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Everything posted by JCon

  1. They did not look prepared or fired up for either of the last two GCs. And, they looked uninterested and ill-prepared last week in Regina. I know they weren't but they certainly looked it.
  2. Every. Time.
  3. They can't sweep us. We even won the IG Field West series.
  4. I didn't! Thank-you. The CFL finally gets stats up in Week 14. Just such an embarrassing league.
  5. But we had Jackson blocking. How could the offense be bad?
  6. The US profited from the war for a very long time. If not for the Japanese attacking Pearl Habor, a US colony, they would have let the Axis take all of Europe.
  7. I would like to know what stats they're using for this prediction and if the CFL is willing to share stats with us plebs?
  8. Maybe we could have had all five of our OL out for Saturday's game, just to show the Riders!
  9. Yes, we should definitely encourage these players to become violent and take unnecessary penalties and fines. Genius, pure genius.
  10. Not even good, paid, AI. Just free ChatGPT 3.
  11. I'm going over 8.5. The Bombers are going to be right pissed after last week and take them apart.
  12. Why is this not a back-to-back series?
  13. He's such a joke that other media take shots at him. Pathetic loser who's exactly at home with the Riders.
  14. 1 - Wayne - for hosting Bomber fans before the game. 2 - Sun - For shining brightly in my eyes for the first half (East side sucks), so I couldn't see that mess.
  15. I feel the same. I tried many times but it never worked out to see Jimmy live. A regret I will always have. Just a devastating month losing Robbie's and Jimmy's voices. Ugh.
  16. It's always a trash Sask player out there trying to hurt others. It's in their DNA.
  17. Tailgate opens in 2 hours. LFG!
  18. It is. Last night was terrible.
  19. Friends and I are headed to Regina for the game. Roll call, who's going?
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