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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. They're still struggling as a team. They're better but it shouldn't take a decade for a full rebuild just to make the playoffs.
  2. How long does an actual rebuild take, Like a decade, 15 years? We're now going into Year 7 & still are waiting. We need to see actual results & that's on coaching & management.
  3. Kelownabomberfan, he really has just appointed people he admired in the military, as well as his friends & billionaires from Wall Street. I don't see anyyone who stands out as being different from before. If anything, these advisors will be more influential than ever before & that's a scary thought.
  4. Ownership seems to kiss the ground Cheveldayoff walks on so unfortunately he is probably safe for many seasons to come. Future head coaches will be sacrificed as our genius GM keeps making promises of better things to come.
  5. Just shows there's not a bigger fool than a blind one. His supporters will still claim he drained the swamp. He can do no wrong right now. Give it 2 years.
  6. Okay, Goalie has won me over. Time to fire Maurice. That score is pretty bad & the Jets are going nowhere. Replacing Maurice will be Chevy's third head coach so if the firing happens he needs to be put on notice that this will be his last firing & subsequent hiring.
  7. We don't even play the backup qb so that's my entire point. Why worry about developing Davis when we never will once Nichols is signed?
  8. Okay true, but does O'Shea seem worried about Davis seeing any playing time for development purposes when he's 2 hits away from being the starter? He obviously isn't concerned.
  9. Marve's knees were shot like Joe Namath so thinking he may be the next starter didn't make a lot of sense as he didn't last very long once he played. He had the skill set but not the physical capability anymore with his 2 injured knees. Goltz just couldn't do it as he wasn't that good to begin with as we all saw once teams forced him to throw from the pocket. He couldn't read defenses & he was the epitomy of the 2013 season & why I never want to remember it again as long as I live.
  10. So, I don't get your point. You don't like my opinion about Davis saying it's not smart to sign someone else at #3 & that getting rid of him is precisely why the Bombers never develop our own qbs. I agree with you about that but disagreeing with me makes no sense when you should be questioning Walters & O'Shea for how they handle the backup qb position, especially O'Shea. After Willy was traded, they signed Kevin Glenn & made him the backup qb. They didn't promote Davis from #3 to #2 as you'd expect if they truly wanted to develop their own in house qb long term. Then after they signed Glenn in September he never played a single, solitary ground nor did Davis. With Nichols getting every snap after Willy was traded it meant Davis saw no action & he continued to languish on the bench at #3 behind Glenn. You can't develop a qb standing on the sidelines holding a clipboard. Only getting on the field in meaningful situations would have made Davis a better player. So, if he isn't seeing any playing time why bother "developing" him as O'Shea doesn't think Davis is important enough to be the actual #2 or get any meaningful playing time? The Bombers created this hierarchy at qb. O'Shea just makes it worse when he plays the starter the entire way Marc Trestman played Calvillo. There was no qb development with the Als under Trestman either. So like I said, get on the Head coach's case if you want the Bombers to develop Davis.
  11. Why is it ridiculous? He's played in the league since 2014, started 1 game & is now negotiating his second contract which will mean more money. The team will have to first sign Nichols & then see if they bring back Glenn which I think is a high probability so why give Davis more money for holding a clipboard when they can bring in a cheaper option for the #3 qb position? If there's a salary move at the qb position it'll either be Glenn or Davis.
  12. I agree entirely Mark. I don't like Trump but the dissatisfaction in the Rust Belt States & White America is quite clear. The Democrats thought the White Vote was unimportant as did most political pundits. They felt the Woman's Vote, Latino & Black Vote would get Clinton elected but on Election Day they all stayed home which in itself was incredible. The White Vote came out strongly that day & got Trump elected. Like I said, I don't like Trump at all but his election strategists sure called it right on November 8th. They won the States he needed to win & got the EC vote. Now America, you got the government you deserve.
  13. Some here I noticed seem to think that Nichols is a poor qb & state that he's not worth the money he'll probably get from the Bombers. They feel that any other qb is better. I have heard names like Rakeem Cato & Franklin being thrown around for good measure. They are willing to ditch Nichols & hand the team over to an inexperienced qb in Franklin. They seem to think that to overpaying & trading for Franklin with draft picks & starters is a good thing. OTOH, they feel that paying Nichols anywhere close to what he wants is a bad thing. A CFL qb's salary is not guaranteed so if necessary he can be released if there are no takers in a trade. However, oonce we trade players & draft picks there's no way going back. As far as Davis goes, he's in a bad situation with O'Shea as he'll never play & if he really desires to become a starter he has to leave the Bombers & look for opportunities elsewhere. That'swhy I think arguing about the 3rd string qb position isn't that important. Davis is interchangeable.
  14. Why worry about a player like Davis who'll never start here because the coaches don't want him to? Nichols will probably sign &/or Glenn comes back. Judging by the way O'Shea plays his backup qbs & the lack of time they get we could get by with just about anyone. There are bigger concerns than a third string qb & posters getting bent out of shape over it if a fan like myself doesn't think he's that good.
  15. Obama gave us Trump. He truly alienated the right wing white vote that no one felt was important. Trump saw that & exploited it. Were the Dems & everyone else wrong. Outgoing Presidents seem to carry the popular vote. Lots of Presidents & Prime Ministers would be very happy with a 49% approval rating nationwide.
  16. I'd be happy to have Nichols & Glenn back & bring in a new 3rd stringer. Davis has been in the CFL for 3 seasons now & other than playing in a meaningless last regular season game in 2015 hasn't done anything to show that he is a long term starter. Time to bring in another developmental qb.
  17. Obama gave us Trump. He was that bad. Kerry lecturing the Israelis on settlements was just so stupid with 3 weeks left to the change of the Presidency. Obama can try to sign into law as many bills as he likes before he leaves the White House but with Congress & Senate controlled by the Repubs as many laws as possible will be struck down by Trump when he take over. Like the Keystone Pipeline.
  18. Nichols had Glenn looking over his shoulder & he never saw the field. O'Shea picks & his starter & sticks with him as long as he plays well. Even then it would take Mike 6-8 games to make a change so I don't think Nichols would ever have to worry about Franklin. I'll state this again, it'll take our first pick & at at least one of our dominant starters, maybe 2 to pry the kid out of Edmonton. That's too steep a price to pay in my opinion. I think people here would change their tune if they actually knew what Hervey would want for an unproven Franklin. Who, if he is so good would be gone from the Bombers in 2-3 seasons to the NFL.
  19. So, fans should burn their Dieter Brock jerseys?
  20. The opposition in 2008 were planning on forming a coalition government to oust Harper in a coup & at the time the recession had just got started. Harper had a completely different budget but was forced by the Libs, NDP & Bloq to rip it up & go from an austerity budget to deficit spending.
  21. Some posters here (not all) get carried away with their political beliefs & threads like this become shouting matches. The election is over & Trump is President so it doesn't matter about the popular vote anymore. Time to move on. I despise Trump but the US election was nearly 2 months ago.
  22. In this rendition of the Jets. The Jets 1.0 drafted Dave Babych & Dale Hawerchuk.
  23. "Progressive" Conservatives like Clark, McDonald & later the Brian Mulroney coalition-umbrella gave us nearly two additional decades of Liberal rule going into the mid 2000's after 1980. Liberals love to promise the world & spend, spend, spend as well as raise taxes. That's what progressives do & how they roll.
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