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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Wylie has gone back & forth between the NFL & CFL over the years. If it was just about money he'd never have come up here in the first place. Yet he has & he did. Cleveland over us? All I can say is best of luck. Hope he's not out of work this time next year.
  2. Details: http://www.bluebombers.com/2017/01/16/bombers-re-sign-receiver-darvin-adams/
  3. Why would he go to Cleveland seeing how bad their OL is & the high probability that Hue Jackson is fired after the 2017 season? Finally had a talented line here & he could have enjoyed coaching that unit with a team on the rise. Instead he'll be constantly putting out fires with the Browns who are the worst team in the NFL. I never understood these old coaches that seem to drift around from job to job to job. They never stay in one place too long & have sacrificed their health & personal life for that nomadic lifestyle. In the end, all they have is the game. To each his own I guess. You couldn't pay me to live like that.
  4. There was no reason not to sign Durant. And Jones blaming him for just a 5 win season??
  5. Bob Wylie is the new OL coach for the Browns. May God have mercy on his soul. http://www.neosportsinsiders.com/browns-hire-new-offensive-line-coach-bob-wylie/
  6. Over the cliff for sure. Never understood why coaches like Jones have to be stubbornly arrogant to the point of being anal by wanting to bring in "their guys" & are willing to blow up their team to do it. Rather than fielding a team with the best players possible regardless of whether they were with that team or not before the new coach got there. If the Riders don't trade for Franklin then they'll have rookies at the qb position to choose from & Jones will ultimately be fired. Durant would have given the Riders the best chance to win now while trying to groom a successor. Now the Riders have absolutely nothing.
  7. Chris Jones is becoming a disaster. Doesn't have a clue how much Durant meant to the fans in Saskatchewan. They're going to turn on him if they haven't already. Just look at their qb situation now.
  8. Basically a bag of footballs for Durant. That's unreal. No starter???
  9. You're taking about officials here so yes, it's unclear.
  10. Exactly which is why he'll crash & burn.
  11. Just can't see Trump lasting 4 years. Certainly based on what I saw yesterday. He's a clown who'll be impeached.
  12. Get rid of the incidental contact after 5 yards. Amend the PI rules so it's not touch football. Both the receiver & defender have the right to the football so call it that way. Get rid of the coaches challenge except for blatant PI on both sides of the football only on the receiver or DB the ball was thrown to. No more fishing expeditions by coaches like Wally or Jason Maas looking for penalties somewhere else on the field. No more RTP challenges or whatever stupid situations coaches are allowed to challenge now. Limit the coaches challenge to one call only per half with no rewards of letting them have another if successful. Give the coaches team who unsuccessfully challenges a 15 yard penalty & a loss of down.
  13. I can only imagine the reaction of Rider fans if Durant is traded for Cato or Adams.
  14. Any of the great Canadian modern era journalists have been laid off or forced to retire the past decade. I don't even read newspapers anymore.
  15. I agree. Leaving the #2 position to an inexperienced qb is rolling the dice for the season. I think it's a mistake. If Davis was getting increased playing time & showing signs on the field of improving with his decision making & play on the field then I'd be okay with it but he hasn't. As to anyone who says the coaches see Davis everyday, I only need to remind you that until Davis plays meaningful snaps we have no idea if he can handle the pressure if Matt Nichols or another starter goes down for any length of time. This coaching staff also watched Drew Willy play badly for 6 games & did nothing until he was finally pulled & replaced permanently by Nichols.
  16. All these hits to the head are "clean". But everytime it happens in hockey just like in football there are parents who will see that & refuse to let their kids play those sports so the question becomes, do you let those hits continue?
  17. They're probably getting close with Matt Nichols. That's my feeling. Kyle Walters admitted they don't have the same cap space they had going into this off season compared to last. That not all players on the 2016 roster would be back. I think this is one of those moves. To create cap space they have to release or not sign veterans in order to sign the players they want already on the roster as well as free agents in a bit over a month's time.
  18. Whittaker's character while a minor one was still important. It's hard to keep track of all the names. Especially in this movie.
  19. I referenced it because I was watching that game when I posted that message. The Raiders entire season was flushed down the toilet because the backup qb Connor Cook didn't have the experience. Don't want to see the potential for that to happen here.
  20. Kevin Glenn is a FA but if they had signed him to a new contract then that would have been expensive or at least more expensive than re-signing Davis so his release does play into making room to sign Nichols under the cap for 2017. They wouldn't have been able to give all 3 qbs raises with new contract so I think it's a move to create space for the 2017 season in order to sign Matt Nichols.
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