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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Sorry, but I disagree. Remember that Nichols saved Walters & O'Shea's careers. They're loyal & he'll get paid.
  2. Quarterback salaries are going up whether fans like it or not. They may think that $400,000 a year is too much but the real elites in the CFL will be making a half million a year. My advice to Bomber fans? Stop hoping Kyle Walters will sign Nichols for less than $400,000 a year as he won't. No capable free agent starter like Durant will come here for less, they'll want more. Nichols has said that he wanted $450,000 a year. That means he won't sign for under 4. They can negotiate anywhere between 4 & 450 but it won't be under 4.
  3. LOL! If Durant signs in Saskatchewan or leaves as a free agent & signs somewhere else & then Nichols leaves here as well it won't just be quarterbacking that stinks with the Bombers. It'll be all over before it starts. Hello, 2015. How've ya been?
  4. The game was always in reach & it's disappointing how bad our defensive coverages are & had been the entire season. It really showed how exposed our defense was. I'd be really happy if Ritchie Hall was replaced. If we had just an average defense in the playoffs I believe that we would have defeated the Lions. I thought Nichols was solid that game. I pin the loss on Ritchie Hall & his defense.
  5. A bad shoulder doesn't cause a breakdown of throwing mechanics, weakness, a loss of strength & pain? You have no idea what you're talking about.
  6. Our defense choked. Our Head Coach choked on that call but he's too stubborn to admit a mistake. O'Shea deserves a new contract but I'm concerned his huge ego & arrogance will mean he'll never learn from his mistakes.
  7. We lost the WDSF not because of Nichols but because our defense played soft coverage all season & MOS didn't go for it on 3rd & 4. Trying instead for a 61 yard FG (which aside from Dave Dickenson's brutal call on the 2 yard line in the Grey Cup) was the dumbest call made by a head coach in the CFL this season. At least Dickenson owned it but O'Shea didn't as he said that he'd make the same decision again & again. Somehow that's Nichols fault.
  8. Sorry, for reasons already stated, I don't agree.
  9. If you're hitching your wagon on signing Durant & letting Nichols go that's a huge risk. First, you're assuming he'll be available. Second, how do you know he comes here if the Als want to sign him as there'll be a bidding war. Now, it's $500,000 instead of $400-$425,000 that Nichols would sign for. Lastly, at age 35 or 36 with his injuries I hardly see how that's a win for the Bombers signing him.
  10. Michael Bishop??? Now this discussion is just getting ridiculous.
  11. Why do you think Franklin is obvious? What has he proven? Like Willy, when we signed him he has no starting experience & you want to hand the reigns of the team to him? We've already been through that failed experiment. Cato? One of the worst qbs in the CFL subject to multi meltdowns when things get hard. My gosh, think about it, Goalie. Do you want the worst starting CFL qb the past 2 seasons in Cato to take over for Nichols or an unknown in Franklin who is under contract to the Eskimos? To to get Franklin would mean giving up our first pick in the draft & probably a starter as well? The smart move is to sign Nichols & to use our first pick to hopefully get another starting Canadian & depth with the 6th pick.
  12. They might & probably do. Fresno State is a smaller program than say, USC. They wouldn't have the budget to really pay what top coordinators would make in the NCAA. But if successful, it gets Steinhauer on the map to get a better paying gig at a bigger program & maybe even consideration for a head coaching position at some point.
  13. Toronto FC players complaining that the condition of the field at BMO was the reason they lost to Seattle in the league final. Soccer players are Divas anyway as they are always faking injuries. The MLS has a lot of blame in this. Playing the championship game in mid December may be the reason the field was in poor shape as it could never recover from the Grey Cup. How ridiculous. Grass doesn't grow in December in Canada & the Northern US. They should start & end the season a month earlier.
  14. Steinhauer to Fresno State as DC? I guess teams passed on him & he grew tired of waiting to be a head coach. He'll do well down there. Now what bright coach will be hired to be the DC in Hamilton? We're all hoping it's Ritchie Hall.
  15. You don't ask for much, do you? Is finding the next great qb out there something like picking blueberries?
  16. I don't think Mack will ever be back as Miller doesn't think much of him nor does Walters. I doubt if he'd work for the Bombers again anyway. His entire body of work as a GM resulted in the 2013 Blue Bombers & that is what he should forever be judged on.
  17. Nichols Haters be like, "I wish I could touch the sky".
  18. Well, if you own a home you really don't have a choice unless you want to pay a company to do it which is expensive. I think your age estimation is a bit early. More like 70, I'd think. I did my parents sidewalk from the time I was about 13 & continued doing it after I was married until my father had to sell our house because of health reasons. I lived in an apartment so it's not like I was doing a lot of shovelling where I lived.
  19. There's Montreal. Maybe the Argos. It's not like all doors are closed to him. I'd even say Saskatchewan but I highly doubt Nichols wants to deal with Chris Jones again.
  20. All the people who want to dump Nichols. Amazing how fast people forget 2013, 14 & 15.
  21. I wonder if it's now appropriate to ask how Jason Boltus would have done behind that line? Maybe we threw away a superstar & didn't know it.
  22. Maccioccia has a tenured position at U of Montreal. Too give that up to be the Montreal Als President is very risky. He's smart to stay where he is.
  23. No, don't think that. You may be right & as time goes on it is looking like Maurice may be fired. However you are complaining about coaching on just about every message you post in the Jets Forum here. I'm just saying you don't have to tell us everytime as we posters here already know your feelings. #pokingthebear
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