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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Preach. Look at the Rum Hut. Are they even watching the game or are they having a party? Huge win for the Bombers. Let them party!
  2. The one day that I was going to look up a VW vehicle (for a friend) and I got this landing page earlier.
  3. Difficult to prove, especially 'cause she's a moron.
  4. CBA negotiations must be going well. Neither side is out in the media complaining or trying to undermine the other side. Good job on both sides!
  5. You do not have permission to use my training videos. Cease and desist before I call my attorney.
  6. It's always projection with the right.
  7. America.
  8. Guaranteed. Yup. It's a solid structure. Some in gov't (not gov't per se) have long had an interest in that building. They wanted it preserved, somehow. They even looked at scooping it up and redeveloping it into an archive, along with some other stuff.
  9. The pro-crime right. Rules for thee, not for me.
  10. Guy used to smoke on the bench. They all did.
  11. Faux is not covering this? I wonder why?
  12. And blame the media. The media who don't challenge the GOP lies and hate.
  13. Alright, that was funny and well timed.
  14. Yes, we should just churn global punters, like the other teams. That will grow the CFL internationally!
  15. If you get the right tenants, it will be fine. The bones are good, it just needs cosmetic updates.
  16. That is some crazy dark stuff. These people are efin insane. And PP is bringing that here!!
  17. Cratering!!!!!!! CRATERING!! It hasn't changed in 6 months. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/
  18. You still need to field a Global, which means the league will continue to field Global punters and we'll churn them. They kick for two years, then leave. Good policy to grow the game elsewhere. No one will stick around to make less than league minimum to get pounded.
  19. That's what I said. And, that's obviously why they are doing it.
  20. The point is to develop the Globals and create a new pipeline for players, with the hope of growing the CFL game outside Canada. I would rather us just get a kid from the US on a $65k salary and churn them. Easier and cheaper to do than scouting Global players. (Or is it Global punters?) Hansen is good enough to be our Global but probably not good enough to replace someone from the US. Why bother with Globals?
  21. I understand that. I believe, more than anywhere else in this country, that the discussion on the ban of hand guns has taken place in Ontario and specifically Toronto. This has been discussed during each provincial (Ontario) and federal election for ages. It was being discussed when I lived there. But, there is no way that this party, with all the things it draw on to show the ineptitude of the current government and how they would differ, should be running on banning hand guns. It's not a winning policy. It does not move or change votes. Elections matter. Get the efing votes.
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