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Everything posted by GimliJetsMan

  1. Ricky Ray threw what seemed like 20 swing passes to their running back, and they all went for 20 yards. Was infuriating to watch.
  2. Wow, Thanks. Very cool to see it happen.
  3. Ok for the historians out there, When was the last time a Canadian threw a Touchdown pass for the Bombers? And BC immediately recovered the "non-fumble". Bombers were very lucky on a bad call IMO.
  4. Love this idea.
  5. Great choice! Now that Ploen-Stegall-Walby are in, I'm actually looking forward to each announcement.
  6. If you can touch it, you can catch it. Well not really, but that's what my dad always says.
  7. Screw it, trade him to Saskatchewan, for maximum popcorn.
  8. Practice? We talkin' PRACTICE!?
  9. I really like Glen, the old hand whose seen everything. and I think he fits what we are trying to accomplish on Offense right now.
  10. The Wonderlic is the stupidest thing ever.
  11. Not to downplay what jerks the people who did this are, and I hope they are caught and banned from IGF for the foreseeable future... I guess there's no way to say this without coming across like a jerk myself, BUT If I went to that game as a kid, my Parents first would have serious reservations about bringing me to the Banjo Bowl, and if I did go, they would make damn sure I wasn't wearing green. People will be assholes, its a fact of life. I wouldn't take a kid to the Banjo Bowl ever, nor would I take a kid to a college rivalry game. Too much boozing to be safe for a kid. Again, If they find out who did it they should be banned from Bomber games. But I wouldn't have put a kid in that situation. I went to ACDC when I was approx 13, caught a beer from behind in the back of the head. Wasn't mad, because it was a concert, and kinda expected a little rowdiness. EDIT: Not placing any blame on the kid, but I think there could be safer parenting here.
  12. I thought the Riders were excellent on special teams Coverage and punting was excellent on the Banjo Bowl for the riders. Thought he out kicked medlock. Obviously their kicker had a bad game at the LDC, but he seemed to have been a bright spot up to that point. Also how quickly do we forget the return that killed us last game.
  13. Listen, if he punches all the spots on the royalty card, he gets his next cup of coffee free. That just makes business sense.
  14. Tough hard fought win. A bit better with the run game, Medlock hits his Field Goals and this is a comfortable win. The Rider D came to play. Their punter and punt coverage was also very good. The Riders became 1 dimensional so quick. They need a running back.
  15. Tickets on the secondary market are insane today, lol. Stubhub only down to 75$ US right now, and only 4 available.
  16. Yeah, I'm on there. No responses yet.
  17. Long shot, but if someone has a single ticket, I'd buy it.
  18. Click on the link in the tweet. Looks like Rickey Ray is out for the rest of the year.
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