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Everything posted by Dragon37

  1. The designs of the two stadiums does indeed help. Our stadium is a tighter footprint putting the fans closer to the field of play and the having the ends closed in just a bit more aides as well. Mosaic is a bit more open with a lower seating angle wider sidelines and, therefore, creating more open space. I do believe that if Mosaic had a tighter design bring the fans in closer and enclosing the one end of the stadium more it would have been as loud. We can all try and dispel that design of the stadiums doesn't play a role but I think that just wouldn't be accurate. In theory Edmonton and BC should have the loudest fans as they can put more fans in their stadiums.
  2. Luck didn't win this game. they didn't luck their way into 48 points and luck their way to holding the riders to 28. There is still work to be done but when is that not the case. I don't know a team that doesn't need to fix something.
  3. Who has been glossing over the fact that Winnipeg's defense needs to be better? No one. Hell I haven't been happy with our defense for a few years now. They need some pressure up front and have needed back end help for a while. I do think they have the players to do it BUT I don't think they have the schemes to get it done. We are particularly weak over the middle because our LBs insist, for the most part on being up near the line and getting trapped in that mess rather than hang a few yards off both spying the RB and getting in the passing lanes. On the back end they back way the hell off and hope that their close speed and shoulder tackles are going to work. As for our offense, they may not be glamorous but they have consistently put up lots of points. I, personally, don't freaking give two craps if they have to dip and dunk or blast it over the top to get the points or if it comes in threes or sixes as long as at the end of the day they have more point on the board than the opposition. The margin of the win might mean something to some fans out there but in the end, whether it is a blow out or a overtime win by a point a team gets two points. Win or lose there is always something to fix.
  4. Typical response from a keyboard coward. Feeling empowered "true fan"?
  5. Well, in my years watching the Bombers in the LDC they have mostly lost the game. They have lost despite having some very good teams going play very bad Rider teams. As such, I can see why some Bomber fans will favour the riders going into the LDC. I most certainly will not judge their devotion to the team based on such calls. I think it is very unfortunate that you would attack other fans for having an opinion different from your own. It doesn't make for a very welcoming community.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a split, but I wouldn't be too surprised with a Bomber sweep. A blow out by either team in either game or a Sask sweep would be surprising to me. No offense to Sask on being surprised on the sweep bit but the way things have gone for both teams in the recent past doesn't lend me to think Sask sweep as I still think they have too many question marks going into the games and recent history between the teams would say that a sweep by either team is not very likely.
  7. Winnipeg offense is better and Sask D is better. It's that simple. There's the narrative. In a close game I like the Bombers chances.
  8. They do indeed suck but they are part of the game so I wouldn't call those fluke wins. Fluke wins are truly pulling out a game on an improbable play or a dubious call. Winnipeg has won close games closer games than should have been but they still pulled them out by working hard. No doubt about it either that Sask deserves full points for their last two wins. If anyone steps back and takes a hard look they should be able to see that Sask is not a bad team but they are not yet "on the porch" as they like to say on TSN. Teams cannot take them lightly or they get what BC got. At the same time Saskatchewan fans have to admit that the Bombers are a better team at this point. Not as good as say Calgary, they indeed have point they need to work on such as the secondary but they have earned their wins and not by fluke. It should be a good game, at least on paper, but this is Labour Day and history has shown that no matter how good Winnipeg is going into this game it is a serious dogfight that they more often have lost. No matter how good or bad Sask is, or for that matter any team is, you must respect them, because if you don't you lose. Its that simple. I think though Saskatchewan too, does have to respect this version of the Bombers because since Nichols took over and we tweaked the o-line they have become a much better team. Just because Sask rolled tow strong teams doesn't mean they will do the same without good preparation.
  9. Nearly, but not quite and as such you have failed to amass more than four wins.
  10. Your defense won the day the offense didn't.
  11. A bad Montreal team which you failed to beat because your team could kick the ball between the uprights when you needed it. Oh and they kept your self vaunted offense to what 16 points? An interception is no fluke Durant made a mistake and Winnipeg made him pay. Not any different that Johnson or What-his-names pick sixes this week for Sask.
