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Everything posted by Dragon37

  1. They booed because he gestured first to the Winnipeg bench then to the defence. **** happens Henry, including the minor love tap you got.
  2. Did they mention the direct hit to the head on Nicholls? Did they mention the late tackle after our player went out of bounds? I don't normally ***** about the refs but I really noticed some obvious missed calls last game. And what was worse was that the refs were looking directly at the infraction and didn't call a penalty. Oh well... Don't forget the two consecutive faskmaskings they missed. One on Nichols and one on one of our receivers or Marshal.
  3. Our season was done before it started. Mack Junior assured that.
  4. I would rather do away with that running around the end zone by punters or returners to kill time. I don't know why but that bothers the crap out of me. I am not a fan of making rule changes to facilitate more/less scoring. I would much rather see changes to make sure the rules are applied fairly and without doubt.
  5. I love the new stadium. However, one should keep in mind that likely only a very small minority of people are ever going to be able to use it yet they are obligated to carry their portion of the bill. As well, if such repairs are going to be an ongoing thing one would have to ask is there going to be an actual long term benefit to the people of Manitoba and Canada from this stadium? We have enough bad debt in this province already
  6. Not sure why Miller would be doing the recruiting it is not his job and it disturbs me that he would be doing such more than breaking league rules to do it. I'm not a GM nor is anyone else here so we cannot presume to know how common or uncommon tampering is. However, we get very upset when rules on the field are not applied so if Wade is tampering then the Bombers should be fined. I really don't care what other teams do just what the Bombers do and tampering is wrong. But I will say again, if Wade is doing the job of those hired to do it then the Bombers have huge problems. Sorry additional problems. They already have more problems than I can count.
  7. Dear God in heaven please do not bring Higgins here.
  8. The people who basically demanded the government to get involved are to blame, and that includes many of the people on this and OB forum, as much as the government. I was opposed to the province funding this from the start because stadiums in Canada are generally a far larger risk than arenas like MTS. As far as I am concerned if you were all in for governments funding this then turn that finger on yourself. Everyone in Manitoba and Canada are going to be footing a big bill for this for a long time. I hold those who built/designed it and the Bombers for much of the problems that have resulted.
  9. Me too! But the first game I remember is not a Bomber game. It was the '76 GC. I was 7 and I was hooked on CFL with that game.
  10. Who ... has been doing ... What? Oh never mind. Not going there, don't want to know. lol.
  11. lol. Terrible head coach but he is hard to hate. He had a really great personality. I have to say that as crappy as that team was they never stopped fighting.
  12. Did MOS originally hire MB or did he choose MB because he was already here and could easily step in?
  13. Wade Miller will dress up as a harem girl and dance to the I Dream of Genie theme.
  14. Either that or both O'Shea and Walters know and approve of Miller's initiative. It's unlikely that he's doing it behind their backs. If it is not on film O'Shea doesn't know about it
  15. Um. I am a paying STH that comes from out of town to go to games. They only managed to get three wins at home. They have won exactly five games this year and no matter which way you cut it they will not improve their losing record from last year. Those five teams they beat are all sub .500. They haven't beaten a single winning team this year. Just what is there to be positive about? Oh right MOS is a nice guy and the players love him. Oh and Walters signed three or four decent players. Oh and they played six close games one of which they won. Weee the Bombers almost beat Edmonton and Calgary and lost by three and seven to Ottawa. Mack Junior claimed that he was finally the right person for the job when he was installed. Well, genius where is the proof? Just when should fans expect this team not to be awful? Coach Hugs and Kisses. What has watching all that film shown you? Are you finally going to field a team ready to play 60 minutes for ONE game this year? Maybe I should just bury my head like you and only pull it out for the few good plays in the game, blitz. Perhaps then I could trick myself into believing this team was close to being good
  16. Tackles have it the hardest when the offensive scheme is to nail the QB to the pocket. Bryant was a huge step up. Actually, both tackles did pretty well considering. The middle of the OL is weak as all hell. We need another wide-out and a retooling on inside receivers. Our secondary is weak. We have no speed outside out of the backfield.
