same old. Mos and every one but irving is saying marve is banged up. I wonder why you would carry him if he cant play though? What if brohm went down?
  6. doesnt matter who we bring in. Willy no 1, brohm no 2. Only way some one else gets reps is if both get hurt.
  7. Or they can see better than some of us are willing to admit and realized Marve wasn't very good at the short yardage QB sneaks?? I mean that is another possibility. Seeing as tho Marve at times has been stuffed short or even barely got the yard or 6 inches needed for the first down, maybe they decided Brohm is actually the better option??? There is that possibility. I get it, people love Marve but really, he hasn't really done much to get all this love yet. He actually hasn't done much of anything and I think he has potential but the guy is not going to be the saviour here or anywhere else. I honestly don't think he knows how to read the D yet, if that ever comes, cuz he does have all the tools, but lots of QBs do seem to have all the tools but are missing the smarts to actually become something more than that 3rd string option QB. I feel Marve needs to learn to read a D first before he becomes anything special, until then he's just another guy with tons of potential but.. perhaps not the smarts. Can disagree all you want but... theres been quite a few QB's like Marve who have come to this league with all this potential but just lacked something, I am starting to feel Marve may be similar. I think he lacks the ability to read the D and until he can do that, if he ever can do that... he's not gonna amount to much at all. Look at a guy like Rakeem Cato, you can actually see him going through his reads while scrambling out there, it's not exactly run first for him, for Marve, it has indeed been run first. He seems to lack the ability to read the D, doesn't go through his reads, if the first guy is covered, he's running and that's exciting and all, but.. it's not really sustainable at all, that big 30 yard run Marve has, well maybe if he actually went through his other reads, maybe it's a 50 yard touchdown instead. the yard dive is a whole lot of o line and a qb not screwing up. ive never bought this qb is awesome at it personally. Some are awful, most are solid. Its mainly a position not to bang a qb up. I mean really if it was that hard and your facing a turn over on 3rd and less then a yard your gonna leave your best player in. Not pull him for a back up to protect the health of the no1. How much more can he do with out playing? Im not saying hes earned the starting job. But no2 slot i think i had In tc and pre season. clean up for brohm when willy went down? Yeah id say so. Sure we are all fans and dont know near as much as the coaches. But then the people at tsn and cjob seem to think similarly of marve.
  8. I feel like we are trying to hide marve to keep him north of the border and away from other cfl teams in the off season. Get him locked up to a long term deal in the off season that removes most of the chance of him ever going back to the cfl. Maybe im crazy and need a tinfoil hat. But its easier to believe then that every one in the coaching staff and front office cant see what any one else sees who watches him practise and play.
  9. We found every way possible to throw the win away. Giving away 16 points, missing kicks, 3minute drill delay of game, the only thing we didnt do to lose the game is walk off the field before the game was over. But such is the growing pains of a young team. Alot of the problems are based on preparation and execution. Both of which will only get better with more time for this coaching core to work with this group of players. As easy as it is to call for rapid turn over at beleaguered positions, the only way to fix it is to stay the course. If we would have played any slight degree better in any aspect at any point of this game we would have beaten the defending grey cup champs and west division front runners to take the lead in the west. Stay off the ledges, dont push any one under the bus and keep our heads up. This is gonna be a special team, we have a lot of talent on and off the field. And hats off to Do or Die these threads are allways awesome even after some brutal games.
  10. Id like both guys to be banished to the 7th ring of curling hades.
  11. Vann was with the team in training camp was he not? I had big hopes for otis amey. Wish hed a got a better look here. he was. He was a ritchie guy. Rare for a rookie. Got cut stayed in shape and ready and got called back. might have sat on the PR for a bit too. Mike simms walker wonder if hes up for a come back he looked amazing.
  12. For me there is a line between good dirty (gritty) and bad dirty (intent to injure). Did picard go too far? yes. But with the level of pass protection weve seen and how hard willy got rocked allready this year im fine if he gets fined every game.
  13. Air lift? Its more of a crap shoot then the cis draft imop. But it never hurts to bring in able bodies with potential. Id especially like to see a play making MLB/DE and a receiver who can gain yards after the catch.
  14. Was it in? Im not sure. What i did like is how many times we stopped them in the red zone on that drive. We really showed some tenacity and a glimmer of the bend but dont break notion .
  15. At the very least we seem to be funneling to him but ive seen him sit back in spot and let runners come to his area far too much. What i wouldnt give to have henoc back shooting gaps and blowing ball carriers up again.
  16. oh cfl media. You sooo bad. If they got rid of half the durps that cover the league and brought in fresh out of school broadcasters and journalists i honestly think things would get worlds better.
  17. The dbs looked miles better last game. Id say they are geling . And with the huge rule shake up, no ones secondary is dominant imop. The front 7 havent looked worse but they are still to in efective against the run and getting pressure. I strongly believe in the talent we have on the Dline. I think we are doing some thing wrong in scheme that is messing it up.
  18. I think this is true in general right now. Its happening on offence too. Tiny infractions un doing big plays when they were miles away and had no actual impact on the play.
  19. and this is a guy who has never played the canadian game before this year. Give him time.
  20. Ive been wondering about that too. especially with his ability to read an O and lead a D from the S position in the us. Hes more of a hitter then a guy who will scrape to a ball carrier or step in and fill a gap imop. But he could develop into a good mlb.
  21. the 2nd one looks like what happened to DD in the last game.
  22. icelandic. the bombers have signed halfthor bjornsson, aka the mountain to play tail back.
  23. would love garrett back. That said RB is one position that i dont think you need to recycle at. Personally i also dont think we need another one. Id be comfortable with either guy taking all the reps if one goes down. Perhaps to maintain dual threats in the back field at the same time? With those two id love to see us bring in a long term project guy, some one with speed to burn who could return kicks too. Hard to recognize any one at practise when your playing on your phone and socializing.
  24. If you take away the 4 or so big td plays, the numbers would have been very good. BUT the utter lack of pressure, constant bus sized gaps, awful blitz schemes ,and incredibly loose coverage would still be very trouble some. The way the D played, we could have just as easily gotten beat by 50 as any thing. Imop it is fixable by ritchie hall. He has a lot of work to do, and at worst if he doesnt get it together well probably see baron miles by mid season. Never though ritchie halls D would Look worse then etchs...
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