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Everything posted by Dragon37

  1. That's assuming they beat BC and The Larks
  2. Sorry to disappoint you but if the Bombers beat the aforementioned teams and everything else remains equal, then the Blue will be in the playoffs. lol! First they have to beat those two bottom dwellers but that won't be enough. That is just two games. To make the playoffs they have to beat >.500 teams and so far each one they have played they have been crushed. Montreal and BC have shown they can beat >.500 teams so right now I have to give them the edge. Sorry.
  3. The only thing MoS would be a threat to do to a player is hug them.
  4. Stala and Austin are both jerks. That being said a coach/GM/ VP shouldn't do what he did no matter who it was. Because Austin is more than a coach the fine should have been higher.
  5. Meh to this signing. He remains a prospect until he shows me otherwise.
  6. Until Winnipeg beats one of the above .500 teams I cannot see them making the playoffs. BC and The Larks have beat good teams so, until I have proof to the contrary, they stand a better chance of getting wins to put them in the playoffs.
  7. Right now? Nichols. It would be nice have Muamba but I would bet he is going to sign in TO or Hamilton, maybe even BC. I can't see the Blu emaking him a serious offer. But who knows. While Nichols is a definite back-up I think he is interested in being a starter so I could see him venturing into the FA market. I would hope that the Bombers make an offer to him before that happens. Nichols starting stats are actually quite good. Yes he has run into interception trouble but let's not forget he was 5-2 (if I am not mistaken) in his starts (this year?), which is actually really good. Depending on how good the rest of your team is interception troubles can be overcome. If I am not mistaken Glenn had a few very high interception years and the Bombers still faired okay. Granted Winipeg isn't a good enough team to overcome such issues but who knows if Nichols will have that issue here.
  8. Because they proved it with success on the field. Hoping these lead bars will turn to gold is truly insane
  9. With and without I was expecting improvement. I wasn't hopeful after the preseason game here and a few games into the season because our secondary was truly awful. The offence I thought would improve. Even before Willy went down it was becoming very evident that this team was fated to the basement of the west.
  10. Blaming the fans for wanting success is lame. For most of the last 24 years we haven't had it and for the most part any stability that was creeping in was destroyed by impatient people in the organization.
  11. Yeah load of BS. Austin first went to Sask, then Hamilton with no stability at either franchise. Huf went to a relatively unstable Calgary, Hervey took a job in Edmonton, then hired Jones. Ottawa was able to land good GM and coaches. Wally Buono was willing to go to an unstable BC.Some folks won't come here because they think Winnipeg, the whole city, has nothing to offer. We are not Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, etc but we are more crime riddled than most other cities. Our cost of living is through the roof for a city our size,etc. So if we want some of these good guys then we are going to have to pay. Clearly Austin will go where the pastures are Green. Barker, not so much. Barker is a big city guy. It isn't some grand conspiracy nor is it a lack of stability. When you are hiring someone the prospect KNOWS it is to return to stability. The organization also knows that despite what is said they still may not have found that stability with a new hire. It may become evident right away it may take longer. Success is the evidence of that. If there is success the stability comes. There isn't a single large corporation out there that doesn't go through a spell of adversity. Some sit on their hands and watch the ship sink, others react, and often react until success, even muted success, returns. Right now this team has no success so there will be no stability. Sure some guys will be afraid to come here and that is likely because they doubt their abilities. Some won't because Winnipeg is a small city that has big city problems and not all the amenities of a big cities. It happens and so you gotta move on. Some of the guys will take more money to come here though. Me I don't really care who we get in. I care about the job they do. I was never keen on Walters to start with because he was unable to either stand up and make his voice heard or deliver the goods. The team has been average or below average the entire time he has been here. If, like he so boldly stated two years ago, the right man is in the job now, where is the proof? Yep he found a few good players, every GM has, but has he found enough? Nope. Has proven he can deal with more than one or two parts of the team at a time? Nope. I think it is nuts that people are willing to give MOS and Walters more time. Especially with a good year and a half of proof that they can't do the job. ( and more than ample evidence coming out of Edmonton and Ottawa that IMPROVEMENT can be expected in that time)
  12. Yep. Good old Mr. Superfan. Much rather get into the whole name calling thing. Fact is you cannot do any less than pull out the insults because there is no evidence to back your pleas for patience. Stability follows success, never the other way around. (Which is why Winnipeg hasn't had stability, at least on the coaching side, and now on the GM side. They did have the GM stability for a bit under Bauer)
  13. Yep don't care. Tired of rearranging my life to go watch a team spinning it wheels. But not so tired as to spend time on a forum talking about it. The strange get stranger.. Well if it isn't Mr. Superfan out with the insults again. If you put half as much effort into providing clear evidence of why we should all be wrapping Walters and co with fuzzy rainbows and worshipping the hallowed ground they walk on perhaps you wouldn't feel the need too resort to your infantile and petty name calling.Perhaps you should put down your Walter pin-ups, take off those blue coloured glasses, and realistically assess the job your hero has done. Walters was brought in as some ST genius and his STs were at best mediocre. He was supposed to be some sort of Canadian talent genius yet Winnipeg has been unable to significantly do ANYTHING in that regard for his entire time here. He wasn't even able to do better when that big scary Joe Mack was gone. He has no clue on American talent and brings in a couple of guys that ... surprise ... failed to improve our American talent. This from a country where good ballers apparently are in excess. Coaching. Fail. Improvement. Fail. So we brought this guy in and he has failed to first improve our STs, then was pretty much gutless or useless as an assistant GM, and is now failing on all counts as a full GM. Am I jumping the gun? Nope, Edmonton and Ottawa have both been as bad or worse and shown significant improvement while Winnipeg continues to spin their wheels. I will ride out the rest of this lousy season but I expect the Bombers to be dead last and the for the prices that we have to pay now and all the driving and time off work I have to take it just may not be worth it any more. I can watch the game at home and save a bunch of money, time, and grief. It tears me up but it is even more embrassing and frustrating to sit and watch a team I love suck harder that a hooker.
