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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. I love the hurry-up offence. Im allways for running more of it, though i wonder if it could give false positive results with all the switching of players in the pre season.
  2. Its pre season so its still hard to quantify. But it seems we have amazing depth, especially amongst canadians. Some real miracle turn around stuff from the mack era. So glad to have the new brain trust in management and coaching.
  3. Why would toronto sports network have interest in broadcasting some thing from another country? /sarcasm
  4. It starts and ends with fifa thinking wade is a soccer ball and kicking him into a net while screaming goooaaaaaall.
  5. this has been among the most competitive bomber camps ive seen. I cant see a problem with them taking all the time allowed to make the announcements. Some teams will rush. But how often does some thing rushed turn out as good as if it was well thought out and fully examined?
  6. Yes exactly. I was impressed with your ability to read the future...not so much anymore damn i was just gonna ask for some lotto numbers.
  7. Great post some amazing *good and bad. memories there. Coach ritchie easily my personal favorite. His crazy nonsensical old man riddles spoken with genuine love of the game and respect for those around him just got you.
  8. It allways surprises me when teams dont gamble more in pre season. Try 2 pointers, an extra point doesnt really give you much in term of evaluation. Go for it on 3rd down some, Let the offence try as high pressure a situation as you can create in pre season, and if it fails see you how your D responds to a field position shift etc. Idk maybe im crazy. Makes sense to me to run special teams basically how you would in a meaningful game in pre-season. It's the hardest to practice at game speed and you want guys to get used to substituting. Also evaluating guys who will be playing special teams. Yeah there is certainly logic in that. I thought about it a bit. What i came up with is obviously you dont want to go for it on every third down, you want to get punt cover, punting, FG team etc work. But simulating the high pressure moments of late/close games is just as valuable if not more so. I also think that do to all the player swaps, rule changes, system changes etc pre season tends to be more choppy and have more punts/kicks then regular games. (Just a hunch though no stats to back it up) So tossing a few more gambles in to put in the off/def into end game/close game situations makes sense to me. I could certainly under stand why some or even most coaches dont gamble more. But it seems almost none take extra gambles.
  9. Such stupid logic. The cubs havent won the WS in over 100 years, so no one cheer for them. Aaannd theyd be gone. Basically every pro sports team would have folded by some point in time if people followed that kind of logic. As for what an american thinks? I dont give half a crap. I follow the cfl because i love the game and i love the blue. Not because it might get bigger or other may come to love it. As much as i want the league to succeed and make money and get better talent, i dont want to see a 15 or 20 team league, or american expansion again. If it stays the way its been the last few years ill be very happy.
  10. It allways surprises me when teams dont gamble more in pre season. Try 2 pointers, an extra point doesnt really give you much in term of evaluation. Go for it on 3rd down some, Let the offence try as high pressure a situation as you can create in pre season, and if it fails see you how your D responds to a field position shift etc. Idk maybe im crazy.
  11. Can you throw? Never mind actually. Its not important.
  12. I believe Newman is injured at the moment. Hurl is probably getting a pass because he's a lock to make the 46, whereas the imports playing tonight are not. The Bombers are going to start their best 7 NIs but they still need to evaluate the LB jobs as if they are going all import there. Who knows, that might be what happens. Yantz likely has a PR spot waiting for him if he wants it. Portis, on the other hand, won't be guaranteed that luxury. I would say the battle is in the #3 QB spot between Marve and Portis. Ed Tait made a good argument on that in the Big Show this morning. Marve is carrying the benefit of the experience being the short yardage guy last year and the hype from the fans. Problem is he openly said that he will pursue NFL after this season. If Portis can show that he can show that he can perform the #3 QB's duties and more, Marve will probably release or get traded. I think your right. Though i dont like brohm and would rahter have marve and portis personally. But then if marve doesnt play much this year, whats his chance of getting an nfl deal? He looks amazing in practise, but are nfl teams going to be falling over them self to work out a guy whose a 2 year back up in the cfl with 3 major knee surgerys and age quickly creeping up on him? Thats assuming a season of willy at no1 with some brohm tme and marve being short yardage / #3.
  13. WE all want it. (or darn close to it) They know it, the cfl knows it, the sponsors know it. I hope they give em to us. (the low res pixelated camo ofc.... not)
  14. I think with a good Oline and RB we will see more of the willy we saw early last season. I really like marve though think hes our 2nd best and has the ability to be a dynamic play maker.
  15. oh god why did you have to bring that game up ! im having nightmares of it now for sure...
  16. Nate is probably still ranting about lyle bauer lol. I didnt mind him, this is by no means him. Nate didnt talk that much about actual football. As opposed to talking about made up football.
  17. If you call tell right away guess we might as well cancel the rest of TC lol. Weve seen soo many TC all stars (tony ortiz, michael bostwick etc) that do nothing in pre season and never see a regular game. Not to mention some other guys that were slow starters and didnt really get it going till late pre season or early season.(marvin coleman comes to mind as well as several other dave ritche guys) you cant put too much value into one day, or a few days of camp.
  18. looking back at days of black outs and little tv coverage, even watching bomber games in french its a massive improvement. 10 years from now the league could be in an amazing spot thanks to the work cohon did. That said, at the game with a ear bud in listening to bob irving call the game is my no1.
  19. nice break down. I like their offensive depth better then ours. Especially messam. Aside from potential mess off the field i love watching him run. Over all though our depth and potential is soo much better now. (never seemed like we'd reach that point with our NIs)
  20. nice break down. I like their offensive depth better then ours. Especially messam. Aside from potential mess off the field i love watching him run. Over all though our depth and potential is soo much better now. (never seemed like we'd reach that point with our NIs)
  21. this is what i was thinking lol. iirc didnt we get that ball from TO as well?
  22. im just glad thats not us any more. signing, or Neg listing for pr. I dont know much about sams. As was stated previously i hope its a story for a few days then hes just another guy. Also hope hes in shape, going to whats probably his last chance camp having blown it allready is just an awful mistake i wish on no athlete.
  23. lol. Has any one worn harold nashs' 00 since he left? Loved that number, hell of a player too.
  24. wont really have an idea of how good the draft was till tc at the very least. I dont mind us passing on guys with serious character issues or that we figured would be gone to the nfl. And it seems we took guys who could start at some point. Potential over polish.
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