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Everything posted by Dragon37

  1. Best D-man they ever had. Passed away far too young.
  2. Man! I have to remember to use this some day. Instant classic! I spent far too long reading the thread over there about the PI call on Dressler. What a mess that was. I'm sure I would have been banned if I posted that the Adams call was definitely not PI and the Cox was and the refs have been really consistent on such calls. (BTW the ref on the backside of the Cox PI had perfect view of the hand fighting and was pulling out his flag as they went down.)
  3. That's crappy. I love watching Ray play. Awesome QB.
  4. Good choice. I hope they keep adding some of these older stars while they are still around. The greats from the past that are no longer with us and the more recent folks that are still alive can wait their damn turn
  5. Glad to hear he is okay. Hopefully it is a wake-up call and works to getting his weight down.
  6. Actually, this year I have been surprised with Suitor's commentary. He has been far more impartial. He still goes on his man love of players but far less than he used to and he has been far more balanced in his observations.
  7. I was in the same boat. I thought PI then I thought they got away with one and then when they had the bit with Rod Smith and Climie on Sportscentre I could see exactly what I initially saw live and what Climie commented on: the clutch and the pull through.
  8. Not if the opposing team gives up 4 turnovers and surrenders 7 critical points on STs. Yes they need to work on the red zone play but they got picked apart by Durant today too so lets not pretend that offence was the only problem today. Medlock bailed the offence out and the defence bailed themselves out with two timely picks. However, they have to tighten up in the secondary.
  9. Winnipeg is no different than any other team. You take what the defence gives you if they want to give you the stuff underneath you make them pay. When they come in to cover short go over the top. Most teams now are throwing 3-15 yard passes for the most part because of the team speed that allows them to close fast and play of the line to prevent the home run ball. I don't care how they get down the field as long as they get down the field. Would I like to see more long ball? Sure. IS it essential in winning these days? Absolutely not. My concern is that their red zone production has dropped the last three games. They need to start working in something different because what they are doing now isn't working. I think it would be a good time to give Davis and Willy some work. This team isn't going to be blowing away many teams and so to give Willy and Davis some work they need to work in the odd package designed for the two back-ups. I would hate to see a scenario like 2007 play out again where the coach had the chance to get the back-ups playing time but stuck with the starter.
  10. The call was consistent. The one not called PI was hand-fighting pure and simple. On the last PI the defender clutched the arm of Dressler and used it to pull himself through. I agree with Climie on Sportscentre that it was PI. I called it as the play happened. I wasn't sure on one replay but watching it again he the Sask player clearly clutched Dressler's arm. They have called that all year. As for Jones' comment, he was right not to comment wrong about the fine and wrong in implying that other teams get away with commenting on officiating. They don't. (For example, Bowman was fined for his post-game comments after the game last week).
  11. Knowing the ref was behind him and couldn't see fully what was happening it was a brilliantly ridiculous sell job.
  12. I agree. naked bootlegs might work too if you have any sort of run game working. No one would expect our pocket passing QBs to do that. Or even throw in Willy or Davis to get them work.
  13. I understand Bowman's frustration. His call against Bond was a joke but his taking another 10 was all on him. He should have known better and the rest of the game was fairly called I don't feel that either team was unfairly punished. The missed PIs were caught on challenge. I think Bowman is just frustrated in general. He is used to winning and there hasn't been much of that in Montreal. He know though that directly slamming the O will only get him in hot water again so he scapegoats the refs. From what has happened in the past he will likely be fined for talking publicly about the officiating.
  14. I thought they were much better in the previous three games. Last night they indeed had a problem against a very good D. It wouldn't hurt to work on it because the second half of the season is now coming and they are going to experience it more and more.
  15. It's a start but they should do away with challenges altogether. Video challenges do not improve refereeing. If they want to improve reffing don't change rules all the freaking time. More training and defining of what constitutes each penalty then you can get better reffing. Really though I don't find CFL officiating that bad.
  16. Just saw it again as I was reading this and he never grabbed the facemask just two straight arms. They usually let that go.
  17. Twisting people's words was exactly what people did to my initial post. So...
  18. As other have said Lawless wasn't a player. There were some things he said in the past that showed that his football knowledge wasn't quite up to snuff. As well, even if he was a former player doesn't mean it makes him an authority/good reporter. To be honest though I can tolerate Lawless as I am free to ignore his articles,etc. Just like I do with Friesen.
  19. Myself and Road Griller never ran the show there. I am sorry you can't handle difference of opinion. I don't think either of us have to worry about working as mods so feel free to continue to dislike me for whatever reason you like.
  20. Ah Futurama. Great show
  21. I doubt any critic or teamer would apply. I clearly lean to the critic side of things and I would never apply because moderating means you can't ever get even slightly emotional. I can't ever agree to do that (again since I have been a mod before on other forums). As I have said a few times choosing from people you align with isn't a surprise that they would deny they do does surprise me. Would you want to work on a mod team with me?
  22. Ya I can agree on that. I have been to that forum a few times and they do seem to be ... Different. BTW I didn't forget and it wasn't fun here when it they were sucking the life out of us.
  23. Thank you for the response Mike. I do appreciate it. Honestly I really wasn't trying not to say you admins and mods are not doing a good job. I was really trying to point out that sometimes what happens may not be entirely under your control. I am not sure what exactly precipitated the demise of OB but I didn't think it was that bad there. It really seemed to me that it was more difference from opinion on the team than a moderation issue. Again I don't know the behind the scenes I am just saying how it looked from the outside. I do hope you are right, but please stay vigilant
  24. But he didn't say that he said middle of the road that is neither critic or teamer. (A good area to choose from). I really don't understand why any of the admins or mods would even get angry that I would say they are gonna choose people that they most align with. So what? The fact that that they can't admit it or think this forum is above falling apart is just mystifying.
  25. So let's see if I got this right. Rich can use hypothetical arguments to support his views but I can't? My point was not that they are bad but they do choose from a select bunch and that can leave opening for impartialilty to crumble.
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