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Everything posted by Nash00

  1. Fair point. I guess I would classify Adams struggles in a sense that he hasn't played up to the level he was playing at last year. Holley game him fits on Labour Day, that shouldn't happen especially when he's capable of shutting down Duron Carter. Frederick has been excellent though and MOS seems to be fielding the roster with the best 46 available and not giving vets and grace, which I think is something we all would hope he would do.
  2. If that's the case then it's just another reason why Popp is such an awful coach. You can say all you want about Cato needing to be tough and not be so sensitive, but as a coach you need to have a feel for the room and especially when it's your quarterback you need to step in and put an end to any of that nonsense. When media members were saying that this team was a volcano about to erupt I never thought they would devolve to this level of stupidity.
  3. I love me some Johnny Adams but with the depth we have there no one can get free passes and Adams has struggled since returning. I will be keeping an eye on how Bruce Johnson plays this week knowing that an established starter can be taken out of the lineup.
  4. Yes I meant he would move down the list as shown (moving up in terms of overall standing)
  5. Could easily argue that with more starts Fulton would surpass Bryant on this list, putting Bryant somewhere in the middle/lower tier. Rogers is in a class of his own and that whole Calgary o-line is excellent so Bryant being where he is on the list isn't overly surprising.
  6. Drafting Richards is all part of the master "come home Demski" plan.
  7. At least based on the past few drafts Walters has conducted we can assume whoever they target with these picks can come in and contribute almost immediately.
  8. Montreal also blitzes a ton, so we don't have time to get open downfield. Nichols had to take what he was given. Sask, even with blitz-happy Jones, hasn't been nearly as productive at getting pressure and their defensive backfield is suspect so we should have some opportunities over the next 2 weeks, especially with Dressler and hopefully Smith returning.
  9. Collaros is a legit MOP candidate when he plays, can't say the same for Durant. It ain't even close.
  10. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Who's that?
  11. Could make an argument that our O is better too. QB - slight edge to Saskatchewan HB - Winnipeg by a landslide WR - Winnipeg - outside of Roosevelt, who do they have? Adams locked down Carter so no reason tot hink we can't do the same to Roosevelt. OL - Winnipeg. This one ain't close either.
  12. I find it interesting that no one brings up the games BC played vs Gale or that Calgary played vs Sask in general when referencing how dominant these teams are. Yeah we have run into backup quarterbacks but I present the counter point: Kilgore beat Ottawa (a team many had as a East division front runner) before we caved his face in. Masoli has a record of 3-1 vs teams not called Winnipeg (including wins against a Ray led Toronto and Reilly in Edmonton) We have also beaten Reilly and Glenn on our streak, both starting QBs for their respective teams. You can only play who's in front of you and give full marks to the Bombers for taking advantage.
  13. To be fair to Lawless, he did write the puff piece that TSN aired at the beginning of the year on Chris Jones that aired (during a Bomber game FFS).
  14. #BelieveinBlue will take on a whole new meaning by kickoff.
  15. If you look at it objectively there is no way we should lose on Sunday, anyone who didn't know the recent history of futility on Labour Day would look at this game and say Winnipeg wins going away. The good thing is most of the players on our team are new to the rivalry and don't have the last decade plus of losses hanging on their heads. But until the final whistle blows on Sunday, I'll hold my breath.
  17. Looked like Kramer when Keith Hernandez spit on him "Back-and to the left"
  18. He never started a regular season game so he does qualify.
  19. Yep. We really don't know how he will respond to this as he hasn't been benched for performance since being named the starter. We should know by season's end how he decides to run with it.
  20. Apparently I also need to make the caveat to this post that while I am stating that I think Willy will come back and play well, that doesn't mean I endorse him over Nichols or that I don't think Nichols has done enough since being named starter. Didn't think I needed to add that but 5 pages later, here we are.
  21. Was just gonna say that. I don't think you can go wrong with either at this point but there's a lot of football left and some big games coming up. If anyone voting for these things gave two **** about o-line play then Bond could be a consideration but we all know that's a waste. Can't argue much of what wbb said though, the random predictions seems pretty close to what we can expect. I'll say we go 10-8 though.
  22. Doesn't hurt that the o-line Nichols has is playing light years ahead of what Willy was working with either. I think if/when Drew comes back in we will see more of the successful version.* He started with Goossen getting his first real reps as starting C and going through growing pains there but he seems to have gotten better, Chungh has improved every game, no one will argue Bond has been a stud in the interior and now Foketi is showing out as well. *provided the o-line is the same if/when he returns
  23. That's your opinion.
  24. Hopefully winning games is a deterrent to free agency but I would guess that BC/Calgary have an edge in signing him if he opts for free agency.
  25. Some have mentioned it but I have to tip my hat to Johnny Adams. Carter had 3-27 and was invisible all night. Glenn uses him as a prayer often, just chucking it up and seeing him go get it. The fact that he didn't feel comfortable doing that when MTL was desperate at the end speaks volumes as to what Johnny Adams brings. I understand the excitement around our secondary when we were at 3 wins but those suggesting that Adams shouldn't be given his spot back from Roberts/Frederick need to look at what he did tonight (and all fo last year) to see why. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if he was in the NFL next year, the dude is special.
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