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Everything posted by Blueballz

  1. I'd pick what's his name who played Han in Fast n the Furious to play Raiden... Liddell...not sure about that pick, as long as he doesnt have to act too much lol
  2. The possibilty it even exists is dumb founding in itself
  3. Yeah he needs to expand his repetoire for sure
  4. You could be right...maybe Wrestlemania was too soon
  5. It doesn't? I'm sure guys like Marty Mc Sorley would disagree. And how is that worse? You'd rather guys go fight someone that isn't a fighter...talk about worse. Maybe "necessary" is a bad term.
  6. Hey Taynted...you had me until Channing Tatum lol
  7. Quick question...are they ever gonna put Roman Reigns over...thought Wrestlemania was a lost opportunity
  8. Dude Love's pretty awful...
  9. I'm sure more careers were cut short for other reasons than fighting. When two people fight in hockey it's almost always mutual. If it wasn't I could see it being an issue. Give me a good reason why it should be banned and I'll give ya two why it shouldn't.
  10. Trump hiring Mexicans to build it...oh the irony.
  11. His building a wall statement made me question his credibility...scary thought is that he even came this far
  12. To be honest I like where we are...like someone already posted when was the last time a last place team won the lottery? If we finish bottom 1-4 we still have a great chance of getting a good player
  13. The signing of E. Cummings makes for an interesting battle at DT...the way Richie Hall mixes up the front line should be interesting. We still need a DE opposite Westerman though...why not bring Alex Hall back?
  14. Could we be looking at the next President of the United States? Lawd what a scary thought... What do you think of his chances? And what would that look like if it happens?
  15. Not sure how I feel about a Terminator sequel...have yet to see Genysis tho...but thought the last one was good.
  16. Sat in both upper and lower deck and to be honest...front rows in the upper deck are the way to go...you get to see more...but that's just my opinion
  17. With Dressler, Smith and Denmark...have to think we might have the best receiving corps we've seen in a while. Sure would be nice if Richards steps up this year or we draft one out of a solid draft class...
  18. Who is our LB coach? Hear Juwan Simpson is open to coaching....might be a decent option
  19. Aqua man...lol oh em gee
  20. Damn...and Rocky's kid somehow playing into it..
  21. What did you think about Creed? Worthy of a sequel?
  22. Watching Rocky IV...heard in order to make it more realistic Stallone got Lundgren to really hit him, apparently he got hurt pretty bad too. My gf sleeping beside me while I watch...training scene, she thought I was watching porn LOL Anyway...sorry this thread for upcoming movies didnt mean to derail... See the leaked pics from the set of Star Wars VIII? Kinda "meh"...
  23. Quick question...in Straight Outta Compton they reference Eazy E's gang affiliation but not Ice Cube's...why?
  24. Thanks guys...still on the bend whether I want to go see it...sounds interesting but trailer kinda sucked...
  25. Been probably already said (my bad) but what's the verdict on 10 Cloverfield Lane? Worth seeing? Any connection to Cloverfield? *** No spoilers
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