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Everything posted by Dragon37

  1. A QB change here isn't necessarily the answer. Sask got their #1 back and TO has found theirs. MTL has been looking for two years and likely have it in Manziel and Pipkin. Personally I don't think our answer is in Streveler. He definitely has an upside and will be the future but he is not ready yet. However, I do feel they should use him more but we all know that MOS won't.
  2. They will have to go 8-0 to improve, 7-1 to match.
  3. The thing is that most teams had their problems five or six games in and are trending the other way while we are trending down at completely the wrong time. Not to mention that not one single win by our team has come against a team above .500. Not one. That is not a very good sign.
  4. What? There are four teams above .500, one at, and three below. Three of the four are Western teams. That's the furthest thing from parity. Any team can win on any day even when there is no parity.
  5. That and the Bombers haven’t beaten a team that is better than .500.
  6. They have overtaken us by the fact that they have a game at hand. Saskatchewan’s offence is struggling too. They do have a very solid defence. We also lack in the back-up game. Considering that we don’t have a great receiving Corp to start we better hope that our O doesn’t take too many injuries. Just saying....
  7. I hope you are right but it seems like it has been design in place since MOS took over. I think, as well, that they still need to tweak their D-Line. It was just not consistent in pressuring the opposing offenses. They also serious must rethink how they use their DBs. They seemed to fair better when they were not backing off 10-15 yards and letting the short crap get completed. they were nickle and dimed to death last year. Sigh, I wish I had the confidence that our defensive woes all boiled down to a MLB.
  8. Ain't no one gonna beat Dunnigan's 713.
  9. Just my personal opinion, I don't think it would matter who they put at MLB they would fair no better. Hall's defensive designs put the MLB too close to the line and not free ranging. As a result they get scraped really easily and have to play from behind.
  10. While WR is a bit shaky right now the fact that they didn't go long very much wasn't the problem. The problem is for two games now the opposition has shut the run down so that has pretty much eliminated the deep ball threat and limited the medium routes. They have to find a short game of some sort, either draws and screens to slow the rush down and find a way to produce open receivers in the medium routes (preferably in the middle of the field) . You gotta make them honest on the defensive line and pull the half backs and safety up and into the middle then you can go over top of them. To that end it would be beneficial if Flanders and Dressler were back this week. There were a number of potential big runs available on delayed draws in the BC game. One in the first half would have produced a touchdown. There was noone in the middle of the field and a massive lane opened up on the o-line.
  11. I believe Walker was back in the fourth quarter. He was getting concussion protocol for a better part of the second half.
  12. Just out of curiosity, since I don't have time to read through all the responses, has anybody even noticed that there is no such thing as Anthropomorphic Global Warming? The correct term is AnthroGENIC as in human genesis or human caused. Anthropomorphic is the embuing of human emotions/action upon another non-human creature.
  13. I don't believe the franchise retires any numbers.
  14. Surprising and good decision by the league. Long time in coming. Contact in practice isn't going to necessarily translate into a game. As mentioned by Milt one should know how to properly deal with contact whether being hit or doing the hitting before getting to the professional level. This drastically reduces the further chances of injuries and protects players from unnecessary contact injuries. Contact doesn't do anything to improve a player's stamina and conditioning all of that can come without contact. You don't need contact to practice running plays and teaching defenses and offenses. If it is not needed then why have it. Once a week is more than enough contact for one week.
  15. I think they have most, if not all, the parts they need on defense ... player-wise. Their coaching on defense is lacking. Whether that gets fixed or not is going to depend on MOS and he is a stubborn fool sometimes. Far more devoted to his players and coaches than to taking the needed steps to fix the flaws.
  16. Yeah Winnipeg didn't need OT to beat Otterwa.
  17. I thought he hit him in the chest. When his head snapped forward he hit the helmet. So it looked clean to me. Big hit but clean.
  18. I think they meant incidental. If I am not mistaken, when contact is not intentional they do have to option to call incidental/accidental and just move the ball up 10 yards (in this case half the distance) and award a first down. While it is not common I have seen incidental/accidental called before. In this case the Rider was still trying to make a play on the ball but he stepped on receiver's heel by accident.
  19. I don't remember the PI call you folks are talking about but Maas is nothing but a rager. That's all he does and has ever done on the sidelines. I swear he went to the kent Austin school of coaching. If it hasn't already it will bleed more and more onto the field until Edmonton is getting flagged for very slim calls on both sides of the ball. When you are known for taking penalties or as a rager coach you will actually get more calls whether it is warranted or not. It happens in all the pro sports leagues.
  20. It may play a role, but I am no engineer either. to me it looks like both might hold sound in in some way or other.
  21. I never said the roof has anything to do with it. It is the fact that the design of our "contains" the sound more than Regina's does. Their stands are wider apart and one end of Mosaic is more open than the ends of IGF.
  22. Well you imply it was luck that drove the win instead of work. Bombers made plays and created plays. The only "luck" they got was a bad PI call that may or may not have meant a difference between and 9 or a five point lead. but really this PI wasn This one play though really had little impact
  23. Not to nit-pick too much but the difference was a lean of nine instead of 3-5 It was 29-20 at the half
  24. Yeah, man Saskatchewan got away with some really blatant holds for two games. I know the Bombers get away with them too but geez I don't know how many time the Sask tackles were putting a collar around our DL's neck from behind but it was a lot. Oko and Westie were raped for two games.
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