  14. I GOT the message. Believe me, I did. This clown show will be allowed to continue because they need more time. Well, I'm a fan so I'll just have to put up with it. I have no control over what the Bombers do. Doesn't mean I have to like it. But I'll still be there for this team no matter what (sigh). Just get numb after awhile as reality stares me in the face. I was 35 years old the last time the Bombers won a Grey Cup. Most of you guys have never experienced the thrill of a championship run which is a real shame. It's awesome. It's special & something you never forget as a fan. I just hope I live long enough to experience my favourite team win another. If they do, I'll never take it for granted. Ever. I was a mere pup! Just 21 when they won their last cup. I can tell what a thrill it was in 84 though. Even though I had not followed the team all that long by then I remember the bitter feelings as they first struggled to get to the Western Final then trying to beat BC or Edmonton. My Dad and I were over th emoon and he made travel plans the very next day. We took the Greyhound to Edmonton. 13 hours of partying (it was pure hell though as we didn't sleep a wink). There was some serious tension in the first quarter until they managed to get that first Kennerd field goal. After that both the O and D calmed down and the rest is history. Man oh, man it was pure awesomeness! I even got Brian Kelly's autograph (he was in the crowd several rows up from us). It has been a living hell since that last GC and I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the "be patient" line. This organization is sick and the current folks responsible for what is on the field is not the cure. I was drawn in several times by it and even promoted it. I am done with that. The only thing that matters is some serious progression. If this team doesn't turn it around very soon so done with them.
  15. Yep don't care. Tired of rearranging my life to go watch a team spinning it wheels.
  16. Holy Christ...you're right!! Why did nobody think of that? Clearly not the trained monkeys running the team right now. "It was the best of times... it was the blurst of times?!!" "You stupid monkey!"
  17. Yeah well if "little" Wade is all mad and whatnot then there is a real simple cure. Put a winning team on the field. So far he and his crew haven't shown me they are capable of doing that. This is the CFL in the 2000's Wade building a team means you get progressively better not fundamentally worse. All I have seen from you is you improving your wardrobe from that money (of mine which I do not have to give you I might add and have to ask why I do give it to you when you basically field a collosially unentertaining team on the field). Thank your monkey Gary he pretty much just gave me the motivation NOT to renew next year.
  18. We cheer and forget our problems for one week. We will watch as the Bomber brass bury their head in the sand and go on like everything is just fine and Dandy. (However, I hope Nichols does bring us a win)
  19. Obviously you have never been employed by government. +1 Yeah no kidding Jaquie
  20. Hard to build anything sustainable when you are getting crushed by 0-9 teams and don't show any improvement in two years. Walters and MOS have proven they cannot produce a better product. In the time they have been here two teams that were crappy are better and we are still crappy, if not crappier. Face the facts your boys are not the answer. Heck Walters has been here for how long and not done a good job? He sucked as a ST genius, he failed to make an impact as a assistant GM, and he has failed in two years as a GM. Remember this guy is supposed to be some Canadian player guru and yet he has failed massively to have any impact at all of our Canadian talent.
  21. Wallowing in the depths of a nine team league is unacceptable. I want them to hire someone that knows how to build a proper franchise and not what we have. Stability follows success, not the other way around. Right now I think we have some people in key positions that really have no clue how to run a CFL franchise today. They are thinking back to how it was done in the past and not how it needs to be done now. Until that changes we will keep making bad hires.
  22. This is not true at all. Fans and media have been very patient. However, I will not be able to convince you of this. I will say though that if you think this GM and coach are the answer then expect more pain. Hamilton and Edmonton were far more impatient for a very long time yet they were able to attract the people they needed. So, your overly optimistic view is really not correct. If the money is good and the job description is the same then there is nothing to lose. The press and fans aren't any different here than anywhere else. The city may not offer what some people may want. Winnipeg has a far worse image as a city (high crime,taxes,expenses,etc). I doubt Barker cares much about what our press and fans think. Barker is a large metropolis person. Austin would have come if we had rolled out the money wagon. Anyone that is afraid because of fans and media probably shouldn't be coaching because they are likely not very good at their job.
  23. I thought they released Longo a few weeks back?
  24. Then maybe he could stay on as ST coach when they replace him as HC later on
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