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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Why? They both were great players. Both Hall Of Famers. Great competitors. Why would you wish bad things for them & their loved ones? I don't get the hate.
  2. I just don't get why the samurai guy is there? So far he hasn't done much. And they keep killing off beloved characters like Hugh for no reason.
  3. Ten episodes. Zip!! It's done. Enjoyed it & I'm sure we'll see Season 2 sometime before 2023.
  4. Cuthbert didn't say Beagle. He said Regal.
  5. Trump's probably not losing any sleep over it. I doubt if he even cares.
  6. Boring. Rob Gronkowski??
  7. Why do the Liberals need special powers to raise taxes? This makes no sense. Trudeau does have a minority government.
  8. I wonder how the people of London felt in WW2 when the blitz was going on? People are supposed to sleep not stay up all night because of the barrage from the sky. We Canadians have had it so easy. The ONE TIME we are asked to sacrifice we ***** about not being able to go outside. The selfishness of people today is beyond words.
  9. My son texted my wife. The State of Washington is under a stay at home order as of almost an hour ago. Stay safe, Johnzo. I've been laid off. No school. No school bus drivers. The company I work for is trying to get us a little bit more pay to the end of March. But some of the school boards may not want to pay us.
  10. Or he does a better job. In a crisis, People do step up. Partisans gonna be partisans.
  11. The Republicans in the Senate are blaming the Democrats & the Democrats are blaming the Republicans for the delay of the Covid 19 Aid Bill in Washington. Usually, this falls on the leadership in the White House to compromise & bring both sides together for the good of America in times of trouble. Donny & his band of clowns have no sense of how to do that led by the biggest clown of them all in Mitch McConnell. They all have to wear any failures like a Red Badge Of Courage. I'm hopeful Americans will remember come November.
  12. That Don Jonas story... I lived through that era & I don't remember that. Don threw a lot of interceptions to TD's. About 50/50 as he was a risk taker & a gunslinger. But so did a lot of qbs back then. Lancaster was another one who threw a lot of picks so would Jonas have lost his mind in anger? I think, from what I remember that Jonas was a cool cat. Not a lot bothered him on the field & he was always calm when he played. But wearing his jersey backwards? The refs would have told him to put it on the right way or be penalized. The dress code was a lot stricter back then. Look at the old pics of players right into the 90's. No bare skin anywhere except for the arms & forearms. That is unlike today. For example, a players shin had to be covered or there was a penalty on the field & a fine to the offending player. Today, we see players do that all the time with no consequences. Bare arms that show a player's delts & bare shins. I'm thinking as that was 50 years ago perhaps maybe it was a torn jersey he wore or one with another number. Then again, if that is a sweet Bomber memory for you & even if it did or didn't happen but you remember it that way then I'm fine with it.
  13. I'd be happy if the Olympics never came back. I wouldn't miss them.
  14. Both guys were way too old to do what they did.
  15. The Summer Olympics in Mexico City, Mexico were held in October 1968 because of the heat. It was cooler temp wise to have them in the fall. The Seoul Olympics in 1988 were also in September.
  16. It also depends how long the US-Canadian border is closed.
  17. The Riders have won the most Grey Cups in March. More than any other team. The problem is the game is played at the end of November.
  18. Well, considering Angie was in a wheelchair with mobility issues, when Kapp hit him & he fell backwards out of his chair he could have easily been seriously hurt. Both of them are too old for this & should have known better. I find it sad rather than funny. The picture here was taken moments after Mosca's hit in the 1963 Grey Cup took out Lions all star halfback Willie Fleming. The hatred runs deep & long with these 2.
  19. Just like we did in Saskatchewan last season. Going into the unfriendly confines of BC Place Stadium to win the 1984 Western Final. In those days, they'd get 59,000 fans to their games & noise was a real problem. Anyway, going down to BC Place, knocking off the arrogant Lions in front of their fans felt absolutely fantastic.
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