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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. I think Willy was a case of the Bombers brass feeling the heat after so many loosing seasons and brutal QB play by the seemingly never ending parade of garbage coming through town. I think they threw a dart at Willy, crossed their fingers, and hoped for the best. So far theyve missed the board completely.
  2. It seems the team/city anointed Willy a bonafide starting QB a little too early. Ive never quite understood what the team saw in him apart from a fluky 5-1 start to his career as a "starting" QB when no one had film on him. Since then he's been either hurt or hot garbage. I honestly believe Willy won the lottery after the Bombers were spurned by Burris, Collaros, and maybe Reilly? They had no one else to hitch their wagon to other than Willy who showed some promise in spot duty behind Durant. Were paying him $400K for this? I know its game 1 in 2016 but he looked like a freakin' rookie out there. It was painful to watch. Happy feet, atleast 4 brutal overthrows on open receivers, no pocket presence or awareness, and seemingly oblivious to obvious all out blitzes. A couple more games like this and the Bombers may have to admit a huge mistake.
  3. Am i missing something?
  4. Jerome Messam
  5. Really? ALL the other WR's in camp, including the other ones cut, showed you more than Veltung? Ill give you McDuffie and maybe Sheppard but the other guys did nothing in my mind to unseat Veltung, especially with him already spending a year with the team. I guess the coaches saw something or maybe they just wanted more height or to save some money?
  6. McDuffie i can see because of his return skills but to me its surprising they decided to keep Davis, Mayo, AND Shepperd over Veltung. Seeing as Veltung already had a year under his belt and did give the team another option at returner. I guess maybe they wanted more height to go along with the two twins from ND.
  7. Pretty surprised about Veltung, Bucknor, and Daniels
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