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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Justin wouldn't know a football from a cow pie. Might make as much money as Scarf Boy's Diversity Is Strength tee shirts. The receivers would be catching passes with tampons.
  2. Okay, I'll bite. Who are you referring to?
  3. Never heard of this guy before so it's an interesting read. Thanks for adding that.
  4. There's no compete. We choose not to pay. Says the guy who thinks Dobson was our worst O Lineman. Thanks for the comment.
  5. Who knows what a CFL Commissioner is truly worth salary wise? Is it a half mill, $1M or $2M?? I do know this, The bickering of teams has to stop for the good of the league. We need to hire someone with that **** all done with. We need a person in place who knows how to grow revenues & has a clue how to market the league as a whole. I'd be in favour of the job being split up. Hire a football person to handle the day to day football operations of the league, the teams & to be the face of the CFL. Work with teams & fans to grow the game all across Canada but centre mostly on the 9 teams & fans. Then hire a Business Marketing President who does the grunt work drumming up sponsorships & business relationhips for the CFL. He/she would be responsible for possible expansion cities, marketing the CFL on a national basis , negotiating a new tv deal, streaming rights & a new bargaining agreement with the players. I think what is asked of a Commissioner today with all the CFL's problems, is far too much for one person to handle.
  6. Again, the priorities are screwed up thru loyalties to veteran players by Osh. This has been the complaint here & everywhere in Bomberland for years. You don't have to be the best to be in Osh's inner circle & continue to play at the expense of younger players with potential. Liam Dobson will get his chance to perform in Hamiltonwhile Kolo gets to continue to be overpaid to underperform here. The Bombers will get what they pay for. Not angry. Disappointed is a better description.
  7. I'll let someone else start this conversation.
  8. That's my entire point. They value an older crappy Kolo whose best before was 5 years ago than they do a young Dobson who'll only get better.
  9. Thanks. Just making a point about how we need to hang onto (especially) our Offensive Linemen. The same "Next Man Up" philosophy got the Calgary Stampeders where they are now. Eventually, there are no next men up. Eventually though, the next man up isn't there anymore. How can Walters justify paying Kolankowski to continue to be the worst starting Center in the CFL while letting a young OL get away with more of a ceiling?
  10. So, say Wallace has a great year & then his contract ends. He wants more $$$ like other teams are offering him. Walters lets him walk saying it's not in the budget. That they have a salary grid for each position & he wants too much. Therefore, Wallace's expendable, interchangeable & suddenly it's the same old song & dance. We end up drafting for other teams.
  11. We need to stay away from that moon as there are aliens there. Don't you remember the motion picture, 2010: The Year We Made Contact?
  12. The NFL sponsors a flag league right across Canada. I always wondered why the CFL never did. Hopefully, the Bombers & other CFL teams will start doing that in CFL cities.
  13. It's even worse when the HC & GM show their favouritism. Playing a burned out player like Thomas at the expense of younger players with potential. Nothing personal, when he does retire in the next decade or two, I'll be the first to congratulate him.
  14. I agree but it's Winnipeg on players NTL. The only thing that saves Edmonton is the chance to play with McDavid & Draisaitl.
  15. Kolo while not being great can at least still play. Not very well but he does contribute. Thomas is roasted, boiled, fried, bbq'd, smoked, whatever you want to call it. He shouldn't be on the field anymore running on his twinkletoes, two & a half seconds behind the other team's running back. Or is stood up or pushed back on every pass play. We're making fun of the guy but it's really not funny as Thomas is a huge liability. He should take a hint from Brandon Alexander & retire. Walters & Osh have ran players better than Thomas out of town.
  16. Truth be known, Billy Redden was a teenager at the time. He couldn't play the banjo. he certainly looks the part of a backwoods Georgian inbred child. Considering his background now he just might be. Although, it's always been denied. They found another teenager who was like a virtuoso banjo player. They strapped Redden to the banjo player with his arms behind his back. Then when it came to play the part, Redden just pretended to play using facial expressions to sell himself playing while the other kid strapped behind him actually did. I doubt that "Deliverance" would never be made today. Even in 1972, it was a cringe worthy motion picture. I've never been able to get through it in one shot. Very uncomfortable to watch.
  17. Two ways of looking at it. Taking Rourke is a waste of a draft pick as it would be years, if ever before he comes here. Two, we were given an extra pick so why not use it to pick someone like Rourke as the extra pick was awarded to us by the CFL? I think it's a waste to pick Rourke but if that is what Walters does then so be it.
  18. Air Miles, Canadian Tire money, coupons, anything. Thomas needs to write a book, & call it, I Can See For Miles & Miles & Miles & Miles.
  19. It wasn't him playing. I saw a documentary about the movie. The kid was just a random actor named Billy Redden who was from Rabun Counry, GA who tried out & won the part. He mimicked playing the banjo while another musician played the part. The producer of the motion picture was looking for an actor who looked the part of a backwoods inbred, even though Redden is not.
  20. Just wondering, Does it bother you that a kid who looks like he's the love child of one of his uncles & one of his aunts (brother & sister) can play the banjo better than you?
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