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Everything posted by TheSource

  1. Streveler because it is harder to dominate at the QB skill position
  2. He's good. And that fumble aside, this is a QB made for the CFL with the ability to both run and pass accurately Hope he gets more playing time this year.
  3. Looks like Bombers have done a better job in finding some receivers this year... Again, Streveler looks good. He should be #2
  4. Streveler should be #2 as he seems to be able to control himself where Ross does not seem to get his Adrenalin under control in real games.
  5. Streveler looks like a gamer. So does Augustine...
  6. If Jake Thomas was the Bombers biggest problem, they'd be the top team in the league Always thought he did a decent job
  7. Good call by the Bombers picking up Bowman though. Most prognosticators figured he is on the down side of his career, but he may not be done yet...
  8. Yes, this is actually a significant problem and a big cause for concern that Nichols will be injured sooner rather than later. Bombers would do well to just put Spooner in there and live with what they get. Neufeld is terrible and Coture is not physical enough.
  9. Good call. At 29 and coming off a stint in the NFL I think he will be in the prime of his career. The only question will be if he needs to shed some weight to regain quickness.
  10. Time to let this thread die. In the long run Durant has done the Bombers a favor. The remainder of his money may have been the difference in signing Bighill, and down the road Bombers will be further ahead if one of the rookie backups develops this year.
  11. I have to say that this is a great move, and defensively it will make the Bombers much better. Kudos to Walters this time for using whatever he had left under the cap after the Durant fiasco to make this happen. Bighill is the type of player who will fit in well with the character of this team, and other than the ratio implications, is a much better pickup for the Bombers than Muamba would have been. I like it!
  12. https://www.widenerpride.com/staff.aspx?staff=217
  13. Good Times... LOL But it wasn't all just Mike's fault. Too much change on a team in too short a time.
  14. Yeah I see that now, you are right, but I'd still make a case to the league to be forgiven that 70K against the cap. Bombers will make a profit this year like last, so the amount of the loss is not the biggest issue, the fact that it counts against the cap is the issue. If they could get that forgiven, then they would be in better shape to use that money later in the year. Talking about offseason rule changes next year, they should write in a rule that signing bonus money does not count against the cap if the player retires before the regular season starts. Overall, I think that would only help all the teams in the league in situations such as this.
  15. Just for the record, Durant is classless and a nasty piece of work. It actually seems he had an agenda to harm the Winnipeg franchise as evidenced by that taunting tweet above, and if I were the Bombers, I'd make a case to that effect and go to the league and ask them to forgive that bonus money against the cap because the contract was not negotiated in good faith. Under contract law, they have a right to do so if there is evidence to that effect such as the tweet above and his comments to Peterson. I share the sentiment of many here and sympathize. Bombers do not deserve this.
  16. Not sure any of those "experienced" half-pulse options would be any better than the two rookies they are bringing in. I'd stick with the 2 players they scouted and invest everything in them. I know it never happens in the modern CFL, but what I think would be great is if the Bombers committed to giving those 2 rookies some game reps this year before they are forced to do it when Nichols goes down. Similar to the backup coming in to run sneaks, they should set up a policy where the backup comes in for every 2nd series when the team is up by more than 14 pts or down by more than 17 pts and then run with that all season long. I'd also look at giving the backups some playing time in other situations as well, such as the 1st game of the season, or times when Nichols is unable to move the ball. This worked well in the era of Clements and Hufnagel, but no one does it now except for Chris Jones, although I think it would still work and othe rteams should take his lead on how he runs things.
  17. Not trolling. I just don't like Walters approach. I do like many other things about the team though.
  18. Certainly this is a classless move by Durant, but the whole deal is still on Walters and I would hold him accountable for this incompetence if I were upper management. It was Walters who went so tight in the negotiations with Durant that he pissed him off, and here is the result. And yet that money they spent in signing bonus is the difference in signing Muamba, Westerman, or some other impact Cdn talent. When a few more of Walters missteps come to light, such as the decision to cheap out in key areas such as Oline and DB, Bombers could be in really rough shape this year, particularly when they play Nuefeld on the OLine and Nichols is seroiusly hurt by week 5. Well at least Walters will be happy because now he can show management that he will operate the team way under the cap for the year. Should be the best year of all for savings under the cap for the Bombers which is extra money they can return to the BOD.
  19. Congrats to the Jets and their fans. This is a long overdue moment to have a team that comes through in the big games. Really makes up for those years in 80's and 90's when they had good teams that could never get over the hump, and makes this accomplishment all the sweeter.
  20. Definitely hate what Walters did this draft, or to put it better, what he didn't do. Every other team tries to significantly improve every off season. Can't see how this years draft efforts are going to even remotely help to do that. I think that Simonize is going to be Addison Richards 2.0 and that is the highlight. It just gets ugly after that. Still think Bombers Cdn depth is going to be tested this year - and found to be way too thin. The team may do well, but I think there is also a good chance they will significantly regress, and when you couple that with every other team solidly improving this off season, it may not be BCs draft pick that give them the top pick next year.
  21. Mike Kelly sounds good to me! The players that he and "the database" brought in were the main reason they went to the Grey Cup a few years later.
  22. Well, ya kinda got me there... I do however respect your opinion very much on this board so I am interested to see how things work out. I really do hope that things work out as Walters expects - would be nice to see the Bombers very competitive again this year.
  23. I don't like it at all - it is a very passive move, and is in keeping with Walter's other very passive activities this off season. You'd think from the way the Bombers and their fans are acting that they have - hands down - the best Cdn content in the league by far... even after having one of the best Cdns on the team in Westerman stolen from them by a team that has more drive and gumption, and then passing on one of the greatest Cdn talents in the league in Muamba. On the contrary, I think this season is going to show that the Bomber Cdn content is again sub-par unless the gamble on some of the unproven Cdns Bombers picked up in FA, and some of the 2nd stringers Bombers have acquired over the last 3 years start to step it up. If not, I don't see how this team can be anywhere close to where they were last year.
  24. I am sold on OShea now and most of the core of players. If this season turns out to be just as good as last, I'll have more faith in Walters judgement. They just need to demonstrate that they do not go backwards again after one good year.
  25. Fair enough. You could very well be right if the moves work out. It is all just speculation for fun.
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