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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. The back end of our linebacking corps is both old & on the decline.
  2. Don't question The Trinity, you sinner.. That's every free agent. No one knows where they're going until they get an offer. They're all on the decline?
  3. Sign all the subs from your old team heading down yet wanting your team to be heading up. Great start, Goveia. What a lazy ass GM. Nothing will change in Hamilton.
  4. I think still playing at their age speaks to the lack of quality starters in the CFL. How many backup qbs on CFL teams are ready to step up to become bona fide starters or 'stars" at the qb position? I thought we might have some movement with a couple of young promising qbs like the kid in Montreal. I think he made a big mistake signing for less money than what he would have got as a free agent.
  5. Great research. Thanks for that. Of course, we're all waiting to see what the Jets do in the playoffs. Will they have a deep run or be blown out in 5 or 6 games in the first round?
  6. No, I don't. There's a few otthers here that do a great job carrying that themselves. Better than I do, I give as good as I get. I've been smacked around a lot here over the years. I just spit the blood out & keep getting off the mat. Collaros is 36 years old going on 37 on August 28th.
  7. Do some GMs like Ed Hervey overpay? I guess we'll find out if the $$$ he paid to Robbie Smith is the new normal or a 1 time thing. Was I advocating the Bombers sign all their free agents? No, but we lost a bunch & should have made signing Dobson a priority. If posters like Mike & Noeller are happy we draft & develop for other teams then good for them as it's becoming the new normal for us.
  8. This overpay business. Like the posters here supporting Walters are their own expert GMs which is laughable. It's not an overpay if the market says that's what the player is worth. Two years ago, when Gino Lewis & lawler signed their big contracts, fans were screaming overpay & that the market would correct itself. Receiver pay came down a bit but now it's right back up past what it was before. You want an elite CFL receiver, better be prepared to lay out some dough. So much for overpay. In our case, the salary cap went up 7% & we decided to ignore it. The Bombers have millions in the bank, Yet they refuse to pay for every high impact free agent they lost. They never had any intention of signing Lawler, Ford or Dobson. We get what we pay for.
  9. So, the best way to upgrade the OL quickly is to let Kevin Dobsonr sign with Hamilton.
  10. Do you actually think paying one player (Dobson) in free agency $200,000 was going to upset the salary cap apple cart? C'mon. And if it did, so what? This is pro football. The best get paid. The grizzled veterans know that. Dobson's young. Has potential. Guys like Neufeld won't make it thru training camp without having to take significant time off. Dobson is a road grader. Never missed a down last season. He was an All Star whether half you guys believed it or not. Now, he's in Hamilton & will probably be an anchor on their OL for years to come. We draft. We refuse to pay so we end up developing players for other teams. We are not a destination point anymore. Players do their time here & leave. Or won't sign here. We're devloping a reputation for being cheap.
  11. Yeah, we knew Ford was gone. They decided they didn't want lawler. Alright then, pay Dobson. A young guy with 18 regular season games, playoffs & grey Cup experience. As you say wbbfab, we seem to draft & develop now for other teams & Walters just shrugs his shoulders like it's no big deal. We don't have the depth anymore. Especially on the OL to just plug in the next guy to play.
  12. You forgot to include the SS for players that left. NEVER question the Trinity.
  13. That sums it up quite nicely. With Osh, it'll be, "Pull up a lawnchair. You're a veteran. You don't need to practice. Hey Neuf, Thomas get over here!"
  14. There was room for Dobson but Walters chose not to pay. Of all the free agents on this team, he was the one who should have been the most important. If you can't sign three then at least sign one. Dobson.
