Any politician than advocates violence in any form should be shown the door, protest all you want but the call for violence should be an offense in of it's self
Biden is going to have his eyes opened wide when he sees how many Senate Republicans are going to challenge his win, 12 and counting, he will have problems with his picks for various positions in his administration too, by pass the ones not confirmed by the Senate if the Dems don't win the run offs and appoint them as acting just like their boy Trump.
All these Republicans who are going to object are doing it for optics and optics alone, they don't believe what they are saying and what they are going to do, still expecting Trump to try to do something stupid after January 6 maybe the day of.
Since fireworks are done for most of us this year unless you have some going off in your backyard, lets hope 2021 is nothing near what 2020 was and that we never have to relive it ever again.
While many that play sports and make serious coin make great financial decisions some do not whether it's the lifestyle, accountants, agents or leeches , case in point Chris McAlister who made over 60 million during his days playing football, shortly after his career was over he moved into his parents house broke.
When Trump is gone you will hear some unbelievable stories from all the enablers of Trump, they will go on any media outlet to cry their crocodile tears trying to save face, they all need to be investigated and let the courts decide their fates
Sometimes you wonder whether they really believe what they say, don't worry I already know the answer
Then there's this idiot who has learned the all caps way of tweeting, just makes him look and sound stupid just like his God