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Everything posted by bustamente

  1. Trump campaign has been pulling ads from the Arizona area, short on cash or have they given up on Arizona ?
  2. Trumpdraftdodger has big problems with his mouth and saying stupid stuff, but badmouthing people that gave their lives for their country might just be the last straw for anyone but a lunatic Trump supporter
  3. You losers and suckers need to go and die for dear leader
  4. Cadet Bonespurs who dodged the draft how many times should really keep his mouth shut about people who gave their lives to their country
  5. This guy is a human punchline
  6. His is like a big fat sun and criminals gravitate to him
  7. One day the truth will come out.
  8. The mooch chimes in
  9. It's like everyone in Trump's orbit doesn't think anyone will fact check, that's how stupid they are and how stupid Trump's base is.
  10. He is a cesspool of stupidity, lie after lie, never gives any proof of what he says and Americans of the future will have volumes and volumes of material of how a terrible business man with many a bankruptcy, failed marriages, racist views conned them to become the dumbest President in their history.
  11. One guy thinks he is a genius, the other just another stooge, both should end up in jail
  12. Trump telling the world that he did not have a series of mini strokes and even though it looks like by some of his actions lately it's possible, who the hell asked him, the POTUS is flat out crazy and trying to get ahead of another thing that will make him look weak
  13. Apparently according to Trump, any leader of any city or state that doesn't want his storm troopers are fools.
  14. Number in hospital keeps rising, those are ones that worry me
  15. This book is the next news cycle
  16. Trumps end game is to stay in power by any means possible, to the extent of Americans killing each other, he doesn't care as long as he is President he will stoke racism and violence because he knows that the other side of him losing is investigations from both civil and political authorities.
  17. If only he would do a header coming off a plane
  18. Holy crap, Trumps sister really doesn't think to much of Trump and his kids
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