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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. Do you only get half a strike if your player scores a TD and then its reversed on a d-bag challenge by Jim Popp when they call a borderline penalty that didnt happen anywhere near the play? It should.
  2. Rod Petersen is an absolute joke. The guy is nothing more than a Rider lackey that spews nothing but gang green garbage. Ive never seen a "journalist", and i use that term loosely, so biased and one-sided in my life. I cant believe he is taken seriously and that sports shows continue to interview him(H&L had him on this afternoon). I wish they would stop. He's nothing more than a delusional Rider fan with a blog. I remember almost choking on my breakfast when i read before the season that he predicted the Riders to win the West with a 12-6 record . I also remember BLM and Petersen having a twitter war after BLM called him out on his laughable homer prediction. Time and time again he continues to make a fool of himself every time he opens his mouth.
  3. I swear, Nichols could go 39/40 for 450 Yards and 5 TD's and there would still be the usual 2 or 3 posters here that would say "he was ok but he did miss that 1 pass and the defence made it easy for him". Did he have his best game last night? Nope but we still won by a mile and his 2 TD passes to Denmark were more decisive and accurate than anything ive seen from Willy all year. The guy doesnt panic, exudes confidence, plays fast, goes through his reads, has the players believing in him, throws a nice deep ball, and most importantly does what it takes to WIN football games. Ive seen NONE of the above from Willy this year yet the usual suspects will pick pepper out of fly s**t when it comes to Nichols.
  4. Very good the last 2 years? Id give him a meh at best last year. He did have his moments in his "rookie" year but then defences got a look at him and he evened out.
  5. I think with even adequate QB play this team has the talent to push for the playoffs. Willy numbers look nice but he wilts like a 2 week old flower when the chips are down.
  6. I would agree last year the o-line didnt do Willy any favors but this year theyve been much better. Even Sherritt was quoted today saying this is the best o-line the bombers have had since he's been in the league. Willy is out of excuses.
  7. If im Walters im on the phone trying to get Burris here asap.
  8. Ok, then what do you make of Wylie's comment in training camp that the o-line last year was responsible for less than half of the sacks given up? Is he lying? How many of those sacks were on happy feet, cant go through my reads, hold onto the ball forever Willy? And how many times does Reilly get creamed? Trevor Harris? Durant? Etc? Every QB gets cranked and the good ones shrug it off. Its a bull**** excuse. If you cant take it go sell insurance.
  9. Flawless execution? I dont think expecting a professional 29 year old QB to hit his open receivers and not fumble inside the 10 with the game on the line is asking for much.
  10. Happy for the win but still ALOT to work on. Bombers got a tone of help from the refs/ticats and wont be facing anymore Masoli's but atleast the monkey is off their back.
  11. Keep the faith Fanboy and drink your Willy koolaid
  12. Terrible underthrow to Adams. Should have been a pick. Nice play by Adams to come back.
  13. Dont get me wrong, im thrilled we are winning but i still have very little confidence this team has turned a corner. Willy still looks like happy feet, overthrow/underthrow crap, and if not for some VERY suspect PI calls, a brutal Masoli, terrible ticat unforced turnovers, and a pick 6, we'd be soundly trailing yet again.
  14. So very depressing. I remember the days of Khari, Milt, Roberts, Bolden, Brown, etc when i went to the stadium expecting to win. Now i just hope were not down by 20+ at the half and im forced to have the "leave at halftime" debate. '
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