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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Ryan Ballantine is an unabashed Stamps fan. He apparently didn't plan the best route to BMO Field from his hotel. He's being roasted by Argo supporters. He'll rarely write a positive article about other teams. He did no research on this. He makes himself out to be a sportswriter but he's not. That is why I seldom read 3 Down Nation anymore. It's become a Fan Boyz website.
  2. The 88 & 90 defenses were very, very good. However, I'd take this year's team defensive line over the other 2 teams. They're better.
  3. Tom Clements had his worst statistics playing for the Riders in 1979 before he was traded to Hamilton. He was an expensive addition & the Riders had a losing team. Trading him cleared up some money to sign players to bolster other positions. He had no confidence either playing behind a sub standard OL as well. It wasn't a good fit.
  4. They can bring him in just as long as they bring in someone else as well.
  5. That would have been late 70's. I believe I bought it at a place called Athletes Wear off the downtown. No, there was no Bomber store. Most fans didn't wear jerseys in those days. They also weren't the highest quality. They got better as the years went by. With quality improving fans started wearing jerseys more & more. Teams soon realized that if they sold team jerseys & collectibles that fans would buy them & they could make $$$ off that stuff.
  6. He still is, I believe but he also owns & runs a personal training gym.
  7. Scary... but surely there was a better kicker... there had to be a... better kicker than Mourtada.
  8. He was for sure. My very first Bomber jersey I ever had was #30 Herosian.
  9. Which is why I don't get why he's here after 3 games.
  10. He needs to practice from impossible angles. Not to do tricks but to figure out how to kick field goals on angles from the right or left hash. Practice kicking into the wind & kicking against it. But it's too late now. He has to be cut. If he still wants to kick in the NFL & CFL he needs to get with a high end & high performance kicking coach after he leaves. As well as a sports psychologist. If anyone wants to play professional football then they have to put in the work. Practice, practice, practice. Then practice some more.
  11. Kicking is about figuring out the angles & compensating for wind & weather as well as handling pressure. Seen none of that from Mourtada. He's a waste of a roster spot.
  12. Agree. The only reason he's playing over Maier is his long term relationship with Dickenson. If he wasn't there & the Stamps had brought in a different head coach from somewhere else he would have benched him. We saw it too.
  13. The lowest of Medlock is still better than the highest of Mourtada. Kicking from the hash gives Mourtada trouble as he can't figure out the angles. It's time for Liegghio to put his big boy pants on & claim the kicking spot. I don't want us to trade Gray but I'd give up a first rounder for Ward.
  14. Stampeders with black in their uniforms look fugly.
  15. The Stamps have some talent but not enough to compete with us but on any given day we can be beat.
  16. We always play like crap in Toronto & Montreal. I don't know why.
  17. RB/SB Craig Ellis one of the receivers on my list caught over 100 passes twice with the Riders & Edmonton.
  18. I'd have said that back in the 80's playing on a grass field but with turf fields today the passing game still works & the track is fast. Unless it's a bloody downpour like Ottawa a week & a half ago.
  19. Here in Calgary there was a years long fundraising effort to build 3 football only articial turf fields for minor football here at Shouldice Park along with a new home for the Calgary Colts. It took many years & hard work by volunteers to raise the money needed to tear out the old grass fields in West Calgary by Canada Olympic Park & install the new ones. The majority of the money was raised privately but they fell a bit short so they approached the provincial government for the remainder of funds to complete the project which included a 1500 seat grandstand on the main field as well as a plaza for concessions & new locker & meeting rooms. The government would only grant the money if minor soccer was included. So, soccer gets to use the facility without having spent a penny & football can't get into the facility if coaches want to run football camps because of time booked by soccer. I hate soccer. Not the sport but the asshats running the soccer associations here. Back in the mid 2000's they tried to get football kicked out of Shouldice Park by booking fields during the same time that community & high school football would have booked it for their seasons. Which would have left football in the City homeless. I remember going to a meeting & the Football Alberta rep there who was also a football coach was incensed. Turns out that the City of Calgary Parks & Rec wouldn't give soccer the fields at the time they wanted kicking football out but I never forgot that. What dirty pool. Backstabbers. Soccer knew the tim that football wanted the fields. Now we have soccer lines painted on all 3 fields. Spit.
  20. Someone needs to sit down the CFL braintrust & tell them that TSN needs to modernize their broadcasts. It's just not good enough. How else can you sell your game to young kids if not by television?? More cameras. better angles. Younger broadcasters. Get rid of that godamned putrid, awful shitty Canadian country they keep pushing on us. The product on TSN at times is just awful. Yet, it's allowed to continue. Nothing ever changes. It's times for Rod Black & Glen Suitor to go. Suitor has been on TSN for nearly 30 years for crissakes. Dustin Neilson & the guy they had on last night can pick up the load of work Black does. Surely they can find an analyst better than Suitor. Status quo is not okay year after year. The perception is that a joke of a tv production makes it a joke of a league to a lot of non supporters. I have read thar TSN ratings for Argo games is actually pretty good. They just don't go to games.
  21. I look at it the opposite. I hate soccer lines on a football field & how it despoils it. They have an 11,000 seat stadium at Western in London. Make it 25,000. Put a team there.
  22. Initially crowds would be good but would fall off. I remember the WLAF's Montreal Machine. First game they drew 55000 to their opening home game. By season's end they were barely drawing 10000. All the NA teams eventually moved to Europe to become NFL Europa.
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