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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. You give Pavlec no credit at all. Every save a fluke & every goal out of position. He. Won. Until he started we couldn't beat a girls bantam team. Your comments are really becoming a joke. #onetrickpony
  2. You really think it's that easy? The coaching staff saw something in Robert Marve & Brian Brohm in 2015 too.
  3. If Nichols goes down & we have to rely on an unproven backup it could be a disaster which is why the Bombers need a veteran backup. Can't risk a 14-4 season turning into a 4-14 season.
  4. Liability issues. The pending concussion lawsuit. I think it will get changed. At least I think it should.
  5. Loses more than he wins at PPV, talks in riddles... Nope, it was a great gimmick when it started. Now not so much...
  6. The Wyatts are getting old, fast. I hope what you say is true just to get rid of them for good.
  7. Now perhaps we can move on. Franklin's not coming here. He never was. Matt's the starter & is making the money most of us thought he should make starting in the $400's. My concern is now at the backup position & whether or not Davis is the guy to move up or they bring in another qb for competition at #2.
  8. The NFL moved up where the ball is kicked off because of injuries. The kickoff is the most dangerous play in football because of the wedge & it was for player protection. I expect the CFL to do the same at some point. KO return specialists will become extinct.
  9. Interesting. Did that occur in 1983?
  10. Were the charges stayed or thrown out?
  11. Took the WWE until the second hour of Raw to finally pay tribute to Jimmy Snuka.
  12. Just makes last week's move by Jones trading Durant to the Als for virtually nothing even more stupid. Other than Kevin Glenn, there's no decent veteran qbs left that are available out there for the Riders.
  13. Justin Dunk on 3 Down Nation: http://3downnation.com/2017/01/16/bombers-agree-terms-qb-matt-nichols-contract-extension/#comments
  14. Debatable. They need more than just a qb. A whole lot more & the qb they need has to be a superstar. That team is as bad as the Blue Bombers circa 2013.
  15. Wylie has gone back & forth between the NFL & CFL over the years. If it was just about money he'd never have come up here in the first place. Yet he has & he did. Cleveland over us? All I can say is best of luck. Hope he's not out of work this time next year.
  16. Details: http://www.bluebombers.com/2017/01/16/bombers-re-sign-receiver-darvin-adams/
  17. Why would he go to Cleveland seeing how bad their OL is & the high probability that Hue Jackson is fired after the 2017 season? Finally had a talented line here & he could have enjoyed coaching that unit with a team on the rise. Instead he'll be constantly putting out fires with the Browns who are the worst team in the NFL. I never understood these old coaches that seem to drift around from job to job to job. They never stay in one place too long & have sacrificed their health & personal life for that nomadic lifestyle. In the end, all they have is the game. To each his own I guess. You couldn't pay me to live like that.
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