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Sard last won the day on June 6 2021

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  1. 2013 is a prime example of how Winnipeg fans are... we had a 3-15 team (and the games were bad, usually done half way through the 3rd quarter) and averaged the 3rd highest attendance in the league at just over 30,000.
  2. Maybe the league is trying to help get a different team in to represent the West in the Grey Cup?
  3. The 2 pre-season games against the same team makes absolutely no sense to me.
  4. I think that if Kevin Glenn hadn't broken his arm back in the 2007 East Final, the drought would have ended 10 years earlier than it did.
  5. That is correct. The Wikipedia page for Osborne Stadium Winnipeg has a map showing the location as right where the Canada Life building is now at 60 Osborne St. N.
  6. Keeping in mind that it's for 6 months of work.
  7. The fact that Walters wouldn't even say who got a request from the NFL because he didn't want the guy to find out through the media tells me that there was no way that he would ever say what the plans are for any of the guys. He would want to talk to them or their agents directly about any future plans, so I wouldn't expect there to be much substance to anything he says in the press conference in that regard.
  8. Don't put that idea out into the universe... nobody wants that...
  9. Pretty sure it was speculated at the end of the Grey Cup game that Benson was going to retire.
  10. True enough, but hindsight tells us that now. To say that 90K would have made it a worthwhile gamble, if he had been injured again, the same bellyaching would be happening regarding other aging vets that need to be let go so that their replacement can be found. Are there others who should have been let go at the same time, sure, but that's easier to say now than it was 10-12 months ago.
  11. I've seen a number of people comment about how letting Janarion Grant go was a huge mistake. It's easy to say that in hindsight now, but with the injuries he had suffered and basically being out for half of the season last year (and possibly the year before as well), the team made the decision that it was time to move on from him, just like they did with Jackson Jeffcoat. At the time that the decision was made, it made sense to go that way, so griping about it now is just sour grapes. The fact that they weren't able to find a decent replacement is a totally different issue.
  12. Funny comment from Farhan about Edmonton not asking about Rick Campbell... since he was fired, I'm pretty sure they don't have to ask permission to talk to him.
  13. We gave O'Shea a shot at HC and look how that turned out. Just because one guy (or 1000) failed at being promoted, doesn't mean the next guy will or won't. If you're just basing it on that, I take it you would prefer we recycle an old coach... As someone else mentioned earlier, maybe Bellefeuille would be interested in coming back?
  14. Do you know anything about the 3 of them, or are you uninspired just because you've never heard of them? Sometimes an unknown quantity is the better way to go rather than recycling coaches.
  15. They always have a moratorium on big news during Grey Cup week, but it does seem surprising that Buck would have even interviewed for the job before the end of the season. He's got bigger fish to fry at this point. If he does end up going, I would wonder if someone on the Bombers O staff would step into the job like Kevin Bourgoin, Jason Hogan, or Marty Costello. Not sure if any of them would want or are qualified for the OC job, but I would suspect that O'Shea would look there first.
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