  17. I think we are more than a few players away from being good but that can be hard to say when the coaching is clearly so terrible. I will say our depth sucks an our NI pool is still as weak as ever.
  18. To be replaced with who? Three coordinators fired in 2 years. Who will come here? People that want to keep MOS because we can't attract quality HC's as they get fired yet want MB fired are just kidding themselves. No quality assistant coach will want to come here because all 3 coordinators hired by our brilliant HC will have been fired if Bellefeuille goes. So MB has to stay because no one better will want to be here. This is what happens when you hire crappy head coaches.You have no idea if what you are saying is true or not. Coaches don't go anywhere expecting to have a permanent job. They always expect to get fired at some point. I'll make you a bet, if MB is still here like you say he will be, then I won't come here anymore...otherwise you have to go....a bet? He not saying MB is staying he is making the point of how some people say we need to keep Coach Hugs and Kisses and Mack Junior because we go through too many coaches and GMs. This means that no one good wants to come here. So by that logic we should keep MB. Though it is likely too late, hire an independent consultant/assessor that analyzes this team from the BOD down to the playing field. Make moves from there. there is a sickness in this organization that permeates its way onto the playing field. Hiring another group of coaches, management and players to try their luck here is futile unless we root out the cancer that keeps Winnipeg from actually building a real CFL team. You can can try and interpret Iso's posts all you want...I do it this way "So MB has to stay because no one better will want to be here" Only dim people would not understand what ISO was trying to say. But considering you just accused me of not knowing my CFL history of Hammy, Edmonton, and Sask I am not surprised his mocking went right over your head.
  19. Iso logical? Now that's funny... He makes more sense than someone like you who has their head firmly buried in the sand.
  20. So did Edmonton, Hamilton, and Saskatchewan yet they all went on to turn around their organizations. Granted Sask crashed and burned this year but they will definitely be back and competitive long before Winnipeg. You have no idea if that is true or not...you just keep repeating the same negatives over and over and over again. LOL. Three years ago Edmonton and Hammy were in worse shape than Winnipeg and what is their record now? Before Sask turned around their team in the mid 00's they tried on coaches like someone tries on shoes when shoe shopping. You just don't like that I want them to fire a couple of schmoes you like.
  21. He has coached the Bombers to a winning record over Montreal and players like all the hugs and kisses he gives them.
  22. So did Edmonton, Hamilton, and Saskatchewan yet they all went on to turn around their organizations. Granted Sask crashed and burned this year but they will definitely be back and competitive long before Winnipeg.
  23. To be replaced with who? Three coordinators fired in 2 years. Who will come here? People that want to keep MOS because we can't attract quality HC's as they get fired yet want MB fired are just kidding themselves. No quality assistant coach will want to come here because all 3 coordinators hired by our brilliant HC will have been fired if Bellefeuille goes. So MB has to stay because no one better will want to be here. This is what happens when you hire crappy head coaches. You have no idea if what you are saying is true or not. Coaches don't go anywhere expecting to have a permanent job. They always expect to get fired at some point. I'll make you a bet, if MB is still here like you say he will be, then I won't come here anymore...otherwise you have to go....a bet? He not saying MB is staying he is making the point of how some people say we need to keep Coach Hugs and Kisses and Mack Junior because we go through too many coaches and GMs. This means that no one good wants to come here. So by that logic we should keep MB. Though it is likely too late, hire an independent consultant/assessor that analyzes this team from the BOD down to the playing field. Make moves from there. there is a sickness in this organization that permeates its way onto the playing field. Hiring another group of coaches, management and players to try their luck here is futile unless we root out the cancer that keeps Winnipeg from actually building a real CFL team.
  24. That won't happen until after the GC and it will not change the fate of the Bombers in 2016
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