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Everything posted by JCon

  1. It just doesn't seem plausible that Jones would low ball JSJ that much. I'm sure we're only getting part of the picture. I think JSJ has the most to lose, though, if negotiations drag on much longer.
  2. True but... If you trade for him, you're not going to compete for him with other teams. You also have a guarantee on the contract. Who knows what they wanted in return though.
  3. And he's active with fans, reaching out and meeting them. Autographs, Twitter, etc. I'm bias to defensive players, but I really, really (possibly love?) Westerman.
  4. I love IGF for that. I like feeling close to the field and action. There is a cost, of course, with steeper stairs, but I think it's worth it.
  5. It looks really nice. Good for the Riders and the CFL, that's for sure! I wish we could have sunk the bowl as low as was originally intended.
  6. "We were disappointed that better players were not available when we drafted. We didn't really have much to choose from. But we drafted these guys and they'll play for less money than some of our veterans, so they'll undoubtedly make the squad. Wish we had more to choose from." - No GM Ever
  7. I have no idea how full your glass is. My point is simply that incentive based contracts do sound like the ideal solution for GMs but may not always produce the ideal outcome. I do think this is a good deal for Riders.
  8. You want a disgruntled employee? You tie their salary to incentives and watch them implode when they don't get enough opportunities to earn the bonus.
  9. It must be terrible to try to set your draft order. So many good players on 'invites'. You just never know. GMs really earn there pay on draft day.
  10. I'm happy for him and the Bombers but I'm sad for us (the readers). He provided some of the most thoughtful, balanced coverage of the Bombers and Jets. He's in the Hall of Fame, let's not forget.
  11. No, but you may hear of Adderall, another name brand or the active ingredients methylphenidate hydrochloride. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000242017/article/report-adderall-remains-drug-of-choice-for-many-nfl-players
  12. Hello! I didn't introduce myself. Long time Bomber fan and season ticket holder since I moved back to the province 8 years ago. Now currently, located in the front row of 234. I now attend games with my oldest son, who is 6. That tends to drive my game day and what I want out of the experience.
  13. CFL needs to get new Adidas jerseys right - From 3 Down Nation I thought there was some really good points in there. The helmet, being one. Illegible numbers is a beef of mine. The issue of Edmonton's side panelling was quite interesting too, which I hadn't considered.
  14. Where does Jerome keep all his Grey Cup rings?
  15. No doubt, not denying that but... The Bombers are paying down their debt, with the help of more, borrowed, public funds. The City, the Province both benefitted greatly with having the Grey Cup here. Probably even earned more money than they kicked in for the game. But, the Bombers also were the benefactors of a new stadium, a renovated Convention Centre, etc. This is probably the best case scenario where all parties benefit, so thumbs up!
  16. Let's not forget that a lot funding came from the Province and City. So before Wade goes patting himself on the back too much, we all kicked in to help secure these "profits".
  17. Yes, but the CEO won't be able to give you the current player's perspective, the current feeling in the 'room'.
  18. I'm actually capable of eating a hot dog and watching the football game at the same time. I must be special.
  19. I wish they would finally fix the bussing, specifically after the game.... Currently, they have people line up at a spot, then the bus stops 5 (to 20) feet behind or ahead. Then everyone at the back of the line gets on and others, near the front can't. Sometimes they have multiple busses at each stop open and other times they don't. I would like to them make a decision and stick with it. It's quite remarkable (and embarrassing) that after three full seasons, that they can't coordinate this and give us a consistent experience. I'm pleased they've added the large water jug (I don't know what to call it) on the west side upper deck. Waiting in line for a water refill was painful. Stadium food. They don't triage very well. I can understand why they don't want a big line building up, after paying, for hot food but not everyone in line is waiting for hot food. I wish they would still take patrons that are after drinks, chips, popcorn, etc. I say all this as a father who brings his 5 year old son to most games. If it's just me and another adult, I can cope with bussing and water much easier. It's not so easy with a little one. Consistency is key.
  20. According to Google, we do get thrashers in southern Manitoba during summer breeding season. I wonder what a Thrashers jersey, in Jets 1.0 colours would look like? (I'm not suggesting they should do this and they certainly won't)
  21. I don't think US labor (not labour) laws would allow the CFL to mandate a ratio, forcing them to sign Canadians. Where would they play in St Louis?
  22. It seems to me, with the bye-weeks, we often only have one home game in August.
  23. 7:30 starts are more of a challenge for me because I bring my 6 year old son. That's pretty late. He may have to carry me home. EDIT: But I guess that's the way it's been. Just seems like more 7:30 starts this year.
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