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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. Chalk up another 500 yard s**t show from the defense. Seems we have competent players, or atleast thats what they tell us. When is the scheme and Richie Hall the problem?? For a couple years now id say.
  2. Maybe its just me but i find myself still waiting for Bighill to do something of note?
  3. Weston Dressler
  4. Ugh. What a bust that guy was. Man we've had a lot of crap Canadian wide receivers over the last 20 years. I liked Kolhert but I think it was a case of him being the tallest midget. He was a step or two above the garbage we've had over the years. Demski/Wolitarski/Petermann/Simonise?!?! Wowzers! Talk about a 180! From junk to embarrassment of riches!
  5. 7 was definitely too low. Power rankings are (or should be) based on CURRENT performance. To have Streveler 7th and Ray 5th is a joke. Even having Jennings 6th after squeaking out a win over the horrid Alouettes is wrong based on Streveler's performance against the same team.
  6. What a ****ing idiot. Does anyone outside of sask even take this guy seriously? Man his schtick is beyond tired already. Why TSN 1290 and other stations outside of sask even put this guy on the air is beyond me.
  7. Quite the team player! Retiring so a better QB can take the reins
  8. They'd be crazy not to. Willy is a bum.
  9. Well I disagree with your disagree. Its fine and dandy to have a bunch of cheap rookie receivers running around but you've gotta pay a premium for savvy vets like Dressler that do things the right way. As long as he still has his speed and health he will continue to be an asset.
  10. Dressler will be here for as long as he wants to be. He's still got his speed, runs crisp routes, gets open, and will do the little things that veteran WR's do to help their QB and team. Im not worried one bit about Weston Dressler.
  11. A shitty team? Theyve been acting like they beat the 2007 Patriots. Team and media.
  12. 493 yards of offence with 19 minutes still to. Dear lord. I thought the Argos D was their strength??
  13. How the hell did these guys win last years Grey Cup again??
  14. Lol, TJ Heath having himself a game......to forget. #ballhawk?? #rentedmule!!
  15. Back to the good 'ol days of Walby and the boys!
  16. Dear Mr. Durant, Thank you for leaving us in the lurch on the eve of training camp and stealing 70K like a thief in the night. Thank you for talking s*** about our team and fans on twitter which surely burnt all bridges and any chance the team would ever want your pathetic green tinted ass in blue & gold. For if you werent such an unprofessional POS we may never have uncovered the golden boy Chris Streveler. May your shadow never darken the earth outside the borders of saskatchewan. Sincerely Bomber fans.
  17. Love this quote from jackass muamba: “A great middle-linebacker will take ownership and responsibility for that type of play,” said Henoc Muamba. Great? Maybe in your own mind buddy. If you were so great you wouldnt be one and done year after year. Enjoy the east basement jagoff.
  18. Noticed that too. I'd be pissed as a fan, coach, teammate. What the hell are you happy about loosing by 40+?!?!?
  19. o-line was nasty and amazing. Talking s*** and backing it up!! I dont think a hand was laid upon Streveler tonight.
  20. Reilly gonna need a career year, their defense is gonna give up lots of points.
  21. Why do the eskimo receivers always get free releases with no coverage over the top? My god, when will we learn? Atleast make it hard on Reilly and sell out for the pass. You know he doesnt want to run it.
  22. muamba you POS. Hope your leg shatters in 4 places you cheap shot artist **** sucker
  23. Wonder if westerman and muamba are having second thoughts? Gonna be a long year. On second thought, who cares! !
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