  15. It's nearly March. If we have holes now they won't get fixed by training camp.
  16. Ford just seems like a wasted pick. We drafted him in 2022. I can't remember if he was even here in 2022. Then he went on a year long NFL sojourn in 2023 & came back for one season last year. Ford became an all star & now has left for Edmonton because Walters doesn't feel CB's are worth what Edmonton paid. And Tyrell wanted to play with Tre. So, I won't fault Walters much on that. What I will fault is his unwillingness to pay players in certain positions like CB because Walters feel after a certain point it's an overpayment. Times have changed. Walters didn't want to pay Dobson what other CFL teams were willing to pay. To me, that was a mistake losing a potentially great young OL. We already have a veteran Center who may be the worst at his position in the CFL. Yet, he continues to play & draw a hefty salary for what he's worth. Kolankowski is who he is yet Walters & Osh seem satisfied with what he brings as a player. Why? We can all see his limitations yet he continues to play. Isn't that an overpayment of sorts? We allow someone like Dobson to walk because we don't want to pay what other teams will yet still overpay to keep Kolankowski as a starting Center. It makes no sense. So then, pay Dobson. Keep one quality free agent on our team. At least our OL would have been solidified. Nope, Walters lets Dobson walk. With at least $10 million sitting in the bank & the salary cap raised to $6.06 million plus an unexpected a windfall of $400 grand in salary cap money, we can't spend any more money?? As WBBFan said, all we're doing now is developing Canadian players for other teams. We draft them, they come here, play a year or two & leave with nothing positive to show for it. That has to stop. We need to reset & refocus as an organization. We have to be willing to re up our best young players. That should be the focus. I could give a **** about some over the hill player like Jake Thomas. who seemed to be a priority signing over Dobson. Where we used to be on top of things before. Now, there's a lot of failings.
  17. To me, our GM used to be on top of things always. Now, he seems to be behind on a lot of things. Walters has been that way since he had that contract dispute of sorts with Miller who signed him last minute before the 2024 season. That really seemed to set Walters & this organization back. Walters has never seemed the same since. He looks asleep at the switch half the time or disinterested. This thing with the salary cap blaming the players worrying they may re-allocate the $400,000 cap increase to pension benefits is mind boggling. He doesn't seem as accessible as he used to be with the media. This isn't the same guy who built this team into a two time Grey Cup champion anymore. He seems to have no plan. Fewer players want to come here. We're no longer a destination anymore. And for some strange reason, Miller & Walters have deceided to become cheap in a Grey Cup hosting year. All with about $10 million sitting in the bank. Go figure.
  18. Other articles are a lot clearer than that. Apaprently, Danny leaves New York to work for the Boston PD. he takes on a female partner whose family comes from a long line of cops similar to his family. I guess that means Baez is out of the picture as his wife.
  19. That's a very conffusing article. Is it or is it not a spinoff? People won't watch because it's a police family in Boston. They'll watch because it's Danny Reagan. The most interesting character on Blue Bloods was always Jamie. It would have been nice to give him a series to watch his career development. He'still many years away from being Commissioner of the NYPD but heading in that direction. When the announcement came down two years ago that Blue Bloods was ending despite winning Friday nights for 14 years & still going strong, I checked out of the series. I haven't watched since Season 13 & may never watch the final season 14a & b.
  20. I divided the new salary cap by 55 players. it still worked out to $110,182 average salary. However, we do know that some players like Zach & Brady Oliveira make more money than others so that skews things even more as each team has different players being paid big & small salaries. No doubt though things are better than they were a few years ago. Let's hope this growth continues as it's only a good thing for the CFL.
  21. Just musing here but also wondering how much of the "Trump Effect" will have on the growth of the CFL? At least in the short term as we don't know where things will go politically between the US & our nation. Will a good percentage of Canadian fans abandon their NFL teams in favour of watching the CFL because it is Canadian? Will fans begin to come back to the league because the 3 down version is truly our game? Meaning more fans in the stands, better tv ratings & increased revenues for teams & advertisers?
  22. Or things balance themselves out. They maintain that ratio & win 14 games.
  23. McCartney is one of these artists who really should retire as he can't sing anymore. The man is a billionaire. He doesn't need the money so he dosn't have to perform. Yet he still does. He'll probably keel over dead one day onstage. His warbling voice is horrible to listen to.
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