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Everything posted by Kluchk

  1. Sorry I couldn't find footage online for the bombers. It's been so long since they've won. Maybe I could find some film on VHS or something.
  2. Sorry I missed that. I'm still watching the CFLs best defense on the t.v. right now get torched.
  3. I'm 29 and I've got to actually witness my team win multiple grey cups. I could careless about the past. You can bring it up all youd like, but the Winnipeg Bluebombers need to step up. #1990 doesn't go away unless you win. And you beat the Riders because of a missed field goal. Hate to break it to You, but that isn't going to win you a grey cup with a performance like that.
  4. Well hopefully with that 12 win season the younger Bluebomber fans can witness a grey cup for their first time. God knows you guys need something to cheer about.
  5. That's a lot of talk for someone who's team is only 1 win up....
  6. I can't wait to watch the Lions smoke the Bombers tonight.
  7. One good season and Bomber fans thinking they have a Grey Cup caliber team. Ripper isn't wrong, you're crazy if you think your Bombers team is better than the Lions, Eskimos or Stampeders. You will be fighting for a crossover spot there is no question.
  8. Everyone laughs at you, but you aren't wrong. Its true. Will be a dog fight to the end.
  9. Lol Bakari Grant is 2nd in the league with touchdowns and you have players with zero touchdowns on that list ahead of him. Hilarious. And Matt Nichols doesn't even crack top 50? C'mon now.
  10. I'd prefer to get rid of Glenn and try to develop Bridge or Bennett.
  11. Hate to say it but those receivers from BC would also dismantle that Bluebombers D.
  12. Its a pretty sweet area actually. I enjoy standing and walking so that area will be fun.
  13. Honestly man pricing isn't the worst. It went up a few bucks for beer and food went up. But mosaic had **** for food before so I'm ok with paying what I'm paying. Yes has room for expansion. They have a standing area in the end zone side on the concrete that's pretty sweet. I still have no idea how it's considered "roof ready" Lol. Davis could be a real athlete but he could also bud a dud. I have a feeling he will have a few starting games this year. I think Nichols just had one of those years last year and I'm not fully into him.
  14. I've watched enough of Nichols to not care for him, just an opinion that's all. Its not based off of one game.
  15. I totally forgot you guys had LeFevour as a back up. That's a solid backup encase anything goes down. Surprised Frederick was released. You guys got any info on him?
  16. Dressler has some spark! Man I miss that guy.
  17. Season ticket holder yup. Honestly I was surprised how well LeFevour did as well. I still don't think Nichols is the answer and I see him being passed by LeFevour later on. But who knows he could surprise me again (I've never been sold on Nichols). I really do like Davis though. You guys need to keep that kid around.
  18. Davis is the real deal. Bombers QB situation is much better than I originally thought.
  19. This is exactly what I don't understand. I get this is a Bombers forum and all, and every fan base likes to bash one another. But the Bombers showed a small glimpse of hope last year. Their record was mediocre at best. Its been so long since the Bombers fan base has won a Grey Cup that you fans believe you have the best team in the west. But in reality all it takes is for Matt N to go down and the Bombers are a bottom feeder team. Every year the discussion is up for debate on who is the worst team in the league is and frankly I don't think it's the Bombers or the Riders. I've attended alot of the riders training camps this year and theee are alot of puzzle pieces that were found this year. It's a much better Riders team than last season, much better. I know Glenn is old but he still looks better than Durant. I think that Bennett could be an exciting kid to watch. Im shocked the Bombers didnt even consider him at 3. I'm sure the Bombers have also gotten better this year.
  20. If you actually looked on Twitter. Judge is finishing finals and will be at training camp. Also a contract has been agreed upon. But hey no worries. Seems the only reason why this site is still running is to talk about the Riders. Mine as well call this forum the green blue and gold . Com
  21. No I don't think so. Stop making assumptions it looks stupid on your part.
  22. Typical arrogant bomber fan. Doesn't even know the full story and making assumptions. Not surprised.
  23. If I agree to you, then several others will want to. bigblue204.... make the bet. $50 each way.
  24. If I agree to you, then several others will want to. bigblue204.... make the bet. $50 each way.
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