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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. Mother of god is Randle getting his *** handed to him. Makes you wonder if we would have been better off not rocking the DB boat and just staying with the status quo.
  2. Not saying Willy would have done this but that scenario does happen as well just like players being asked to re-structure.
  3. Im not aware of any "smear campaign" against Drew Willy but i am aware of a fan base that was sick of losing and wallowing in QB mediocrity that had been going on here since George W began his 2nd term in office. Willy did himself no favours and played himself off the team. Blame it on whatever you want but it is what it is.
  4. Players, especially ones on the decline or not contributing re-structure their contract to free up cap room in the NFL quite often, not so much in the CFL but the point is it happens. Also, no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. Maybe Willy was a good soldier, maybe he was a distraction, no one will know for sure. Not sure why some people need to b***h about what might have been when we got a fantastic haul out of Toronto for a benched player. And the whole poor Willy posts with the big bad bombers ruining his life, give me a break, its football, players lose their jobs everyday. Perform or be replaced.
  5. Do you know this for sure? Maybe behind closed doors he b**ched and sulked. Maybe he asked to be traded?? Just because he didnt say anything negative to the media doesnt mean he was a great team player. Look at Evander Kane, always saying he liked it here and didnt want to be traded, only to find out every offseason he asked for a trade. By the sounds of it, according to Lawless, Walters asked him and his agent to re-structure his contract, you know, to help the team with the cap and was told to take a long walk off a short pier. Is that being a great team guy?? The trade is a win win for both teams. Bombers get better in the short term for a player that was doing jacks**t on the bench and maybe Willy can grow a pair, stop playing scared + letting the media get to him(hinted at by Walters) and resurrect his career.
  6. It didnt help your cause but if the Rider D tightened up after that and didnt allow anymore yards it would have been a 53 yarder for Medlock as opposed to a 43 yarder which is no gimmie. Again, one penalty does not a game make.
  7. Fair enough but iffy calls happen every single game. I cant even recall how many times over the last handful of years that weve been jobbed by a borderline call. Every team deals with it. Maybe Durant's brutal toss that was intercepted on our 2 decided the game, maybe he would have thrown another if he had gotten the ball back, maybe your kicker cost you the game, etc, etc. If ifs and buts were candies and nuts....1 penalty in the grand scheme of things isnt the sole reason for a loss is my point.
  8. I dont know why i sometimes go over to riderfans after a game.....yes i do, to watch them meltdown and cannibalize each-other. But today is a whole different animal. Apparently they outplayed us all game, the refs cost them the game, their kicker cost them the game, etc, etc. One guy said the game wouldnt have even been close if their kicker made all of his kicks???? He left 7 points on the field. Unreal. Also, anyone who isnt a lemming and displays an alternate view of the game is a troll and told to f*** off. That place is like a whole other world full of likeminded, koolaid drinking, nutjob, conspiracy theorists that refuse to see the world in anything but green-colored glasses. Its quite amazing.......and frightening. After a few minutes there you begin to understand how the nazi movement swept over Germany.
  9. Im being facetious of course but i sure remember reading a lot of pro Willy posts after losses when he was putting up lots of yards but making game crippling errors and not getting the job done when it counted. Now a lot of the same guys are negative towards Nichols when we win. Strange world we live in.
  10. Lol, i swear some people would like to see Willy throw for 400 yards in a loss than Nichols throw for 200 in a win.
  11. Ok, so Nichols has been "average" lately with 2 rookie WR's, 1 WR who was watching from his couch 3 weeks ago, and a Jamie Stoddard clone. What the hell was Willy with our entire starting offence intact? Trash is the answer. I swear Nichols could win 19 games in a row, rescue 6 babies from a burning daycare, and defeat isis and some of you guys would still cry that he isnt doing enough. Ever think that the game flow/plan dictated his ultra conservative play by not forcing anything or taking chances deep and he did exactly what Lapo wanted on friday??
  12. Lol, based on what? The 4 wins in a row?? Nichols is doing what it takes to win, ugly or not. Willy was doing what it takes to lose. Give your head a shake.
  13. I think Durant is purposely trying to injure himself so he doesnt have to play.
  14. Gritty, smashmouth win against a VERY tough defence. Huge. Not pretty but grinded it out. Lets not forget were doing this with OUR TOP 3 WR'S OUT. If our defence keeps this up and we get Smith, Dressler, and Adams back....all of whom Nichols has shown chemistry with...... GIGGITY! Best stat line of the night: Duron Carter 3/27!
  15. Not to mention Zach Collaros who the Argonauts released early in 2014 after failing to come to an agreement on a new contract. Within the last 2 years that makes 2 QB's, arguably in the top 5 in this league, that the Argos chose to let go in lieu of a 30 something Ricky Ray. Yikes.
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