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Everything posted by Dragon37

  1. Yup very impressed with both
  2. Very true. There was a lot of good and I hope, as always it was not just a one off.
  3. lol. No of course not Walters is determined to go down with the ship. But in all serousness MOS bought a reprieve last night. History has shown that it will likely be short.
  4. Good game but I ain't gonna give them any medals just yet. When they string a couple of wins in a row and don't play like dirty ass at home I will give them a break. I will say that I was super pleased with Bond, Loffler and Fredericks. They really played well beyond my expectations. I was really concerned with Randle being out but Fredericks certainly filled the gap well.
  5. Jeebus! That's terrible. I don't remember the guy but still.
  6. I won't because every QB has thrown those. It is unfortunate that there was a lapse of accuracy on that throw because that is what led to the injury. However, even if he was on target I can't say that Dressler wouldn't have been hurt. He was gonna get hit hard. That is ALWAYS the risk on a crossing hot pass.
  7. I prefer crotchety jerk thank you very much.
  8. This team fast-tracked it into crapper after he was gone
  9. I really don't like it when people pull the fan argument out. I totally get where you are coming from and respect the decision you have made. that is your choice and even if you do not go to a game or watch on TV that often I consider you every bit a fan as someone who has season tickets. The money and entertainment argument TOTALLY makes sense to me and I consider absolutely valid. Hey I am vocally negative towards this regime and have been pretty much from the get go but I have been at the games and I have to say for more than the last three years it has been more of a chore to go to games than fun. Some fans have fun regardless and somehow stay completely faithful that this team is great no matter what the scoreboard and stat sheet say. I don't get it but hey that is their level of fandom. Good on them. Whether you are a avid fan or have lost interest but still try to follow the team I, for one, welcome what you have to say. It is all valid.
  10. There is nothing wrong with Harris, but a big problem with how and how much we use him. He best let loose to the outside not forced up the middle where every single defensive player knows you run the ball. Maybe only Messam might work for that kind of game plan.
  11. That's what I have been saying for at least two years. We currently have one of the best if not the best back to outside and we have him running up the middle. It's sickening. Regardless of what happens in the first quarter with the run you have to keep with it if you want to start to relieve the pressure on the line. If you also decide to throw for most of the game you can't have the QB just lounging in a straight drop. You have to move the pocket. for the record, I don't blame Willy for the pick six I blame Lapo for beating the dead horse with that quick out all f'ing night. OF COURSE they were going to pick it off at some point. We are talking Calgary secondary not Winnipeg secondary. They know what they are doing. In case people were not keeping track, when Winnipeg has used the out they have a varied success with it. Meanwhile every time they have thrown a inside crossing pattern they have gained five or better yards. The majority of the teams they have played have left the short middle empty. That leaves the crossing play underneath open and, if they played smart it would leave the opportunity for the middle deep seam pattern open. The trick is though they have to use the run and move the pocket to slow the rush and spread the defence out.
  12. No he's not finished here this year.
  13. Low hits shouldn't happen to any player.
  14. They will not likely fire MOS. They all believe in him, so they say. If they were willing to keep him on after last season then they will stick with him. The management is more than willing to chase all fans away in order to prove it takes more than two years to make a good team.
  15. Randle is the biggest loss. Considering we already had a porous secondary before it is even worse now. The dline simply must get through to Rielly. Hall is going to have to have his secondary press cover more .... lol, yeah sorry that was a ridiculous suggestion. He will back them off even further more than likely.
  16. I am in this camp as well. There are ALWAYS schemes that can be done that give the oline a chance I rarely see that done.
  17. Use have a bunch of guys that are just jobbers. Burnett is one. Willy always throws darts in warm up and practise. He is not under serious pressure. Dial up the heat and he melts.
  18. It isn't up to the BOD to hire a GM it is Miller's.
  19. Yeah the board hires the president who is is the person involved with the day to days operations. However, there could be a voting block on the board that forms the majority of the votes and that gets their way every time because the other s cannot produce the numbers to make a crack in that block. IMHO you must have an odd number of board members and they should have a broad background including members that have experience with playing or running a CFL team, successful business management experience, and representatives of government (city and province). There should NEVER be a chance for a block of voters forming. I think there is a block of former CFLers and at least one business person who is basically a fan and these guys and gals basically direct how the board places their votes. It's the only way I can explain why this team has been most crappy for 26 years.
  20. That's how he works.
  21. Well I would disagree with Collaros being crippled here. He is mobile Willy and Nichols are not. Zack is exactly what we needed.
  22. I am sorry to hear that they have murdered your faith. I really am. Though you have annoyed me to no end some days with that faith I do not like to see it so ruthlessly slaughtered. I also have to strongly agree with your comment about not knowing what the problem is or how to fix it. I believe I have said as much in the last few years. There IS SOMETHING rotten in the core of this franchise and it goes much deeper than what is on the field, who the GM or coaches are. We have had a wealth of talented coaches and players through this franchise but mostly it has just sucked the chrome off the trailer hitch. How is that possible? Several teams have gone through their periods of suck and pulled out of it, some a few times in that 26 years. However, Winnipeg hasn't. That speaks volumes to me. They need an independent party to come in and try and figure out where the rot is because this team is dying a slow and incredibly painful death. When the light goes out there may be few who care.
  23. I look at it this way. Be it Lapolice, Hall, or whoever the buck stops at MOS. He is the final say and he had input on those guys and who is on the field and when. The teams suck game in and game out? That is all on the coach.
  24. It is bad but it also is not where it should be after six years in charge of finding it. That being said your comments are fair Mike. Far more of the burden lies below Walters right now. The problem I have is that you really cannot absolve Walters of the wreck this team is either because he was the one who hired MOS in the first place. Can we trust him to do the job properly next time around? Or is part of the problem even higher? That can be left for now but RIGHT NOW they need to make changes to try and salvage something from this season. I am not a fan of firing coaches in season but MOS is just sucking the life from this team in all sorts of ways.
  25. Are you related to MOS? You freakishly unwavering faith in him. More often than not this team is completely unprepared to play a game. I swear to God Walters could load the team with all-stars and they would suck. Yeah Walters needs to go. Yeah most of the talent he has found isn't that good. I freaking said this from the start. He had a position of some authority to do something when he was Assistant GM and he did nothing. Hell the guy is supposed to be some CIS guru, they hired him for that six years ago, and he still hasn't produced a decent line-up of Canucks. All that aside, he has given MOS some decent players and coaches to work with and MOS still can't get them to play a game resembling football. Whatever excuse you and MOS want to use is fine but stop trying to sell it to the rest of us because it is a hot stinking load of BS. MOS is utter hopeless as an HC it is as plain as day.
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