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Everything posted by bustamente

  1. I'm going to steal this from Paul Begala who said of Ivanka, "she's either criminally stupid or arrogantly stupid", I think that applies to the entire Trump clan.
  2. One thing that Trump has proven time after time tweet after tweet is that he knows nothing about anything.
  3. If MOS stays they could use to 2 new coordinators, if he leaves they could use a new hc and 2 new coordinators.
  4. Food for thought the Stamps have 4 wide outs that are not playing tonight that are better that the Bombers core receivers, add a very good qb against what we have and the result is in front of us.
  5. I may be out of my flipping mind but I see MOS is blue next year ......................Double Blue
  6. Have to give credit to the D but they couldn't hold then off all 2nd half, the O was a complete joke
  7. Nichols favourite play, roll out throw it in the 3rd row, seriously run the ball and throw 10 yard passes really not capable than anymore than that.
  8. Mia Love branded a loser by the idiot pretending to be the president is actually leading now, he will probably take credit if she wins because hey nobody really calls him out and he has gotten this far by bull shitting a nation.
  9. Thing is though that they don't have to call on Acosta, they could let him sit there and stew but the WH and the press secretary want conflict.
  10. Trump says ask the right questions at press conferences or we will leave, ya this isn't going to end well
  11. We will know if he really answered the questions if there are spelling mistakes 😁
  12. Trump says that the questions from Mueller are not that difficult even though he hasn't responded yet.
  13. Looks like Acosta can go back to pissing off Trump and the WH
  14. All hail Presidente Cheetolini, bow down to his greatness, unless it is pouring rain cause his hair's force field is not strong enough.
  15. You might be right, guess it all depends on what Mueller has on him, how much this new temp AG can protect him and what the Democrats want to investigate.
  16. You think he is depressed and angry now can't wait till the new year
  17. FLOTUS is just as wretched as the POTUS they deserve each other, as for Acosta he should make Trump crawl over on hand and knees when they have to give him his hard pass back to him.
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