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Everything posted by Plaxico

  1. There's a sentiment that "Yeah the reffing is horrible but it doesn't matter because the Bombers are playing poorly". To me, hell yes it matters.
  2. Some people are capable of having two thoughts in their head. Not every comment on this awful, atrocious reffing is a suggestion that the Bombers would have won otherwise, they wouldn't have. AND the reffing is horrible, don't make excuses for them.
  3. It's definitely photoshopped, I had to go back and find a higher res version online though to remember haha, old account, I don't post often here.
  4. Yes, but it was a brief speech.
  5. The team is around .500 when he plays. TSN completely botched that stat and CJOB noticed, and corrected it.
  6. There really isn't a huge difference in time between plays in the leagues. In the NFL the play clock starts immediately after the previous play ends. In the CFL it starts once the ball is placed and the play is whistled in which in reality, makes the CFL play clock about 30, and even 35 or more seconds sometimes. You're right though that Willy is over-thinking things and hurting from a weird lack of urgency required to play at this level.
  7. Drew Willy is not playing well at all. He looks terrible out there, almost like he's trying to play himself out of the league.
  8. ??? Knee touched?
  9. Everyone who keeps saying the whistle blew before the ball was out needs to go watch it again. It wasn't even close. The whistle blew well after Harris had hit the ground and the ball came out. I thought so too at the game but was WAY wrong. There's a reason why science tells us not to rely on eye witness accounts.
  10. Yes he is guilty and only has himself to blame. Rules are rules. But many here obviously think it's a bad rule, and should be changed. History is full of people who defended bad rules until they weren't rules anymore, and they look like true fools of the past now. If they can drink alcohol they should be allowed to do MDMA. It's a bad rule.
  11. Crazy that he'd be suspended for this. The players association should do something about recreational drugs and suspensions.
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