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Eternal optimist

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  1. Agree
    Eternal optimist reacted to GCn20 in Hillbillies at Back 2 Back Champs Banjo Bowl Early talk   
    You should come. Just plan it beforehand for accommodations as not every hotel in Winnipeg is walking distance to the stadium or tailgate events like in Regina.
    O'Shea is quickly becoming a candidate for a statue outside the stadium, but I would never sign any coach to a 10 year contract. At some point and time every coach has a shelf life.
  2. Go Bombers
    Eternal optimist reacted to BigBlueFanatic in Hillbillies at Back 2 Back Champs Banjo Bowl Early talk   
    and the football goods declared, “and lo! Thou shalt suffer near thrice a decade of many curses and sorrows… afterwhich thou shalt enjoy back-to-back blessings and possibly more…”
  3. Agree
    Eternal optimist reacted to Geebrr in Hillbillies at Back 2 Back Champs Banjo Bowl Early talk   
    Missing BA on the field is huge. 
    People forget how good he is. 
  4. Thanks
    Eternal optimist reacted to WinnipegGordo in Hillbillies at Back 2 Back Champs Banjo Bowl Early talk   
    The 2001 Bombers were 14-4. Their 14 wins were by margins of  32, 28, 20, 18, 14, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1. 
    This year's teams 11 wins have been by 21, 15, 14, 14, 7, 7, 7, 2, 2, 2, 1.         
    That 2001 team had a few more blow out wins but they had alot of close games as well.
  5. Agree
    Eternal optimist reacted to Jesse in 3 stars plus hh ld classic at igf west   
    I'll say one thing about Gauthier, he wasn't getting moved off like a lot of our other big name D, he held on and dragged guys down.
    Never went for the big hit, just took his guy out.
  6. Like
    Eternal optimist got a reaction from wbbfan in 3 stars plus hh ld classic at igf west   
    Lol Duke Williams finding a way to get on the stat sheet without being dressed (he got a crucial bench penalty in the 4th)
  7. Haha
    Eternal optimist reacted to Bigblue204 in Back to Back Champs vs Hillbillies early talk   
    Keep it coming Marino!! lol
  8. Agree
    Eternal optimist reacted to Nolby in Back to Back Champs vs Hillbillies early talk   
    I don't know if anyone brings more fire and passion (visually) than Bailey, guy is always jacked up in twitter, on field,dudes just a good teammate and player.
  9. Agree
    Eternal optimist reacted to wbbfan in Back to Back Champs vs Hillbillies early talk   
    I’m guessing they didn’t want to over work Parker when he had to draw in to full time db duty. But if you’re gonna have him do one job he should return punts and let some one else return kick offs. 
    taylor has very modest return experience and it’s long past. He didn’t look comfortable at all. 
  10. Haha
    Eternal optimist reacted to JuranBoldenRules in Back to Back Champs vs Hillbillies early talk   
    At least we're paying Bailey six figures to be the best damn blocking 3rd receiver in the league.
  11. Agree
    Eternal optimist reacted to 17to85 in Non Back to Back Champ games Week 12   
    I think they do.
  12. Go Bombers
    Eternal optimist got a reaction from Geebrr in Non Back to Back Champ games Week 12   
    What i am getting from this is we can absolutely bury the Riders.
  13. Agree
    Eternal optimist reacted to Booch in Non Back to Back Champ games Week 12   
    if anything based on schedule I could see the Elks catching Sask....
  14. Disagree
    Eternal optimist reacted to TrueBlue4ever in Week 12 - Stumps @ Back-To-Back Grey Cup Champions - GDT   
    We’ve never lost wearing these. Who wants them back?

  15. Agree
    Eternal optimist reacted to Tracker in Stumps @ Back 2 Back Champs: Week Of Thread   
    Mudge was a very good O-lineman, especially for a Canuck, but Bryant has been nothing short of dominant. He will be very difficult to replace when the time comes.
  16. Eye Roll
    Eternal optimist reacted to Tracker in Stumps @ Back 2 Back Champs: Week Of Thread   
    So..... if he's coming back, its not Cancel Couture?