  12. Let's see. Sask hits upright, Bombers don't. Win bombers. Winnipeg down 12 to Montreal drive the field score a TD. Kick the convert. Recover the onside. Drive the field score on a one yard plunge. Bombers win. Ottawa ties game. Bombers drive field kick a last second FG Bombers win. Montreal Ties game. Both score in first OT. Bomber pick off Durant pass. Kick FG to win. Bomber roll Hamilton and Roll TO and Rolled Edmonton. The scores may have been tighter but they were in control of those three games. They have only not scored 30 or more points once this year and most of their points have come from the offense, not the defense. Four straight games they have led whistle to whistle. So they may have had five tight game but they have not "fluked" any of those wins they put up point when they needed to and there is nothing fluke about that. Saskatchewan most definitely has a very good defense but their O has not quite been a sparkler. While our D is not as good, our O is putting up good numbers. Winnipeg plays a much more controlled offense and is not as susceptible to turnovers as BC and Edmonton are so I don't think your team is going to be doing any rolling over the opponent this week. This is Labour Day though so I am not going to predict a WInnipeg win but I know that they can can win and in a close game I like their odds. They have only lost one of five close games while Saskatchewan has not been able to pull out a win in a close game yet.
  13. Never bothered with the whole thread. Nichols is a good QB and I couldn't care less if people class him elite or not. He has been a big part of this team winning since he was handed the job. Just as he did with Edmonton before his terrible injury. That team was pedestrian without him. To me he has the patience and smarts of Mitchell and the drive of Reilly. Like Mitchell, Nichols has won more than he has lost (including the time with Edmonton). Indeed winning is a team effort and Nichols has been a big part of this team's turnaround in the last year.
  14. The defence is simply not good enough and our ball protection needs to be better.
  15. I totally agree with MC. I would go further and say that the "problem" isn't the skill of the officials on the field it is the millions of judges off the field who have better angles and the ability to slow a play down that is the problem. There have been all sorts of changes for the wrong reasons and it is now catching up with us. Rules need only be changed if they are no longer functioning properly. Now the rule changes have slanted the deck heavily in favor of the offense and dramatically forced the defense to up their skill level. Offensively you can get away with anything now.
  16. The secondary was massively better too. Though Randle still needs to learn not to try and shoulder tackle people.
  17. Um, Montreal was pretty chippy when he was in charge there. They haven't been as bad since Trestman departed. TO was pretty amped up last night , including Trestman who was barking at the officials, and getting away with it, for much of the second half. So no I don't see Trestman reprimanding anyone.
  18. We park in the blue lot by that cool gray building with the big blue panoramic window. Getting out is waaaaay faster. The no right turn off ChancellorMatheson is no issue at all as I just take Waverly to McGillivary to Pembina to my Dads house on Jessie. Even though the game started half hour later than Thursday games last year, I have to drive farther to get my Dad home and back through the city to get back to #1 I got back to Portage la Prairie a full hour earlier than normal. So yes my driving experience is massively, massively better.
  19. He's been adequate. He hasn't messed with the people in charge of the on field product the way Lyle did. While Bauer did the books good he seriously harmed the on field product by getting involved in all ways. Hopefully the on field product is as good as it was in the last 13 weeks of last season. Only that will put butts in the seats. There is nothing else Wade can do outside of that.
  20. The NFL still exists?
  21. Bloody Thursday games >:(
  22. Great news! Probably the best news I got today.
  23. I think all three were only taken out of use in the last ten years.
  24. I am about the only one who doesn't mind the PI/contacting enforcement. Now enforce holding. I enjoy good defence to. Scrap reviews altogether. Reffing is done by humans and humans make mistakes. At speed and at field level you simply cannot catch every penalty. I would also like to see more protection for all players and not just the QB. I saw a lot of head shots and shots blow the knees (not tripping/shoestring tackles) this year that just makes me cringe. Dessler first went out on a vicious head shot this year. There is no problem with how no yards was called this year or any other year. Yeah they missed some but that happens. I surely do not want to see that sissy fair catch rule here. One of the many things about the NFL that makes it so .... Sleep inducing. The points awarded on a safety are just fine.
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