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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Kids are fine. I wasn't using that money or time or sleep for anything anyways.
  2. Pfft... Kids. It will always be Eaton Centre.
  3. Ugh, I hate Tuesday and Wednesday home games for completely selfish reasons. Parking is a pain in the sask and I have to be downtown two blocks from the *checks notes* Canada Life Centre.
  4. These experts are still out there trying to sell this as though it was plausible.
  5. They apologized for dumping manure on his lawn. Emotions, you know.
  6. Only another shooting, I thought maybe a child was forced to wear a mask.
  7. He apologized for his outburst. Emotions, you know.
  8. I missed the background on this but Arash is not pulling any punches. I guess Steele didn't either?
  9. I'd be loaded all the time if I were the Lions fan.
  10. I hate Odor. I'm just glad the Rangers are paying his salary this year and next.
  11. Anyone who made their living (and a great one), catching tough passes between the hash marks, has got great hands.
  12. She couldn't run in the last leadership election but she could now.
  13. I'm pretty proud of MBB today. We can be fragmented as a forum on a lot of issues but I think we all understand the gravity of this situation and I don't see anyone downplaying it. We may not agree on the punishment but we're not dismissing this behaviour as acceptable.
  14. I'm with Brandon on this one. It was dangerous and reckless. It could have caused someone serious injury or death. Luckily (very luckily), it didn't. I don't know what the appropriate suspension is. Ultimately, this just can't happen again. If his embarrassment and shame is enough, so that he never drives impaired again, then I guess one game is enough. We'll see if the league does anything further. Since the accident, from a Blue Bombers point of view, he has done everything correctly. Contacted them immediately and faced his teammates as soon as they were gathered, and met with the media. If they can forgive him, then I expect this not to become a distraction.
  15. That looks about right. Copp can move up and down. I would prefer to have Stastny up with Dubois to take key faceoffs or move to centre, if necessary.
  16. It was a close leadership contest, so I'm not surprised that this is the result. Still think it would be foolish to try to replace him, though. Unless Ambrose is ready to run for the leadership or, possibly, Raitt.
  17. The Hammer is gross. I would refuse to stay there for work. Always continued onto London, when I was on the road.
  18. I'll tell you what he won't be doing, coming to my constituency. He couldn't even find it on a map.
  19. JCon


    HS has flip flopped many times. She talks out of both sides of her mouth, like all PCs. We're effed.
  20. No, they're trading for a catcher. DJ is getting sports hernia surgery. Theoretically, he could be back for the ALCS but that would surprise me. Gallo is signed through next year. I would be surprised if Rizzo is back.
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