  17. Agree
    Eternal optimist reacted to Jesse in Stumps @ Back 2 Back Champs: Week Of Thread   
    I don't know man... You can say "it's fine", but the OL has taken a significant step back this year. 
  18. Agree
    Eternal optimist reacted to 17to85 in Stumps @ Back 2 Back Champs: Week Of Thread   
    Man oh man Ellingson needs to get healthy.
  19. Haha
    Eternal optimist reacted to Brandon in Week 11 Non Back to Back Champions Games   
    Reading Riderfans... my favorite comment in regards to Fajardo was this one:
  20. Haha
    Eternal optimist reacted to JCon in TSN willed the Bombers to Defeat   
  21. Haha
    Eternal optimist reacted to blue_gold_84 in TSN willed the Bombers to Defeat   
  22. Thanks
    Eternal optimist reacted to TrueBlue4ever in TSN willed the Bombers to Defeat   
    The team is held to a higher standard now after back-to-back Cup wins, so nerves get a bit frayed when/if we lose, or even if we win unimpressively. Not sure if it is a holdover from the misery of 29 years of futility where we default to negativity (see the Collaros trade thread or the fire O’Shea thread) or if it is just the fact of fandom, regardless of team. Perspective for the big picture can often get lost in the emotional heat of the moment.
    Big picture, this team has played very well defensively in terms of points against but has some holes when it comes to yardage given up. The bend don’t break style has been quite Gumby-ish at times, but IMO is still the class of the league. Offensively we have been more than a bit uneven. Points scored are down, the running game is not the powerhouse it was with Harris (even with Oliviera picking it up the last 4 weeks - do people realize he is leading the league now?), our receiving corps has played well but suffered inconsistency with the injuries. Our o-line has been weaker, with its most exposed game last time out, so recency bias makes it look like a glaring problem. Special teams is probably much better overall than last year, but again regency bias makes us sweat because the last game reminds us all of last year and triggers “the sky is falling, can’t trust our kicking at all” comments from some.
    Would we feel better at 8-2 coming off a win than 9-1 coming off a loss? Yes, for the first three days or so after the game. But either record should not detract from the deficiencies on our game this season that could bite us later on. Is there cause for concern? I’d say yes, our offence needs to look better and more consistent especially, and we are not playing anywhere near as dominantly as a 9-1 record would suggest. 
    In the same breath, does concern equate with saying we are not that good? Absolutely not. We are 9-1 because good teams find ways to win bad games, and great teams find ways to do it consistently. None of these problems we are having are fatal yet, we have the talent base and the experience to look and play sharper, and when we have played our best (BC and Calgary on the road) we have looked like world beaters. Better if we could have done it more than twice in 10 games, but many factors at play (no byes, short weeks, injuries, heavy road schedule, being the team no one else will take lightly). And despite not playing near to our best football, we are 9-1 and better positioned than any other team in the CFL right now. So even with the problems, we are positioned really well and as always will be judged in the overall picture on our playoff success, not a random week 11 game. Just my thoughts on things.
    Others will have their point of view, and all opinions, right or wrong (as measured by a truly objective outsider, if that can even exist amongst fan bases) are valid, and is what makes fan boards an engaging, infuriating, enjoyable, and fun community to be in. Life is good now if our biggest concern is being 9-1 and not 10-0, and that we can vent our spleens a bit about missed kicks and be immersed in the passion of a good football team we expect/demand/hope for/ receive great things from. 
  23. Haha
    Eternal optimist reacted to basslicker in TSN willed the Bombers to Defeat   
    If anything, you WANT media to be against the Bombers.   More flak, means more drive.  Trust me, as a Patriots fan, you don't want to go undefeated. 
  24. Haha
    Eternal optimist reacted to johnzo in TSN willed the Bombers to Defeat   
    I don't blame TSN for the loss.  I blame the W jerseys and the blue pajama pants, those should go in the bargain bin atop all the Jason Vega cammos.
    dress like a champ? play like a champ.
    dress ugly? play ugly.
  25. Haha
    Eternal optimist reacted to JCon in TSN willed the Bombers to Defeat   
    We lost because you touched yourself. You know who you are. 
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