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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. The bottom line is the Bombers haven't won in 27 seasons. Not every season was a disaster. Both sides are right. Who cares, though? Why fight over something like that?
  2. When Rollins suffered his knee injury he was the best wrestler in the WWE. When he came back it was to a huge pop as a face but they kept him a heel. Now he's a face but he hasn't had one single belt since he came back & I don't know why. Now, it just looks like Seth's character is just being beaten down almost to the point of irrelevance.
  3. That bump that Elsworth took. Was that accidental? Speaking of Strowman, he can't even talk so I think there's hope for Cass yet.
  4. I don't think Cass absolutely needs Enzo now. Cass isn't as good on the stick as Enzo but Cass isn't that bad either. He's a big physical wrestler & can hold his own in the ring against other wrestlers. Stone Cold says Cass needs to be more mean & aggressive & he's right. He lacks experience & once he gets that he'll be a force. I think Cass needs to do a heel turn & be a loner. I also think the potential for Cass is much higher than it is for Enzo & it has nothing to do with height. Cass may be heavyweight champion in the future while Enzo will still be calling himself a "Certifiable G" as he's limited in what he can do as he's limited physically. So, in 5 years I think I'd rather be watching Cass than Enzo but that's my opinion, I guess. Did Elsworth ever take a bump from Strowman. So much for trusting a big guy like that not to hurt anyone. That toss out of the ring was bad.
  5. What was Enzo doing there? What a waste of a wrestler. He's good on the mic & that appears what is carrying him now. Cass should go it alone. He doesn't need that funny looking little elf.
  6. The chat is what sets this place apart from other sites. It would be a loss if it was taken away. My opinion anyway.
  7. What a world this is becoming. Law abiding people painted with the same brush. This is how democracy is crushed, folks. ******* Trump.
  8. Regina has a water treatment plant. You can drink the water. Life is good.
  9. I think Ricky Collins can be a real good CFL receiver but that Rider offense is going to struggle.
  10. This move is done within a week after the Grey Cup is played. Not now. This is when the Argos should be hiring a GM & not firing him. It would have been better to leave things alone at this late date.
  11. Yikes never saw the movie but....
  12. Brainiac signing by Duron Carter. No qb to throw him the ball.
  13. It seems people want change after one day in office for Trump. His approval rating is one of the lowest ever for a new President & he's not making friends with any leaders internationally so he's going to have a rough ride with very few political friends & allies. The demonstrations in Washington & in the US yesterday. If anything, the demonstrations will increase & not subside. Yesterday, a reportedly very angry Trump marched out White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to criticize & attack the media for reporting that the crowd for his inauguration was smaller than Obama's in 2009. If Trump thinks it's tough now just wait. It'll be interesting to see how Trump handles criticism. I suspect not very well.
  14. The Benoit killings & suicide was bizarre & sick. Very tragic.
  15. I think the fans on Raw told the WWE what they thought with their muted response. If the WWE wants to live in a fantasy world ignoring what people think that's their decision, I guess.
  16. Not everyone is into wrestling like you are. Not as many people care, either. This happened a long time ago & a lot of wrestling fans weren't born when this happened. People hear & read the stories about Snuka & just aren't sure. I can't say he did what he's accused of. Just like Ray Lewis in Baltimore. Did Lewis kill someone at that nightclub? We can speculate that he did but got off however we don't know for sure. Yet despite the questions, Lewis is still a popular NFL former player & had a gig on ESPN as an NFL analyst.
  17. Goalie is right. This happened in 1983. People don't know if he's guilty or not. He was as big a star as Bruno Sammartino at one time. That's why the muted response.
  18. How many Grey cups have the Riders won? Four? We've won 10 & you've had 26 years to catch up. Epic Fail.
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